Have hit the lowest point in my life....

A friend told me of this site.... I m new here..

Just wanted to introduce myself and looking for sone kind souls for motivation...

I m 30 yo and weigh 167lbs

May be it's not a lot of weight... But I m tired of being the yo-yo all my life :(

I have weighed between 125 to 195 through my life

But I m tired of doing the diet pills, and yes... I know I m sick... But uv been using laxatives and throwing up as well at times :( not proud to admit that..

I got married last year(weighed 142 at the time I'd my wedding)

I hv he most amazing husband who loves me with all my flaws..

But since I gained back 20 something pounds over the last year... I feel like crap :( don't Wanamaker go anywhere :( hate myself to go buy any clothes... Just feel pathetic...

I feel so lost, tired, and a failure :((

Sorry for sharing all these things and boring I guess someone who actually chose to read it..

Anyhow... I signed up for this site... And want to give it a try..

Plus I plan to start p90x again today (I have tried it 2-3 times in past, but never completed it)

If anyone wants to say hello, be my friend...plz gimme a holla... I m looking for people who can motivate me to make a posiive change in my life.....


  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    Have faith. Be strong. Things will get better. You can do this.

    I started counting calories Sept. 1st. I'm allowing myself 1600 a day. In the last 5 weeks, I've lost 20 lbs and I'm more determined than ever to get healthy. If you're interested you can read a bit of my story on my blog. www.tamaraweighsin.blogspot.com.

    Hope this helps.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    You came to the right place.. Good luck on your journey.. If you would like to be friends feel free to add me !!

  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I lost 27 pounds in 90 days doing P90x. Make the commitment for 90 days and you will reach your goal. The nutrition part is very important.

    Good luck!

    How bad do you want it?

  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    You absolutely can do this! I'm 25 and have not weighed less than 300 lbs since i was about 17. I Joined the site in June of this year and i have lost 37 lbs since! I too struggled with doing anything and EVERYTHING to try to lose weight even unhealthy methods and to be honest this is the first time in my life i have lost weight doing it the right way.. counting calories and exercising, and I feel great for it! If I can do it so can you! Stay strong and committed!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    We are all in this together! So glad you found the site!
  • Hi,

    I've sent you a message. You can do this, remember we all have been in your shoes when it comes to the way you feel at the moment.

  • just joined my self :smile:
  • hikerchick9
    hikerchick9 Posts: 28 Member
    Your honesty is truly reflective of your sense of frustration. Give yourself a chance now. I started at 167 lb in Aug and since joining this website I have lost 16 lbs. You can do it too, this is the right way. No more binging and purging, no more diet pills. Logging in and keeping track of your calories works mentally. Mix up your workouts a little bit. We can all help each other, we;ve all been there and need to help each other out. Welcome! Soon you will be the success and helping some one just like you.
  • erikag34
    erikag34 Posts: 20 Member
    I think most of us can totally relate. I just started tracking again and using this site last week. I hope that you find the support that you need here.
  • KenMadere
    KenMadere Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on coming to the realization that you may have hit the lowest point in your life.

    Remember that you have joined in the program labeled MyFitnessPal and believe in the "My" part, this will be the gage of your success in stopping being the yoyo. With the help of this site you can develop a plan that is yours and will go beyond the 90 days that p90x promises. Spend your money on joining a gym where you can put in at least 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise such as walking (treadmill) (whatever the weather) mixed in with light strength exercise for toning. Trust in MFP by being honest with yourself and logging in all food that goes into your mouth.

    This site does provide motivation, but it also provides excuses. You will need a lot of self-motivation to succeed.
  • Don't put so much pressue on yourself. Start small by logging your food and just dance in your house for 10 minutes twice a day. You will feel better in a few weeks, then you can incorporate more into your workouts.
    LAWIII Posts: 50
    You can do this... in a healthy way! Like so many have already said, "we've all been there." If I can add one thing it's that quick fixes, fail quick! It's about consistency. That is how MFP helps. it helps you be constant! We are all here to help!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I love to help and could use the help myself at times.
    Good luck!
    LAWIII Posts: 50
    Don't put so much pressue on yourself. Start small by logging your food and just dance in your house for 10 minutes twice a day. You will feel better in a few weeks, then you can incorporate more into your workouts.

  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello and welcome...like everyone has said you have come to the right place, you will find such great people that are so very supportive and motivating and these people do not judge! I was feeling so crappy about myself and how I looked when I started a few weeks ago...I have to tell you, I think I may have been depressed. It's just been a few weeks here for me but I am eating better (actually eat more food than I every did) I believe I was starving my body...hense the belly fat! I walk very briskly for at least 30 mins. every day. Last week I had this sudden realization that I was feeling so wonderful, happy, had more energy and I actually like myself and the changes I am seeing happen to my body! You can do this, we are all here to help...I will send you a friend request and help to support and motivate all I can!
  • drdenise
    drdenise Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome! People on this site are very supportive, and sometimes very blunt when it is needed. Nearly all of us have been in your place, gone through ups and downs. You can do it! Day to day is the best goal, and don't beat yourself up when you have bad days or cheat days. In a month, you will look back and think how much better you feel and look and be glad of your efforts! Good luck!
  • thank you everyone for your kind replies!!

    I felt so good to know that i m not the only one..and it really is an amazing place...i m so glad to meet so many people in one day itself..and people who cared enough to write such nice things to me! :flowerforyou:

    also..i want to add that i am shocked!!

    Yesterday was my first day to count my calories...and i was surprised how all the small lil tiny things can add uo so quickly...

    i was over my calorie count for yesterday...but plan to stay under today..hopefully!! :)

    good luck everyone...and stay motivated!! :)

    thanks again!!! :flowerforyou: