Costume Changers Forum (Week 4)



  • Stressful weekend, dad had to go to the hospital for chest pains, signs of more heart issues. So, fast food was my downfall Saturday, 2 meals out! UGGG. Now it's Monday, the start of a fresh week, and start of better things! Gonna start my Walk Away The Pounds DVD again tonight!

    Good Luck everyone! Have a good week!
  • I've done okay. I'm Canadian too, so Thanksgiving has been tough. Two full turkey dinners with all the trimings, pies, etc. I've gotten my miles in, but the weight just has not been coming off the last couple weeks. Not sure what to do and getting a little frustrated. Oh, well. I'll just keep plugging away i guess.
  • Goddess111682
    Goddess111682 Posts: 32 Member
    This week was bad, I was sick, so no miles were logged, and I ate way tooo much, but I was able to maintain what Ive thats good!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Did fine in the first couple of weeks with mileage, but last week was more difficult. The weather was rubbish, and we went swimming instead of walking on Sunday - which, with a 2year old means not much swimming but a lot of standing around.

    Weight is going back in the right direction, which means I'm probably back to where I was at the start of this.
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Only done 39.7 miles at the halfway point. I'm going to have to up my mileage to meet the 100mile goal! Weight is coming off though - 3 lb to go to meet my 5% target.

  • I think I might be near my weight range b/c I have not lost anymore weight :-( 185 -190 must be my ideal weight. I am going to spend the rest of this challenge running at least 30 minutes straight everytime I workout and see if that moves the numbers on the scale.I don't know what else to do without feeling hungry. On another note I went to the doctor last week and she was excited about the changes I have made and did say that the rest was up to me and how I felt about losing weight. Although my BMI is niot the textbook number she feels I am at a healthy number. So I guess I have some thinking to do as I finish this challenge.
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    Well this past week was going okay for me until I hit the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I at least did not go back for seconds but I did have a little bit of everything. And of course, all the alcohol, juice and not enough water did not help me on the scale. I'm pretty much back to my starting weight...:sad:
    On the positive side, I made a goal for myself to walk/run 16 miles for the week and I actually accomplished it....17.66 miles to be exact. Yay for me!! So despite the weight gain, I'm not going to let this get me down, I am going to keep on pushing on. Goal this week is 20 miles.

    Here's to Week 4!
  • So sorry for not posting yesterday. Forgot to find the new thread. 211.4 for this past week. Looking fonward to singles next week then off to Onederland!! Cant come fast enough!
  • sarabhorton
    sarabhorton Posts: 27 Member
    I had a pretty good week. I'm only 3 pounds away from reaching the weight loss goals and well on my way to the 200 miles as well. My motivation was waning a bit, but then I watched The Biggest Loser and got my head back in the game ;)
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    I can't believe we are half way through the challenge. More importantly...I can't believe I've made it this far! I tried challenges in the past and quit after week 1. Week 1 of this I posted a gain...and did I quit? No...I got mad and tried harder. Now, to top it off, I started a challenge that goes through New Year's. I am loving the new me. I have 8 pounds to go in the next 3 weeks to meet my goal and I'm so hoping to make it. I am really pushing myself. Thank you so much for creating this Elana! You have given more drive and inspiration than I knew I could possibly have. I am so excited that we're in the 2nd half of our Costume Changers! I'm so happy to be doing this challenge with so many great people!!!

    Thanks again Elana!!!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Hi everyone! I dont post very often in fact almost never, its hard for me because I really dont know what to say. So here I go. I am so happy to be part of this weight loss family...I kinda found MFP by chance. and now I am totally hooked. I am 11 lbs shy of my very 1st mini goal. I know its not much but believe me it is a BIG deal for me.
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    I can't believe we are half way through the challenge. More importantly...I can't believe I've made it this far! I tried challenges in the past and quit after week 1. Week 1 of this I posted a gain...and did I quit? No...I got mad and tried harder. Now, to top it off, I started a challenge that goes through New Year's. I am loving the new me. I have 8 pounds to go in the next 3 weeks to meet my goal and I'm so hoping to make it. I am really pushing myself. Thank you so much for creating this Elana! You have given more drive and inspiration than I knew I could possibly have. I am so excited that we're in the 2nd half of our Costume Changers! I'm so happy to be doing this challenge with so many great people!!!

    Thanks again Elana!!!

    I have to agree :-) this group and the lovely people in it have been fab at keeping me motivated and on track. Lost another lb on the scale this morning, I am now the lowest weight I have been for over 5 years! So thank you everyone, especially Elana for setting it up. Hope u make another one when this is finished ;-)
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hi everyone! I dont post very often in fact almost never, its hard for me because I really dont know what to say. So here I go. I am so happy to be part of this weight loss family...I kinda found MFP by chance. and now I am totally hooked. I am 11 lbs shy of my very 1st mini goal. I know its not much but believe me it is a BIG deal for me.

    I think you're doing great. Down 28 pounds so far is quite an accomplishment! Great job!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks for the support gkeith1971! And who knew I would love to walk, funny thing is I hate walking to pick up my kids from school. Maybe because its smack in the afternoon when the sun is still out..but I am up to 2.5 miles walking in the evening and about 1mile in the mornings after my Curves workout(when I started I couldnt even walk a mile a day!) not bad for 6weeks.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thanks for the support gkeith1971! And who knew I would love to walk, funny thing is I hate walking to pick up my kids from school. Maybe because its smack in the afternoon when the sun is still out..but I am up to 2.5 miles walking in the evening and about 1mile in the mornings after my Curves workout(when I started I couldnt even walk a mile a day!) not bad for 6weeks.

    I have put my songs on my iPhone and I love putting on my music and walking. I forget everything else going on and get lost to the beat. I never ever thought that I would be the person who goes for a long walk at lunchtime and enjoys it and pushes herself harder and harder! You are doing great on your walking! I'm not that far yet!!!
  • While watching Biggest Loser last night I rode 22 miles. Thats a record for me! So happy!
    Today I did Jillian kettlebell shred and Zumba.

    I'm rockin this challenge but the scale isn't being as friendly as I would like it to be.

  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Doing well here.

    I hit my goal today!!! Now, to up my milage a bit.
    I will probably have to add a few bike days in there to get it, but I will get it done!

    I came to Win! (Favorite workout song right now.)

    At my current pace, I need to log 2.5 miles every day to finish up and take Halloween off.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I'm doing great!!

    The weight wasn't coming off during the first 2 weeks... but now I've had a big drop, and I'm finally back to the 130's!! Hoping to meet my goal-- only 4.4 pounds to go!! :)
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    Has everyone figured out their Halloween costume? I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was a teenager and I'm struggling to think of something. Every year the staff in my office all dress up and we have a potluck party, I have always conveniently taken the day off. But if I have a costume I might just participate this year.

    If you have any suggestions for a costume that is work appropriate, let me know.

    TIA for your suggestions!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    I dressed up as spaghetti last year and won most original at was pretty funny. I folded a plastic tablecloth in half and made a hole in the middle to put my head through and wear it like a poncho. Then I got one of those plastic plates and glued yarn in it like if it was spaghetti got a few white styrofoam balls and painted it them with poster paint like a reddish brown color like if they were meatballs.. glued a plastic fork in it and them stapled the whole plate smack in the middle of the plastic tablecloth, around my stomach area. I got a pasta drainer from home threaded some yarn into it like spaghetti hair on put it on my head....