Is fruit an exception??

For the month of October, I'm on a sugar fast (no sugar, no sugary foods, and no sugar in the first three ingredients in processed foods). However, the mfp food diary keeps telling me I eat too much sugar! The only sugar I'm getting is from fruit, so I'm wondering if that really counts. For example, the smoothie I make with frozen berries (honestly, nothing added, just berries), a banana, and a splash of milk has all of the sugar I'm supposed to eat in a day. There goes the idea of having an apple for a later snack! Should I care about fruit sugar, or doesn't it matter?


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I stopped counting my sugar intake WAY long ago JUST because of sugar!!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Fruit sugar adds up just as processed sugar does. Sugar is sugar. The difference is that fruit gives you fiber as well to help you digest and process sugars naturally, whereas most processed sugary products do not.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I don't count fruit sugar. Its .. well fruit!
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    It still counts as sugar.

    But if it is your main source of sugar and you are still under you total calorie count then who cares?
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I had the same question so I googled the differences, and one is fructose and the other sucrose. One your body stores in your muscles (from fruit) and if you dont use it soon it stores it...yeah not neccesarilly a good thing but if your exercising or doing weights especially then its fine, the other which I believe is the fructose (white processed nasty stuff which we all love and want and comes in all forms:() dumps into your blood stream and makes your pancreas go into overdrive to produce insulin to break down the sugars (also known as a sugar rush) , this is what causes so many ppl to end up with type 2 diabeties. But look it up for yourself. If its from fruit I dont pay too much attention to it, however, you said someting about milk in you smoothy...milk has loads of sugar/per serving. maybe look for a substitute for the milk, say like greek yogurt, or just ice. hth (wish I could follow my own advice, love a good glass of milk once ina while and I love sugar) :) I log my sugars but pay more attention to my calories and fat, sugar intake is hard imho
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    you are still under you total calorie count then who cares?

    ^ This IMO, but I guess we all have different dietary motives.
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    For the month of October, I'm on a sugar fast (no sugar, no sugary foods, and no sugar in the first three ingredients in processed foods). However, the mfp food diary keeps telling me I eat too much sugar! The only sugar I'm getting is from fruit, so I'm wondering if that really counts. For example, the smoothie I make with frozen berries (honestly, nothing added, just berries), a banana, and a splash of milk has all of the sugar I'm supposed to eat in a day. There goes the idea of having an apple for a later snack! Should I care about fruit sugar, or doesn't it matter?

    Fruit sugar, natural sugar, etc. All get's registered into the body as a carb, which equals calories. Regardless what food it is, sugar is sugar. Unless your consuming artificial sugar like sucralose(splenda, etc.) which is technically calorie free. Well under FDA in the U.S. anything under 5 calories, can be legally labeled as "0" calories. Anything under 5 calories, is a negligible difference in how it will affect someone's weight loss.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Fruit sugar, natural sugar, etc. All get's registered into the body as a carb, which equals calories. Regardless what food it is, sugar is sugar. Unless your consuming artificial sugar like sucralose(splenda, etc.) which is technically calorie free. Well under FDA in the U.S. anything under 5 calories, can be legally labeled as "0" calories. Anything under 5 calories, is a negligible difference in how it will affect someone's weight loss.

    To anyone avoiding sugar strictly for weight loss reasons, I suggest you read the above a few times. Great post.
  • samickgirl
    samickgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Bananas are very high in sugar apparently. there are fruits that are lower in calorie count if you are looking for that. Strawberries, apples, grapefruit, and red grapes (as opposed to green grapes) If it helps I have read that fruits should not be consumed after 2pm since they are harder to burn off than other foods because of their content.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm doing something similar in October (excluding weekends!) and I've chosen not to worry about sugar in fruit, milk, veggies etc.
    Sure, it's still sugar, but it comes packaged with fibre and nutrients and isn't quite as concentrated as processed sugars.
    My main objective is to cut out bingeing on junk (lollies, chocolate, cakes etc).... I still get the sweetness that I enjoy from fruit and dairy but the calories are lower and the nutrition is higher = win-win for me.

    Really, it's a personal choice. You need to find out what makes your body feel good and what you can sustain in your diet and lifestyle.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I. Love. Fruit.
