30 ds- Why taking a break helps

I started 30ds on the 19th of September. I was going full speed ahead ready to knock it out in the actual 30 days. I figured since it was only about 25 minutes, it wouldn't hurt to not take a break but I was wrong. On the 29th, I made it to level 2. I had friends in town that weekend and with all the running around, I didn't get to workout that Friday, Saturday or Sunday. But to my surprise on that Monday, I looked in the mirror and could "see" the changes in my body for the first time.

Last week I worked out M-F and was volunteering all weekend long and skipped Saturday and Sunday. My eating wasn't the greatest because in the mornings I had to eat what they had available and the healthiest thing was a granola bar and muffins. I wanted to workout yesterday but I felt my body telling me not to so I listened. Well low and behold this morning I got on the scale and it went down another 1.5 pounds. Not only that, the pants I have on today, I wore last week and today I need a belt because they are so loose.

So moral of the story is, take a break!!!! Our bodies need time to recover. I really feel during those days off, my muscles got a break and was able to really grow, help get rid of some fat and help me recover a lot faster. I started back on my workouts and I feel a lot stronger today. Yes it will take me a little longer than 30 days to complete this now but I think my results will be a lot better. I know this might not work for everyone but I wanted to share esp with those who might not be "seeing" the results they want yet. Try taking a day or 2 off and then pick right back up. Your body will thank you for it. Take care. Q


  • So are you doing a specific program for 30 days, or just exercising for 30 days?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Love it! I wish everyone would discover this! Your body really needs at least one day a week to rest, recover and grow! I mean grow in a good way lol
  • So are you doing a specific program for 30 days, or just exercising for 30 days?

    She is doing the 30 day Shred by JM
  • I'm hoping to start my 30DS in the next couple days so I will certainly keep this in mind. I really was under the impression if it wasn't consecutive then it was not as effective. Thanks for the information :flowerforyou:
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I did 30ds from beg of Aug till middle of Sept so it took me about 35 days but lost 6lbs and a TON of inches!! Now im doing 6wk6pk and ri30 together..so yea taking 1 day a week break really helps!
  • melissa4221
    melissa4221 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I started 30DS on October 5th and did the workout on wed, thurs and fri. I have been sick and unable to exercise and I was a bit discouraged because i wouldn't be able to complete the program in 30 days; however after reading this maybe my body was telling me to rest by getting sick. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel well enough to get back to working out. Even after feeling better I think I will only work on the 30DS program M-F :) Keep up the good work.
  • Ripsei
    Ripsei Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting my 30ds today. I can't wait to see what results I might get.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I'm hoping to start my 30DS in the next couple days so I will certainly keep this in mind. I really was under the impression if it wasn't consecutive then it was not as effective. Thanks for the information :flowerforyou:
    No problem. I'm glad I can help. Q
    I did 30ds from beg of Aug till middle of Sept so it took me about 35 days but lost 6lbs and a TON of inches!! Now im doing 6wk6pk and ri30 together..so yea taking 1 day a week break really helps!
    Yeah mine is coming in at about 34 days right now. But I'm okay with that. I measured the other night and I'm down 2 inches off my waist alone!!! I can't wait to see the final results. Q
    Thank you for posting this. I started 30DS on October 5th and did the workout on wed, thurs and fri. I have been sick and unable to exercise and I was a bit discouraged because i wouldn't be able to complete the program in 30 days; however after reading this maybe my body was telling me to rest by getting sick. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel well enough to get back to working out. Even after feeling better I think I will only work on the 30DS program M-F :) Keep up the good work.
    Please listen to your body and don't beat yourself up. It's all about getting to the finish line not how fast you get there. Q
    I'm starting my 30ds today. I can't wait to see what results I might get.
    Good for you. You are going to do great!! Q
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    I'll be finishing up my 30DS tomorrow - 30 days straight. I thought about taking a rest day here and there but was afraid I wouldn't go back to it, lol. Anyway, my scale is finally starting to move in the right direction - it went up close to 2 pounds for a while and just finally dropped to a little below my pre-30ds weight. I'm taking the rest of the week off (will still do cardio). Hoping by the time I weigh-in on Saturday that the scale shows a lot more movement. Starting NMTZ on Monday 10/17 but will definitely schedule a rest day every week. Thanks for the post - i'm a little more optimistic now that the scale will be my friend this week :happy:
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Great post ! When I started, I opted to not take a break, and tore my calf muscle because of it. Very important to listen to your body and not push yourself too much !