celiac and me

Munkee39 Posts: 4
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Good morning (is it still morning?) I joined this site as a way to gain weight - sorry for all of you who would happily smack me right now. A year ago I was diagnosed with Celiac disease - I had been terribly ill - everything I ate went right through me with extreme pain - and I was losing weight at a rapid pace (weighed 78lbs at my lowest) and had no energy (go figure). Numerous doctors appointments and tests turned up nothing (other then all my minerals were low...surprise) when a friend suggested I see a Naturopath. God bless her - because she took one look at me, listened to my symptoms & said you had a wheat/gluten allergy - quick blood test an lo & behold - celiac! It has taken me almost 10 months to gain 22 lbs. I still need to gain about 5 more until I'm at a healthy weight.

Luckily on a gluten-free diet my symptoms have disappeared, but, on a gluten-free diet its also very difficult (or at least I am finding it so) to gain more weight. I have always eaten "healthy" - fruits, veggies, lean meat as I was a competitive athlete in my glory days, and those are habits of a lifetime -- but I'm wiling to try anything (as long as its gluten free!)


  • MaximumAngelus
    MaximumAngelus Posts: 10 Member
    I know a quick way is to eat something like a meal replacement bar or drink a slim-fast and eat a normal meal on top of that. that's just the first thing that comes to mind.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Welcome! I know nothing about Celiac, but I commend you for getting on here!
  • Oh goodness, good luck with everything! Because I have so many allergies (including to food), at one point in my life they thought that I also had celiac- due to opposite (I gained 35 pounds on two separate occasions between 1-3 mths each time). Going on a gluten-free diet for a month was extremely hard- it is amazing how many foods/products contain glutens! Nothing budged for me, and my blood tests came back clean- whew, so I happily went back to wheats, but I have to tell you that I can see why glutens are hard on our bodies... Although coming off of them produced no results, going back on them was painful... My body had difficulty processing them after a month "off"... Hopefully you have found some good resources and recipes for gluten-free. Hope that you're feeling better and gaining weight healthily as well.
  • readingmomma
    readingmomma Posts: 5 Member
    Most of my family has celiac. So, I am familiar with it. I know all of them are skin and bone pretty much...but can ask what they can do to gain weight. If I find anything out, I'll get back to you.:smile:
  • readingmomma
    readingmomma Posts: 5 Member
    Those items aren't gluten free
  • Good for you! My son is GF, has been for 10.5 years! I know it is sooooo hard, but it is soooooooo worth it! He was a sick, sick litlle baby, and now, nothing holds him back! he participates in everything, including scout camps, hunting, sports. And people really are so helpful! He is now 12 & I will admit it is hard to keep the kid full, but I have been buying Carnation Instant Breakfasts, He loves those & with a breakfast it seems to help him make it till lunch! GOOD LUCK TO YA! I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER & GET HEALTHY!
  • My best friend is in the same boat. At first she lost a great deal of weight, but now she is maintaining and looks perfectly healthy. She has it a bit worse though, she is allergic to dairy, eggs, and peanuts...basically everything lol. Luckily we live in an area that has grocery stores that have large gluten-free sections. Mainly she eats a lot of protein and veggies. I make her meals and cookies when I can find a mix that is appropriate for her dietary needs. I know it is very hard, but you will get there! :) It's all about finding the balance. When we go out for lunch she gets fresh spring rolls or rice with chicken/beef/pork...because she is allergic to wheat she uses different sauces. We have pizza places that have gluten-free dough and they will put on all toppings and no cheese on her pizzas. It's a learning process for sure. Good luck!
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