'Ideal Weight' Ideas ..

Hey :)

My name is alma , im 5'9 and a female. I would like to get some ideas on what my ideal weight would be. I have a big bone structure , wide hips with a thin waist , large boobs and bum etc and broad shoulders. Thats the kind of trend in my family.

Ive looked online and ive seen my weight to be 65-75. (kg) Ideally i would like to look slim , not unhealthy but fit into a size 10.
I am tall and i realise this and i dont want to look unhealthy. I feel like the ones online are not really specific and for people with a 'normal' structure.

What weight do you think would be good for me ?

Thanks so much !


  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Hey, I am the same build as you just an inch shorter, i am aiming for 11 stone, maybe you could aim for 11.5?
  • ndaney
    ndaney Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there!

    I have exactly the same sort of body shape. I have lost and gained weight over the years with the birth of my two children. I think the happiest weight I was at that was easy to maintain was about 170lbs. Anything below that was hard to keep off.

    I have 30 lbs to go right now to get to that goal weight. Working hard and love MFP as it is really helping me keep on track. Best of luck with your goals.
  • Crewlovediva
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    I'd aim for bmi 24 which is 65kg for yourself, but if you're doing lots of resistance training you migth find yourself fitting in to your size10's before that.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    for ideal weight since you are a female.. you start off with 100 pounds for you being 5 foot... and then add 5 pounds for every inch after that... so you should be around 145 pounds give or take about 6 pounds... so if you are in that range you are good!!
    Hey :)

    My name is alma , im 5'9 and a female. I would like to get some ideas on what my ideal weight would be. I have a big bone structure , wide hips with a thin waist , large boobs and bum etc and broad shoulders. Thats the kind of trend in my family.

    Ive looked online and ive seen my weight to be 65-75. (kg) Ideally i would like to look slim , not unhealthy but fit into a size 10.
    I am tall and i realise this and i dont want to look unhealthy. I feel like the ones online are not really specific and for people with a 'normal' structure.

    What weight do you think would be good for me ?

    Thanks so much !
  • greenie
    greenie Posts: 47 Member
    I am 5'10" and at 165 (75 kg) I was between size 10 and 12. I think your build makes a big difference. I was an athlete and quite muscular. I have had friends the same height who thought I weighed 20 lbs less. Sounds like a good goal and best of luck in your journey!
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    I'm very similar build-wise and aiming for 165lbs (75kg) and a size 8/10 (currently 175lbs, borderline size 10/12 and started at 183lbs). Don't listen to the 145lb-ers, I swam varsity back in the day and was burning upwards of 5000 calories a day and never got below 153lbs, nor would I want to, it's too skinny for my build. The 160s are probably a good place, especially if you still want curves. ;)

    Good luck! :D
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    5'9 and 143 pounds (65kg) is a BMI of 21.12. That's slender and healthy. 75kg is a BMI of 24.36, which is on the higher end of healthy. Be aware that BMI doesn't take into account BF% so a good way to gauge your goal might be to first get to the 75kg point and then check your BF level. If it's around 20-25% then it's perfectly healthy and slender. If it's above that you might consider taking up more weight lifting and losing until you're comfortable with the way you look and feel.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Hi, I'm a similar height (5.8) and build.. I have big breasts (always E-GG cup, so bigger than average even when slim) and have very big hands and feet (UK size 9 feet), as well as a broad back.

    I know that when I was younger, I found it very hard to maintain less than 70kg. At that weight, I was between a UK size 10 and a 12 (a size 11 was a perfect fit, when I could actually find it!), at the waist.

    I'm aiming for about that weight, but my plan has been to evaluate and re-evaluate as my weight goes down.
  • almawr
    almawr Posts: 77
    Wow i didnt realise i would get such a response .
    Thankyou so much , please feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
    I think im going to do 70 kg and see how i feel and look when i get there!
    Thanks :)