
how do you all get energy?? i mean, it's hard to carry out everyday responsibilities and then ADDITIONALLY add in exercise and attention to diet, etc. how do you keep your energy level up? i know that sleep is the common-sense one, but sometimes there just isn't enough time.... :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't exercise and have lost all the weight I wanted and have kept it off for 8 months now.
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    I use Spark from Advocare. It's an energy drink that is sugar free and does not give you the "jitters" that most others do. It's Awesome!
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    I find I have more energy the more I excercise! Just keep going, the moment you sit down.....forget it.
  • cathyAprice
    I have been drinking Shakeology since March 2010 and it gives me energy without stimulants...and it's good for you! If you want more info, you can read more about it at

  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Life does get in teh way sometimes. Work on making it a habit and it will become routine. Are you struggling to find time or it motivation?
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    these things have given me a ton more energy than I had earlier in the year and past years:

    1. exercise provides a boost nearly every time.

    2. cutting out the crap from my diet. folks, caffeine is a downer. I have been caffeine-free since mid April and I have more energy now. I have also greatly reduced my processed foods intake...and the toxins that go with them.

    3. losing weight (which has been aided by 1 and 2 above).
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Eating right and often (3 meals, 2 or 3 snacks inbetween) and regular exercise help me. I've also realized that, although my body thinks it wants sugar or caffeine, protein actually helps keep my energy levels up more. Try having some with every meal and even one or two snacks and see how you feel. Drinking water helps a lot too.
  • lolomichelle13
    lolomichelle13 Posts: 56 Member
    I have been working out a lot lately.. on top of a full time job and grad school. Do I always have the energy when I go workout? Heck no, but I just have finally got the little white gal O:-) on my shoulder prevailing over the little red gal :devil: on the other side.. and push myself to do it ;) I know after the workout I'll feel much better than before it and that helps get me through it!
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    The more you move, the more you'll want to move. I promise :) Reformed couch potato here....

    Will you sometimes have to drag yourself by the ear to go do it? Yes. Will you be glad you did afterwards? Every single time. Can you lose weight without exercise? Definitely. Is it sustainable? Maybe....for some people that are willing to eat less for the rest of their life. I'm not one of them LOL.

    I work full time, and have 4 kids and a man to take care of. It was hard to convince myself to add in the time for myself to work out. But the way that I look and feel now is so worth it!

    I still have a ways to go - but I remember several years ago when I said "man if I could just get in a size 10 I would be happy" or "man if I could just magically be 40 pounds lighter that would be so great". There is no magical way. There is only less in, more out. 40 pounds lighter, I'm a size 10 now - and 4 is looking like a pretty good goal to me :)

    You have to push yourself. Get something hot that's too small for you and hang it on the wall where you can see it every day, or whatever other thing might motivate you. Only you can do this. And when you do, you will feel such an awesome sense of pride and accomplishment. So go do it ;)