Knee issue

Ok , so I made it through the plantar fasciitis and was well on my way only to be coupled with a very painful knee. I started the c25k and have started week two today. The problem is my knee hurts below the actual knee cap. Could it just be runners knee or what? So sickened that I have let my body get so out of shape that now I am paying for it with the onset of injuries while trying to get in shape! Ugghhh..... Any ideas? I have bought a knee support and will try that and I am already icing the darned thing. It actually feels like a huge bruise but I see nothing.


  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    i would go check with a doctor....i hurt my knee gosh 4 months ago now....dislocated/fractured/ripped it so i really hurt myself. and in that time i've managed to still drop 30 lbs. its possible to get in shape and such without exercise. but I would take it easy and go to a doctor before working it too hard.

    Knees are so important you dont want to damage it because I'm looking down the barrel of the surgery gun (mostly thanks to stupid nurses and a mean physical therapist) and you dont want to be's not fun.
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Sue,

    I really recommend seeing a physio. I have ongoing injuries with my knees (And feet, and hips etc etc) And sometimes it is as simple as doing some regular prescribed exercises to clear things up :)

  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Definitely check in with medical. People who were sedentary decide they are going to jump right into extreme exercise which is a bad idea. Strength training first, then more extreme exercises as you strengthen the muscles around the joints.
  • winslow44238
    It could be a simple shin spint, or tendon issue. I also recommend seeing someone though. I've been strugling with my knee since July 5th motorcycle accident. There are lots of things that could go on in there that require a specialist to diagnose. I had an MRI to check for a meniscus tear which is supposedly a very common knee ailment. I couldn't help but think it sounded silly though. Sounded like someone would order a plate of miniscus and gravy to me! Funny names for things doctors talk about. Anyway, take it easy, ice and see the doc. They can tell if a tendon is pulled, or things are out of alignment, or whatever, and you will be back on the road in no time.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    i would go check with a doctor....i hurt my knee gosh 4 months ago now....dislocated/fractured/ripped it so i really hurt myself. and in that time i've managed to still drop 30 lbs. its possible to get in shape and such without exercise. but I would take it easy and go to a doctor before working it too hard.

    Knees are so important you dont want to damage it because I'm looking down the barrel of the surgery gun (mostly thanks to stupid nurses and a mean physical therapist) and you dont want to be's not fun.

    People need to educate themselves more so they avoid injuries to start with and be an informed patient engaged with a team of medical workers. No one is perfect, medical staff are often overworked and stressed out. Be your own best advocate!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Double post!
  • Suepop1994
    Ugh.... I really feel like I am getting disheartened with this whole exercise thing. I am seeing huge improvements and have lost over 21lbs since starting two months ago. 13 with just MFP. I want to succeed and have been to the doctor 2 already in less than a month. First or plantar fasciitis and once for pain in my calf associated with a varicose vein. I understand starting to fast but I feel like I started slow and worked up to starting the c25k. I will go to the doctor but feel like a big fat failure. Maybe he can give me a discount as I have spent more time there this last month while getting in shape than I have in the last year while I was fat! lmol
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I have the same issue and I would also recommend seeing a doc. I have tendinitis and bone spurs in my right knee. Nothing overly bad, but I can no longer run or jump. The elliptical is my friend, as is weight training (not so much on my legs, but arms and light resistance on the legs). I hope you heal quickly!
  • Suepop1994
    Well the dr thinks my knee pain is bursitis. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory's. So frustrated as I was just into week two of c25k and loving it. I have been losing weight like crazy and have learned to push myself physically. I just want to scream really! Any suggestions of cardio that I do not use my knees for?! Ugghhh......
  • kerriavr
    kerriavr Posts: 20 Member
    Well the dr thinks my knee pain is bursitis. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory's. So frustrated as I was just into week two of c25k and loving it. I have been losing weight like crazy and have learned to push myself physically. I just want to scream really! Any suggestions of cardio that I do not use my knees for?! Ugghhh......

    I don't know it's technical name, but there is a machine that's looks like a bike for your upper body. I used it for rehab of my shoulder, but I knew a lot of people with bad knees that used it for cardio.