Is 7 Days too Much?

I have a significant amount of weight to lose, but I dont know if going to the gym 7 days a week would help or hinder my progress. Does anyone out there know?


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It depends what you do at the gym, and how active you are in the rest of your life. If the gym is literally the only exercise you get, then 7 days a week is fine. If you have a relatively active lifestyle and are one who really canes it in the gym, then I would say that was too much. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you are doing too much.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I have a significant amount of weight to lose, but I dont know if going to the gym 7 days a week would help or hinder my progress. Does anyone out there know?

    Depends on exactly what you are doing but your body needs recovery time. I would never go to the gym 7 days a week. Even when I was fit I was hitting the gym 4 or 5 times a week.
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with doing some cardio everyday but would not do weights on a daily basis. Be careful not to burn yourself out. Good luck!!:happy:
  • remeha
    remeha Posts: 2
    Seven days is too much, you need to give your body a rest, as it will function better that way, as well as keep you motivated and reduce the risk of injury. If you really want to do something on day 7, make it an ACTIVE REST day, like going for a walk with the family, or doing some light yoga.
  • Like someone said.. Cardio everyday is a good thing, you are suppose to walk for an hour a day or something right? And do not do the same workout, if you mix it up, maybe lower body upper body mid section.. then I think you are good..

    But if you are going 7 days a week, and really want to, make sure you also get plenty of sleep and eat right..
  • wish ii could afford to go to a gym .... that would be cool.. but alas im too embarassed to go alone for one thing... so i bought a treadmill that is in my bedroom to replace my gym time...

    i think 7 days a week is too much... you will burn out... try going 4 or 5 days and giving your body a break...
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    If you are starting from no exercise at all, I would start slowly so that you don't injure yourself and give up. I would start at every other day doing some exercise and after 2-3 weeks increase a day or so. It is important to give your body some rest/healing time between workouts. I would also give yourself at least 1 day a week off to rest.

    That said, I have been working out 7 days a week for an hour a day for the past 2-3 months (as part of a exercise/healthy eating competition at work). Every 3-4 days I give my body a pseudo rest by walking only. I usually run or bike and that is much harder on the muscles. Background, I have been running for years 1-5 days a week.
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    I agree with most of the replies so far - 7 days is fine, but mix it up so each muscle group has some time to recover. Good luck! :)
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    I go 7 days a week, I lift 3 off the days cardio 4, on the 7th day I play racket ball or basket ball or have a "lighter" then normal workout. Seems to be working for me I take a day off when my body tells me to.
  • ishtar163
    ishtar163 Posts: 25 Member
    It really depends on what you do at the gym. If you are just walking on a treadmill, it's fine. If you are doing heavy duty cardio and lifting, you need a rest. If you want to go every day, make sure a couple of those days are easy. As another poster said, active recovery is a good thing. :)
  • Thanks everyone! I do two really intense work outs twice a week, but I wanted to see more than a three pound drop a week so I thought hitting the gym more often would help. Thanks for the advice/suggestions/personal experience!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When I first started working out, I went 7 days a week. I felt like I NEEDED to go everyday if I wanted to ever accomplish my goals. I pushed and pushed and pushed my body and I ended up with a hip injury. Even while in horrible pain, I continued to push my body (push through the pain and all that jazz!). Well, I ended up having to take 6 weeks off from the gym while I recovered from the hip injury.

    Give your body a day off to recover, rest and relax. I know it seems counterproductive, but trust me when I say your body will thank you for giving it time off now and again.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have a significant amount of weight to lose, but I dont know if going to the gym 7 days a week would help or hinder my progress. Does anyone out there know?

    Intensity is more important than the number of days. I workout only 4 days per week (using modified P90X routine). On those 4 days I hit it hard. Rest is very important, you can actually over stress your system and get lesser results if you don't get rest.

    You should at a minimum get a full day off each week from strenous exercise. Ideally you'd workout 4-6 days per week., depending on length of workouts and intensity.