Hello Ladies!

Well we are already into week 3 of the MFP STARS 9 Week Holiday challenge. You all are rockin and rolling your way to leaner ladies for the holidays. Thank you to everyone who takes the time out daily to participate in this challenge. I appreciate it and your partners do too. We only have 7 weeks left to make a big change before the holiday season. If you haven't already done so, please check the “About Me” section of our Challenge page. Here you will find links to our "Rules and FAQ", our "weigh-in form" and "Team list" (also posted below).

Do not forget to participate in the Question of the Day (QOTD) on the thread below. This is a very important part of encouraging each other and also getting know other players. Please be sure to check here daily, including on weekends to answer the QOTD!

PLEASE “CC” THE QUESTION OF THE DAY IN YOUR RESPONSE and the DATE. It helps us to keep track of it! Below is the first questions. Just following my lead and if you have any questions.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO REACH OUT TO YOUR PARTNER AND FRIEND THEM AT THIS TIME. Do a introduction, be nice and supportive. This will be your right hand woman for the next week. Remember SUPPORTIVE PEOPLE ARE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE!!!

Without further delay the moment we've all been waiting for (I think?), time to announce the week 2 winners.

Individuals Winner -
MRIVERA LOSE 5.5+LBS for the pink team
SHYDAISI LOSE 3.2 LBS for the yellow team


This week as a group we lost a total of 32.1 lbs. We have a 2 week total weight loss of 81.7 lbs. That is awesome, keep up the great work.


All winners deserve a huge shout out and virtual applauses. All individuals & team winners can add the winner trophy link on the profile page to their forum signature.

One last thing: If you have any comments questions or concerns (including partner concerns), please feel free to inbox me. :wink:

Team by starsnyc21, on Flickr


  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Congrats to all the winners!! And 81 pounds is awesome in my book!! Keep up the great work!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Wow! I can't believe I won (second...haha)!

    Great job on the losses everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Congrat to MRIVERA & SHYDAISI on their great losses!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Congrats everyine! 81 lbs in 2 weeks, that's amazing!
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    CONGRATS to all the winners! Blue team.......we gotta pull up our socks eh! Ugh. Oh well, at least we're consistant! I know we'll do it this week!
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats winners!!! And yes Rhonda we do!!!!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Great job everyone!!!
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I wasn't aware of how negative my self talk was for years. While my husband was in college a few years ago I attended a lecture by a psychologist that discussed self talk. It was very enlightening. It started me on my path to making some big changes. Now I am much more aware and have been able to change a lot of my behaviors and habits that I didn't even know I had.

    It's made SO much difference in my life! We all need to be more forgiving and gentle with ourselves. Women in general compare their biggest weaknesses against others strengths. Comparing ourselves to anyone other than ourselves doesn't do any good. So let's all work on seeing the positive and using weaknesses to encourage effort without tearing ourselves down.

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • mariahhatfield
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I have noticed a significant change in my self talk. I've gone from "Negative Nancy" to... well, I wouldn't exactly say "Positive Polly," but I'm way closer than I was before. I just keep remembering to take it one day at a time, and that everyone slips once in a while.
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I used to be negative, my bf used to always tell me that i see the negative before the positives, however when i am on that treadmill, i tell myself, girl you can do it ,just run for a few more come on keep it up... i think i'm the only one who is yellling at themselves in the and same with food i'll go grab a cookie and i say to myself omg you know how long its going to take to burn it off (however that one doesn't work)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I am not exactly aware of my self talk... A few years ago (8ish?), I had a REALLY negative frame of mind, but I verbalized it. I had a couple of friends that were really offended when I would say negative things about myself, so I stopped (gradually...). During my pregnancy 5 years ago to around 4 months ago, I had a lot of negative self talk as I regained all 88 pounds and more, but since I restarted my lifestyle change, it has subsided again. I don't really have positive self talk, but it isn't negative either.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    WOW! I can't believe I won! (Thinking about the biking, hiking and running I did this week) And all the spinach I ate too.... Hard work pays off... :)

    Look at all the weight we are all losing as a team... This is AWESOME! I'm so proud of all of us! I know my partner is struggling so I'm holding the fort for us both... :) ~hugs Nicca90~

    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My self talk is You CAN DO THIS! YOU GOT THIS GIRL! LET'S DO THIS! Hard work pays off! One pound at a time - ON PURPOSE! This isn't an accident. It isn't a surprise when I get on the scale. I know where I should be at, whether I'm going up or down. I GOT THIS! (Like that guy on this show my son likes to watch).

    I believe in myself and I believe in the people I am meeting on MFP. If we really want this, we can just take it! I'm finally getting control over me.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I used to be negative, my bf used to always tell me that i see the negative before the positives, however when i am on that treadmill, i tell myself, girl you can do it ,just run for a few more come on keep it up... i think i'm the only one who is yellling at themselves in the and same with food i'll go grab a cookie and i say to myself omg you know how long its going to take to burn it off (however that one doesn't work)

    After reading this, I realized I actually DO have positive self talk when I am working out, especially during my C25K training - "One minute down!" "Halfway there!" "You can do this!" "You can't fail!" etc.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I used to be negative, my bf used to always tell me that i see the negative before the positives, however when i am on that treadmill, i tell myself, girl you can do it ,just run for a few more come on keep it up... i think i'm the only one who is yellling at themselves in the and same with food i'll go grab a cookie and i say to myself omg you know how long its going to take to burn it off (however that one doesn't work)

    After reading this, I realized I actually DO have positive self talk when I am working out, especially during my C25K training - "One minute down!" "Halfway there!" "You can do this!" "You can't fail!" etc.

  • DarleneMedeiros
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I will have to admit my self talk is fairly positive. When I head down to do my workout in the morning, i start off positive and then a few minutes into the workout I start to think "why am I doing this" "i really don't want to do this". But it does not take long for me to think "I can do this" "this isn't that bad". I love chalean johnson. She is upbeat but not over the top. I like that she has the time remaining on the bottom corner. I like that she does not stay on the same excercise for too long. Her workouts do go by very quickly.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it

    I think I'm very positive with myself -- my boyfriend complains about me being TOO positive with myself all the time. Even when I look at myself and think "oh boy look at that FAT" I don't feel bad about myself as a PERSON, just unhappy with the fat. Its part of why my weight got out of control - even at my highest I'd look at myself and think "thats ok, at least I'm an awesome person even if my body isn't fit"

    I wouldn't even be dieting right now if I hadn't accidentally lost some pounds (got really sick) and then realized how good that felt.

    When I'm working out or having a hard time sticking with it, my 'talk' is just very straightforward. "You didn't work out yesterday so put on your clothes and lets go" "ok, HRM says 240 calories burned, push it to 300 and then we can stop"

    That last one got me to 363 calories burned yesterday -- the HRM has been a huge motivator for me. If my HR looks low I think "you're not working as hard as you think you are, look at that pathetic heartrate!" and if my calories look lower than I want I can talk myself into keeping going.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Wow guys, you are all doing so well. 81 pounds lost in 2 weeks, amazing. Congrats to the winner, and awesome work pink team!!! I wish I could say that I added to the pink team loss last week, but I didn't lost anything. But, on the bright side, I only gained a total of 0.4 pounds all week last week while in another country, eating foods that I normally wouldn't eat, and getting almost no exercise. I am feeling pretty good about that. :)

    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My self talk goes back and forth between critical and supportive. Sometimes I really beat myself up. I tell myself that I will never be thin, and I will always be bigger than everyone else. But, that helps to spur me on. So, it is like a really self destructive circle. I beat myself up to the point where I am more motivated to work out harder, and then I am really supportive of my really hard work outs. Then it all starts back over at the beginning. Probably not the most healthy outlook on my life, and I am hoping that it will not last forever like this. I think that I do end up being supportive after I notice that I have been beating myself up for a few days. I do tend to stay positive for a few weeks, and then I go back to the negative self speak. Its not the best way to look at myself, but it is a problem I have always had. I am not very positive with myself and my looks. :cry:
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    It's crazy but my self talk is guilt. I sometimes feel guilty when I am doing really well with weight loss because I want to do just as well in all areas of my life. I need my attitude to leak over. Or I will see others around me wanting to be healthy and lose weight and feel guilty. I know it's horrible. I am just continuing to make weight loss a part of my life, but not my entire life. I am focusing on balancing my life out.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it

    It really depends on the day. My moods are crazy, somedays I am happy, somedays not so much. I try really hard to be as supportive to myself as I can though.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    I will have to admit my self talk is fairly positive. When I head down to do my workout in the morning, i start off positive and then a few minutes into the workout I start to think "why am I doing this" "i really don't want to do this". But it does not take long for me to think "I can do this" "this isn't that bad". I love chalean johnson. She is upbeat but not over the top. I like that she has the time remaining on the bottom corner. I like that she does not stay on the same excercise for too long. Her workouts do go by very quickly.

    I have to agree with Darlene. I too am doing a Chalene program and love it. My self-talk is mostly supportive unless I'm feeling very down then I'm more critical. But for the most part I just say "not only can you do this, you have to do this". God gave me this body and it's up to me to look after it. Great question!!!!