the scale isn't moving

Hi - I've been on MFP since July and I have been watching my calories and trying to work out at least three times per week. I slip some days, but for the most part I've been good. The problem is that I haven't seen the scale move except in the wrong direction. I know that early on I was gaining because I wasn't eating back my exercise calories, but I fixed that problem. I have seen an increase in my stress level lately with school and work challenges and have started working a different shift (which will change again in two weeks), but I'm not sure if this should be playing such a large role in my weight loss - or lack thereof.

Has anyone else experienced a non-moving scale for this long? Any suggestions? I really do want to lose weight but can't seem to get even 2 lbs to come off.


  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    mabye try excercsing more like 6 days a week. and adjust ur goals.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    If you would open your food diary, people will be able to be more helpful. 99 times out of 100, the problem is the foods you are eating. Changing schedules and stress can have an impact in a given week or two, but over months, you are either eating too much, eating foods that aren't conducive to weight loss, or both. And yes, those days you slip can be enough to stall your overall weight loss - particularly as you get older, there's a lot less wiggle room. Also, you said you eat back your exercise calories - you may be eating back too many of them - depending on how you are calculating them, your estimates may be too high. Try increasing your exercise also - aim for 45 min to an hour every day if possible of a moderate to high intensity workout.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I am in the same "boat"....scales haven't moved in forever...but I am faithfully logging and eating right...and exercising. I am just hoping somewhere along the way, I will get up and a few pounds will be gone! I am not for me that is a plus. Let me know if you find something that works...I really need it! Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    To be honest. You should be exercising 5 times a week. Here in the UK they recommend a MINIMUM of 5 x 30 minutes moderate exercise a week just to stay healthy. Make your workouts a LOT more intense if its time you're struggling on. I started doing phys between 5 and 7 times a week, sometimes 2 workouts a day but ultimately loking to burn about 1000 calories through physical exertion a day. This takes me ABOUT an hour and a half which isn't much really is it? I go between the end of work and eat a little later. I cook my dinner after showering and writing in exercise and so that stops me eating before about 1945 ... it means that I don't snack loads on the evening and just have a pre bedtime snack to help me sleep (low fat, high in carb but small portion). I've got the routine down to a tee now. I needed to up my physical activity. Boosts your metabolism too. Make sure you're having a good breakfast too. Use spare time to do little exercises too for example, squats/lunges/ pressups. I lost 3kg in 2 and half weeks now.
  • It could be a few things, what does MFP say your caloric intake should be? and is that losing 1 pound a week? A lot of people actually low ball their calories, not on purpose, but it happens.. It could be a variety of things..
  • Try this - it's from the 17 day diet - but- just even try it for one day. Eat ONLY protein and low-sugar fruits and veggies and decaf green tea after each meal and 8 glasses of water. It totally works to move the scale. Have egg whites scrambled with spinach and small amount of hard cheese (feta?). Then non-fat plain yogurt with Truvia or Stevia "natural" sugar packet and a cup of blueberries or other berries for snack. Lunch is BIG salad with egg or chicken or tuna with non-fat dressing or balsamic and olive oil. Snack on probiotic yogurt drink. Dinner - same idea with protein and cleansing veggies - sautee onions and mushrooms or kale or spinach. Or do a cauliflower or broccoli soup with low-sodium, low-fat chicken broth.

    IT WORKS!!! I lost 2 lbs. first day, and another pound the third. It just shakes up your body by taking carbs and sugar out. It's ok to cheat a LITTLE with another snack in there if feel light-headed. But - still get 1200 calories. Good luck. I'm telling you - it works!!!
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    You will see a weight gain the first couple weeks of exercise, because muscle weighs more than fat. That is what I have been dealing with the last week. and yes, stress does contribute to a lot in our lives. we never realize just how much. I too have been dealing with the lack of loss, but the only thing I can tell you is to stay encouraged. Don't weigh yourself so often, that is where we can get discouraged. 1-2 times a week is plenty. Just remember that weight fluctuates so that could be why there might be

    When I wasn't losing ANY weight at all, even with trial and effort, I decided to talk to my Dr about it. He gave me a prescription and it really helped. It has been very slow, but I am finally seeing progress. You might want to seek medical advice.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Hang in there. The scales will move downward soon. Everyone's body is different. Just don't give up.

    You are on the right track. :)
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    I just adjusted my weight loss goals so I'm soon to be eating 1200 cals per day. I was at 1340 before. We'll see if that helps and I'll try to up my exercise. I currently work 6am to 3pm and will be changing to 4am to 1pm in two weeks. I know that will take an adjustment because my "lunch" time will be breakfast hours... any advice on 4 smaller meals? I know I'm still going to want to each a normal lunch and dinner at home... but might need two breakfasts. I've heard that eating a good amount of protein when working an earlier shift helps with concentration and focus. I'll need all of that I can get.

    I also have back issues and calcific tendonitis in both hips so working out usually consists of time on the recumbent bike for less strain on the joints or walking outside. I'm thinking about water aerobics as well.
  • booatx
    booatx Posts: 5
    How many calories and carbs is your profile telling you to take in? I have only been on fitness pal for 2 months and it helps with my fiid nutrition on a larger variety of foods, but I have lost a total of 45 pounds since April and last week was my first time doing anything different than the norm because I was at the state fair. Even then, I was under my estimated calorie count. I will happily help you, but I need a little info from you. Calories and carbs are the most important objectives if your goal is weight loss.
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    It's definitely frustrating, but you really just have to figure out your own body & not compare to anyone else. If you haven't lost the weight yet, no matter how 'fair or not' it seems, it just means you still need to drop more calories & exercise more (and harder). Don't let yourself get caught up in how easy it seems for others, because that won't help you at all. I did that for a long time, and then found out I have an abnormally low metabolism. I can only eat about 1300 calories a day & work out 5 days a week to lose a pound a week (and I'm 5'9", 165lbs). Other shorter friends can still eat 1500, 1800 calories a day and be losing weight; but I can't get caught up in that!

    ANYWAY- if you haven't yet, you HAVE to keep a food diary. You just have to. At LEAST for 2-3 weeks straight, so you're more perfectly understanding exactly what calories you're putting in your body. I noticed after just a couple weeks of it, you get the hang of it a lot more & can track it in your head much better. Guessing now is probably WAY OFF, even if you think you're good. Even if you forgot about the mayo you put on your sandwich, you just forgot about 100 calories.

    Also if you've been working out for a few months already, you have to make sure you're pushing your body when you work out. You should NOT be doing the same workouts as when you started in July. It should be much harder & longer by now. Your body will seriously only change when you push it. You've gotta be soaked with sweat, at least down your neck/back, by the end of a workout for it to count. Otherwise you're just practically wasting your time (unless you just want to maintain a healthy heart, of course- but YOU'RE wanting to LOSE WEIGHT).

    Only weigh yourself once a week. If you didn't lose a pound, then you'll have to cut your calories even more the next week, and push your workouts harder. Weigh yourself the next week. If you lost your pound, then you know you're on the right track. If not, you'll have to lower your calories even MORE, and work out even MORE. You'll get in tune with YOUR body & it'll feel great to know what's really going on in there & take away the mystery. That makes it much easier to stay motivated, when you KNOW how to get results! GOOD LUCK!!!!! And don't compare yourself to anyone else, and what 'they can eat', etc. That just adds STRESS, and STRESS makes you HOLD ONTO weight (think about when you watch "biggest loser")! :)
  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    Try and squeeze in a 30 minute walk every day, that'll help with stress too!
  • Have you checked your sodium and water?
    Do you complete your food journal every day with everything you eat?
    Did you add a new exercise? (that made me gain 2 pounds but then I lost it.)

    That's all I can think of...

    Hope that someone is able to help you with their idea!

    Good luck and be can do this!!! : )
  • The argument between 3 large meals and 4 or 5 small meals is never ending. I believe its all dependent on what works for you.. Try it out..

    Water aerobics are great, low impact on all the joints and provides the resistance you need.. Recumbent bike is great too.. anything to get your heartbeat raised..

    And like everyone said, dont get deterred.. Sometimes you will flatline on the scale, but keep going :)
  • I looked at your diary for the past couple weeks. I noticed one some of the days, you had a TON of sodium. Too much sodium can make you retain water making it seem like you have not lost any weight. I was eating a lot of sodium for the first month I started this and i always found myself gaining and losing weight every week. I started eating a lot less sodium and My weight keeps dropping without any gains at all. I would watch your sodium intake and eat a lot of potassium because potassium helps flush out sodium. I TRY to not eat anything with over 250 mg of sodium in it...Also drink a lot of water, it will help flush out extra water weight your body may be holding onto.

    Did you try changing your goals on MFP? Is your caloric intake set right? Figure out your BMR (there's a tool on here for that) then take 500 away from that and that's how many calories you should be eating per day.

    What kind of exercise are you doing? Cardio is best. I do 60 min of cardio per week. You have to get your heart rate up there too. I try to keep mine between 160 and 170 or above. But the heart rate all depends on your age. Best of luck to you!
  • Looking at your diary i'd say too much salt. Try reducing the quantity of what you are eating as well, try something like porridge for breakfast and aloo yourself lots of fruity snacks. Only eat back some of your exercise cals to leave enough deficit.
  • booatx
    booatx Posts: 5
    1200 calories seems awfully low. If you starve your body, I assure you that the weight will never come off. Is that what was recommended by fitnesspal?
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    1200 is recommended for 1.5 weight loss per week. I have been eating 1340 for the last several months... we'll see if this helps. I also try to watch my sodium but need to do better. I do drink a lot of water but forget to log it on here. I drink water all day long.
  • 1200 is recommended for 1.5 weight loss per week. I have been eating 1340 for the last several months... we'll see if this helps. I also try to watch my sodium but need to do better. I do drink a lot of water but forget to log it on here. I drink water all day long.

    I looked even further back into your diary and I noticed that you have been eating a lot of fast food and going out to dinner a lot. That is probably the reason the scale isn't moving. Going out to eat once in a while is fine, but not as much as I saw it on your diary. There is so much sodium in fast food. It's really not good for you no matter how much they try to say something is healthy. :( There's over 1000 grams of sodium in a wendy's salad. I know this because I love them. Even subway has TONS of sodium! Cut back on the fast food and the restaurant food. Try to stay under your calorie goal too, some days you went over by a lot. Losing weight is not just about counting your calories, that's what I thought when I first joined this. It's everything else too...You gotta pay attention to the other things besides calories. Im telling you, if you dramatically cut back on your sodium, i can almost guarantee you will drop some weight. Try to not eat over 1500mg of sodium for the next week as a test and see what happens.
  • 1200 is recommended for 1.5 weight loss per week. I have been eating 1340 for the last several months... we'll see if this helps. I also try to watch my sodium but need to do better. I do drink a lot of water but forget to log it on here. I drink water all day long.

    My sister said she drinks enough water also....then she started to track it and found out she only has 3-4 cups per day. That is why it is important to use the journal and record everything. That way you can go back and look at what you are doing and change things up if needed.