


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I didn't read all the posts, so someone else might have mentioned this..but make sure you research first Chantix if you consider it. I know its worked for a lot of people, but it gave me (and my husband too) absolutely psychotic and extremely realistic dreams like I've never had in all my life. I had one that I murdered and chopped up some random guy. It was so graphic, that when I woke up, it took me a quite a while to calm down and realize it didn't really happen. I've also heard there are some ongoing lawsuits regarding side-effects.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Check with your insurance company. Some health plans will pay for smoking cessation programs. It's probably cheaper for them than paying for treatment for other conditions caused or aggravated by smoking.

    I never have smoked, but I have friends who have quit. One was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the doc told her she HAD to quit. She never touched another one, no patches, etc. She was just highly motivated. You need to decide if you REALLY want to quit. It's kind of like weight loss. Do you REALLY want it, deep down? If you do, you can do it! If you need patches or gum or whatever to help you, do it! You CAN do it, and you will feel so much better. It will take time, and it won't be easy (anybody who says it is has never been or known a smoker). But anything really worth doing is not going to be easy.

    Find some others who are trying to quit, too, for support. I can't really say I know what you're going through, because I don't, but I'll gladly cheer you on! :flowerforyou:
  • Kotasmommy
    Kotasmommy Posts: 124 Member
    I didn't read all the posts, so someone else might have mentioned this..but make sure you research first Chantix if you consider it. I know its worked for a lot of people, but it gave me (and my husband too) absolutely psychotic and extremely realistic dreams like I've never had in all my life. I had one that I murdered and chopped up some random guy. It was so graphic, that when I woke up, it took me a quite a while to calm down and realize it didn't really happen. I've also heard there are some ongoing lawsuits regarding side-effects.

    My dad had to stop taking Chantix when he used it to try and stop smoking. I don't know what he really went through but I know it can make you think about suicide and like you said have horrible nightmares. I used to be a smoker too. I "quit" several times before I actually stopped smoking. I never tried using anything to help me stop. I've always done it cold turkey. It's been over a year and a half and I will never go back. The first couple of weeks are hard but you feel sooo much better.
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    I quit cold turkey. I've been smoke free for 14 years now and can't stand the smell of it. With the price of cigarettes, I couldn't afford it now.
  • lyndom01

    I quit smoking last April (2010) I decided to have a health kick and did a diet along with it, as i didnt want to put on weight as a substitute.
    I used the patches and a lot of determination. Stick with it no matter how much you crave it as it is well worth it in the end.

    I have not smoked for 18 months now and i do not look back! Best desicion i ever made.

    You CAN do it. Just believe it.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Smoker for 29 years here...and I just quit last Wednesday with the help of the patch.

    I'm not dying here, but I do miss it. However, I've started running and it just doesn't make sense to keep smoking. PLUS it is SO expensive! I'm taking the $$$ that I would normally spend on cigarettes and socking it away for a trip to Europe. :smokin:

    I've quit and failed many times before...this time I'm just taking it one day at a time.

    Good luck!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I took Chantix. I liked to smoke (or I keep telling myself) - but I could not afford it anymore. I was constantly in debt and constantly unable to meet my monthly bills without credit...

    Chantix --> I took it and didn't stop smoking until I actually realized that I was smoking about 2 cigarettes a day. I truly had NO "urge" to go out and smoke while I was at work -- even during the most stressful situations -- I smoked on my way to work (maybe) and then on my drive home. I would throw half the cigarette out because it even started to taste funny.

    I know that the pill, without insurance, is somewhere around $150 a month... but it is definitely worth it. 2.5 years later and I don't have an urge to smoke at all and I smoked for 29 years, between 1-2 packs a day...

    There are other things about the pill that suck too -- the nausea is real -- you have to take the pill twice daily and I got the nausea for 20 minutes after each pill. Never actually got sick but definitely nasty. That is ultimately what got me off the pill, ready or not! I had cut myself down to 1 pill a day because I couldn't stand the nausea -- you can tough it out if you really want this.

    I didn't even really want to quit. I just knew I had to do it.

    Good luck.
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    Yes!! I quit cold turkey about 5 months ago. My kids have been wanting me to quit and I finally met a man who didn't smoke ( I have dated smokers all my life even before I smoked myself.) I just said no more of those nasty, smelly cancer sticks. I have hit one cigarette since and it made me want to puke. You just have to want it....want it badly, just like losing weight. Now the smell makes me sick and I can't believe I ever put my kids through that nastiness. Plus I want to be heathly and live to see my kids grow up. And oh the money I've saved!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!!
  • calamityshell
    You can absolutely do this. I was a very heavy smoker 30-40 a day and I had tried loads of times to give up but with little success or I would give up for 3-4 months and then start again and then one year I decided that I would give myself a date when i was going to give up, this was around April 2005. I gave myself the date of 1st Sept and I told everyone that was when I was going to give up. I think by doing this, for me, it worked as my brain had time to come to terms with the fact of what I was going to do and I had told people so I didn't want to look like I couldn't do it. For me what worked was that I carried around an unopen packet tabacco so that I didn't obsess about not having any and took it day by day. I also used one of those inhaler thingys for when I was out in the pub (when you were still allowed to smoke in public places!) just in case my resolve slipped. As of this year i have been 6 years not smoking and never looked back.

    Best of luck - but if you have made up your mind you want to quit you will not need my luck :)
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    I imagine googling pictures of smokers lungs would encourage you to quit!

    Nope. I think it would be safe to say that most adult smokers have seen what smoking does to lungs.