
Hi just thought I would pop on here to introduce myself I am Nikki and 30 years of age, have tried this diet once before (not so long ago actually) and somehow slipped seriously off the slope (damn those naughty foods!), am giving another shot as I did do quite well on here and seeing so many people on here doing so well has given me quite a bit of inspiration...

Feel free to add me as a friend as I would like to meet people that can hopefully help me not slip this time round...


  • Esmo23
    Esmo23 Posts: 32
    Hi and welcome! I am new too :) Good luck! Let's try and keep on track together!
  • Hello, I am new to this site too! Good luck & hope we can both stay strong and not fall off the MFP wagon! :)
  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! I am new on here also. My friend told me about it and I love that I can track my food on here :) I need to read more so I can see how to add friends on here...lol