Need advice from runners and joggers about shoes



  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    And thanks to the person who said not o change shoes on race day, but how / when should I transition? Also when I buy real running shoes, can I wear them for other activities like spinning or aerobics, or just running? What about walking?

    Again, ask the professionals. I usually give myself at least 2-3 weeks in new shoes before I race a long race. I'm running a 1/2 marathon on November 20 and I'm buying new shoes on October 16. I will get at least 4 weeks of training in them before racing. If you find a shoe that you like, you might be able to just buy a 2nd new pair and jump right in, but if it's a new style, you want to make sure that it doesn't cause any blisters or rubbing in the wrong places. That would be a bummer on race day!

    I wear my running shoes for all activity, which is probably not good. You will probably be guided to buy at least 1/2 size larger than you wear in a normal shoe since when you run, your foot swells and needs room to spread out. I buy them a full size larger for the longer distances, which gives a lot of room for my foot to slip around during an aerobics class. I guess it just depends on how it feels for you. After I drop $120-150 on a pair of shoes, I kind of want to wear them a lot. :laugh:
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    I found out awhile ago what kind of foot I have, and went from there. Here's a guide for you. Personally, I think that's the most important part, knowing if you pronate or supinate or whatever....

    Once you know what you're looking for, you don't really need to bother with a sales person. My current pair, I went to a running store and just looked and looked at the bottom of the shoes, and I ended up picking out of Nikes. I was on the Nike website later and discovered a shoe fit tool, and it turned out I'd picked out exactly what the website recommended.

    I wear my shoes on the elliptical, which I thought maybe I shouldn't, since I did shell out a lot of money for them. But I discovered that the tread hasn't been wearing down much, so I'm not to worried about wearing them during other activities. BUT I DO ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY WEAR THEM AT THE GYM. Never for anything else, ever. I don't even bike home from the gym in them.