Slow Down When Eating

Sometimes motivation comes to you and pushes you to work harder, but other times motivation reminds you to take your time and enjoy life.

Today's Motivation is to remember that your life is lived one moment at a time, enjoy each one as best as you can! Enjoyment can mean many different things, to us a personal best 5k run time is a great moment; a fun paddleboarding session with friends is a great moment; and a healthy, delicious meal enjoyed slowly is another great moment.

Your Challenge for today is to slow down and enjoy each meal!

The plus side of enjoying each bite & eating slower is that your body will send more of the signals out that say you have eaten enough to fill you up; now you won't be craving a snack an hour after you ate your lunch! Too often we find ourselves inhaling our food sitting at the computer, on the phone with friends & colleagues, or walking between classes ~ doing this doesn't provide the satiety your body requires to keep from over-eating. Really enjoy the effort you put into preparing your meals, and appreciate what these foods are doing for your well being, and your health (not to mention your physique!)
