How thin is too thin?

How thin is too thin? How do you know if you, your friend or a loved one is in fact too thin and doesn’t simply have a naturally thin body type?

1. Hollowness to their cheeks and face. Someone who might be overly thin and actually anorexic has an empty or hollow look to his or her face. There’s a lack of brightness and color within their eyes and skin.

2. Discomfort with his or her body. Constantly posturing themselves and observing how they look in mirrors and other reflections. They may also make frequent comments about feeling fat or overweight.

3. Withdrawing from usual friends and activities. An individual who might be engaging in disordered eating behaviors often removes themselves from their former everyday activities either to minimize comments from others or to exercise to “burn off” any calories consumed during the day.

“Thin is too thin when you’re constantly obsessing about what you’re eating or what your body looks like and comparing yourself to others,” explains Marla Scanzello, MS, RD, Dietary Supervisor of Eating Recovery Center. “It’s when you’re constantly trying to reach a lower weight and feeling that controlling your weight is a way to control your life.”

You’re so much more than a number on a scale. Try not to worry about your friends’ or others’ weights compared to your own. Instead focus on being within a healthy weight range that’s right for you. Talk with your parents, family doctor, a dietitian or nutritionist if you’re concerned about your weight and/or body shape. Additionally, please feel free or chat confidentially online with Eating Recovery Center ( to get your questions answered.



  • I like this :)
  • Thanks for that! :happy:
  • lvllt
    lvllt Posts: 16 Member
  • Great message, more awareness needs to be spread :)
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    A much needed thread. Good job my friend.
  • thanks guys. I think some people fail to realize that being too thin is just as unhealthy as being overweight. It stops becoming healthy when you no longer give your body what it needs to function!
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Nice post. Hopefully everyone will read it.
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Win, fantastic post!
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
  • idrewacat
    idrewacat Posts: 42 Member
    I break it down to be a bit more simple than that. You are "too thin" if it effects your health. I say the same thing about fat.

    If anyone judged just based on my photo, they'd probably think I was very thin. I was 160 lbs at 5'8". I'm big boned though, so I tend to "hollow out" even though I'm at a healthy weight.

    Also... I have an auto immune condition, and my skin is often completely colorless. My blood vessels were withering up and dying before I got on steroids, and because of that, I couldn't feel anything at all in my my extremities sometimes, and they were very cold. Still on bad days, I look in the mirror and kind of don't think I look a live. That's pretty much what blush was invented for though, right!!??

    I'll get off my soap box now. Sorry about that. Always remember: What applies for someone doesn't apply to everyone.

    Actually I think I'll try to upload a more recent picture now. Maybe one that I'm smiling in lol.
  • I've been overweight most of my life, and even obese at one point, but back in high school and middle school I remember hearing so many thin, healthy girls complaining about how they think they look fat and ugly. It made me sad, not only because it made me feel like a giant pig, but also because they were *perfect* in my eyes but they couldn't see their own beauty. I'm still overweight now, but I'm just a few pounds over the healthy range. It's not bad to want to be thin, but when it affects your health then it becomes a problem; not only for you but the people around you too. I can't wait to finally say I'm healthy, whether I look thin or not! :)
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    I break it down to be a bit more simple than that. You are "too thin" if it effects your health. I say the same thing about fat.

    If anyone judged just based on my photo, they'd probably think I was very thin. I was 160 lbs at 5'8". I'm big boned though, so I tend to "hollow out" even though I'm at a healthy weight.

    Also... I have an auto immune condition, and my skin is often completely colorless. My blood vessels were withering up and dying before I got on steroids, and because of that, I couldn't feel anything at all in my my extremities sometimes, and they were very cold. Still on bad days, I look in the mirror and kind of don't think I look a live. That's pretty much what blush was invented for though, right!!??

    I'll get off my soap box now. Sorry about that. Always remember: What applies for someone doesn't apply to everyone.

    Actually I think I'll try to upload a more recent picture now. Maybe one that I'm smiling in lol.

    I think this is important...