Do you see a difference???? i DONT!!!!!!!!!



  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Absolutely...your face is thinner and your tummy is flatter....keep it up, if you have those results now, just think of when you get done!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Slimmer in the arms. Slimmer in the waist. You are doing great! The first 10 days are slow compared to the last 20. Keep it up and you're going to have some AWESOME results! :)
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    I've been doing 30DS for 10 days now........... although its been a couple of days since the scale hasnt moved....... n its tooo soon to hope for any results but can any of you even the slightest of difference???

    im asking coz i hv been a little discouraged coz of no weight loss.......:brokenheart:

    anyway......... tell me if you can see even slightest of change and if any..where do you see it... :noway:



    Ok, you know there shouldn't be much change. In fact, after that many days, you may look bloated from weight gain from a new workout program. You MUST change your mindset. If you EXPECT results in 10 days, and don't get them, you are more than likely going to drop from the program. Don't even think about results for 30 days. Your body is adapting, it needs time. So, enjoy the non-scale win of sticking with the program for 30 days, THEN check in. It doesn't happen fast, and you shouldn't get the wrong expectations of getting results fast.

    You're doing great by sticking with keep going, and don't break that streak.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    You've lost A LOT in your midsection, your arms look thinner, and so does your face. Great job!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I definitely can see a difference! Keep it up! I did the 30 DS, and while I only dropped 2 pounds, I lost NINE INCHES!!! :) You're doing awesome!!

    The 30DS isn't really about the number on the scale so much as size and fitness. Do your jeans fit better? You look MUCH smoother in the front/bottom of your stomach, to me. That's how the 30DS is working for me, too, I'm also on day 10, and I think I'm down 1 lb (which is realistically just fluctuation, not necessarily meaningful), but I have already lost inches, and jeans that I couldn't button before starting, I can button now.

    Don't worry so much about the scale, and don't give up! It took you a lot longer than 10 days (or 30), to gain the weight. Keep up the good work!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Your tummy is definitely going down....looks like you are losing inches! Just be patient, the weight will come off eventually.
  • chicnsweet83
    Like others have said I too see a difference in your stomach and arms. But the lighting in both of those pictures is different, which could be the reason you look different in picture #2. But just keep it up. I tried to do the 30DS and gave up after a week, even though I noticed a difference in my arms. (those are always the first that show results) Don't give up like I did or like anyone else did! Keep it up! After 30 days you'll notice alot of muscle and then all that water weight will start to fall off! Remember to keep drinking a lot of water while working out, drink over 700mll to give your metabolism that extra boost. Good luck!!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member

    loads off the face and the middle bit !! WELL DONE


    your room has got a lot more messy........... hehehehe
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    You look more toned and smoothed out than before. It's like you took a layer off. Keep going! You'll love how you feel and lose some more layers as you go along. I only lost about one pound on level one, but I went down on measurement. (Muscle, water retention is my guess why the weight was slow to come off for me.)
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm almost exactly where you are in 30DS - today is my last day of Level 1 - and I also have not seen any difference on the scale. BUT, I've already lost an inch on my waist, and almost an inch off my hips, plus I can tell that my strength and endurance have increased. I'm not sure it's anything yet that would be noticeable to anyone else, but I'm happy in that I'm still making it through the program, and I can feel my body changing. I did take a "before" photo when I started, but I'm waiting until I finish the full 30 days before I take another photo (although I may decide to do one halfway through L2).

    If I were you I'd put the camera down, take some measurements if you haven't already, and then don't worry about results until you finish the program. I also keep reminding myself that I read comments from other people on here doing 30DS that they didn't see much change after Level 1, but by the end of Level 3 they could see big changes. So, just keep sticking with it!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I do think you are a touch slimmer. Don't worry about the scales, they'll drop in time, my 30ds experience is probably a bit like yours, I haven't witnessed a dramatic transformation (20 days in) but I do feel stronger and fitter and thinner (inexplicably) and confident that when I am done shredding, I can shred again, but harder, and more effectively. Keep at it, I think there will be a distinct difference by the time you are done :-)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Wow OP. Great job getting almost the exact same pose and lighting as the before pic. That's rare in the before/after pics.

    Anyway, I totally see it! The top you're wearing is flatter in the second pic, waist is smaller and stomach is definitely flatter! Such great results in only 10 days! Take measurements in your waist and hips from this point forward!
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    thnx everyone....... yea there is a little...infact very little difference in measurements.... n infact the weight on d scale has gone up a little so i got a little worried...and yea the difference will come eventually.....

    nice to read about all your experiences during 30DS...... thnx ppl... luv u all...... :flowerforyou:
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    It's still early so don't give up!
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    Your tummy is definitely a lot smaller than the before pic! I usually don't see a whole lot of weight loss when I do 30DS, but I definitely can tell a difference in how my clothes fit.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I can see a difference, but just keep in mind that you are only 1/3 of the way done! Just think of what you'll see in 20 more days! Keep it up girl!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    you can definately see a slight difference, its almost like your wearing "control" underwear in the second picture, your smoother - not looking so wobbly if you see what i'm getting at?

    I did the 30ds and only lost 4lbs yet i lost a massive 14.5inches all round including SIX inches from my waist!!

    so dont fret the scales, keep an eye on those inches.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    the stomach in the second picture is a LOT smoother, shirt looks better, etc...
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    thnx feeling quite motivated!!!!!! :drinker:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    There is a change. Keep it up!!! I'm almost done with the 30 DS and the scale hasn't moved as much as I would have liked but the numbers are going down. I recommend doing measurements so that you can see the changes!!!