1200 cals



  • teear
    teear Posts: 6 Member
    1200 calories isn't a lot at all...don't be scared. As long as they are healthy calories, you'll be fine. Anything less than that really isn't healthy for your body, you begin to store fat because your body isn't getting enough...enjoy your 1200.
  • teear
    teear Posts: 6 Member
    Dont be scared! :D calories 101 says that if you burn as many as you eat then you'll be good. But if you took the Calories 202 class you'll learn that whats also important is they TYPE of calories your burning. For instance... 1 cake = 1200 calories... but so do 3 balanced meals with plenty of protein and fiber (see what I'm getting at?). My goal (for weight loss) is 1500. There are days where I eat 1300 and feel terrible bc it was friend chicken, candy, and soda or whatever. and days where I've eaten 1600 but feel great becuase it was lean proteins, complex carbs, and TONS of veggies! Realize that certain foods take MORE energy just to digest them proteins and fiberous foods) while others take much less (sugars). ALSO, certains foods will be put to good use throughout your body - for muscle rebuilding, join lubercation, even fat burning processes! While others are just going to give you quick energy and then the rest stored as fat bc it cant be used for anything else.

    I think you're ready to take the next step and start looking at your calories as more than just CALORIES. What are those things your eating doing to benefit your body? If its only to provide energy... maybe you dont need it. But if it also has a primary (or secondary) purpose of providing vitimins, proteins, fiber, then its prolly better for you anyway than something of the same caloric value. What everone is saying about going into starvation mode is TRUE though... even if you're eating all those good for you foods, if your body isn't getting enough of what it needs it wont put those good nutritions to good use, its going to store it as fat bc thats what our bodies are designed to do when we're not getting enough nutrition.

    #1 priority of our bodies is to ensure we have enough energy to move around and keep essential processess working (heart pumping.. lungs breathing.. etc).
    #2 priority is reparing damaged area of our body (we damage our bodys EVERYDAY just by living, so this rebuilding process is happening constantly.. but not if the body is focused on storing energy)
    #3 priority is fat burning (these of course are broken down in basic forms) this wont happen unless your doing enough for your body to let them other 2 happen. So - dont starve yourself, its actually counter-productive in the long run.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    starvation mode is a myth...think about anorexics and bulimics. They net close to 0 calories, do their bodies look like they're clinging to fat? Not at all.

    They have a host of other health problems, but that's neither here nor there.

    But yes, 1200 is quite low...though everyone's caloric needs are different. If you feel good, have enough energy, are in a positive mood, and your mind feels active, then 1200 may be enough for you. If not, then maybe you should up it a bit.

    I am comfortable consuming 1200 in a day, every once in a while my net calories are under 500 for a day (after exercise I mean - I run a lot). But I also have those days when I get ravenously hungry and eat a ton...and my muscles usually bulge after a day like that. Also, I do find that my runs are a lot easier if I have eaten well for the past 24 hours.

    Best to feel it out to see what's best for you, as long as you know the facts in either case.

    Also make sure you're taking a multivitamin and a fish-oil supplement.

    Anorexic people do not cling on to fat or muscle because there is none to hold on to. Their body has consumed it's self and they are not much more than skin and bone. I do not believe the starvation point is a myth on an other wise healthy person. It is nature verses nurture. Your body will prepare for a famine when you drastically cut your intake of calories which means it will hold on to fat just to survive. Go to tools and look at BMR - that's how many calories your body needs just to survive if you do nothing but stay in bed 24/7.
  • karisbear
    karisbear Posts: 64 Member
    Dunno how u do it im struggling not to go over!!!! Im sooo hungry