Quitting Smoking



  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I have quit more times than I care to think about! I took wellbutrin (same as chantix pretty much) and it did AMAZING things for me. It just like cut the string in my head that pulls every time something would usually trigger a craving. I also took a month off from drinking which was so important since that is my #1 trigger. I went cold turkey this time. I quit in February and slipped up a bit when I was in Europe (maybe had 5 cigs in 2 weeks) but haven't had any since. Best part is I actually dropped a LOT of weight when I quit. Smoking kills more people than obesity. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    First of all...you aren't going to quit, unless you actually WANT to quit and are READY to resist temptation. I quit last year for 5 months, cold turkey. I haven't smoked for 3 weeks now. The first 3 days are the hardest because of withdraw...you just have to find something to take your mind off of it...like for me, going to the gym...I tried the gum, it made me sick to my stomach. I quit cold turkey every time, and just had to motivate myself NOT to smoke. I've even been around other people who did smoke since...It was tough, but I didn't ask for a smoke...Just be brave, and stay away from the store...find something else to do, and don't let it take you over.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    I quit the day I got pregnant. I hate smoke now. HATE it.

    I did crave it and dream about it while I was pregnant though. Now and again I will get really stressed and think "Man, I could smoke one" then I remember that if I do it ONCE I will be right back where I am.

    Edited to add... I found out I was pregnant on Columbus Day 2008!! So I guess it's been 3 years exactly. Not that I pay much attention or even really think about it all that much. It's mostly just something I did that I don't do anymore.