Personal advice

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
Does anyone else actually take someone else's advice? In my experience when someone asks you for personal advice, they don't really want your advice, they want to see if you come up with the same answer they did, and if you don't then they do whatever it is they were going to do anyway. So is there anyone out there that has actually taken someone else's advice when you knew it was the right thing even if you didn't want to? or did you do what you wanted until either you couldn't anymore or you came to the conclusion on your own that that was what you needed to do? Just taking a quick count


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Most people just want to see if anyone agrees with them. I agree most don't take the advice.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I think I have...hmmm...but now you have me wondering... Obviously, you can't take everyones advice but I think I take the ones I think I can live with.

    Great point though!
    LAWIII Posts: 50
    I agree.
    My personal answer is yes and no. Didn't listen to my personal trainer at first and then did. Big difference in how I progressed towards my goals.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I agree that most people just want to see if someone elses advice is the same as theirs; however at work for example I ask for advice and follow it. I guess that's different though.
  • bstevens1021
    I take my dad's advice a lot... Although he wouldn't tell you that if you asked him! LOL He thinks I never take his advice.

    I agree, though, I think a lot of people aren't asking for advice so much, they just want affirmation that what they were thinking in the beginning is the way to go. I don't think it's a bad thing to ask for advice and then not follow, it, though-most of the time I recommend to go with your gut. No one knows the full ins and outs of your situation but you.
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    I do. My MFP buddies all have so much knowledge when it comes to my goals and seeing their progress pics along with their weight loss scale/tickers really reinforces that they know what they're talking about. Recently it's been about upping my protein and I'm doing it which has been beneficial.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Sometimes it isn't just about getting an answer as it can be as having another chance to think through to how they are getting to where they are.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    I have to agree - yes and no. Usually, if I ask someones advice, it is because I really want to know, or I am not sure myself what I want to do.

    If they recommend something different than I think, I'll "argue my case" and see if they agree. If they can support their recommendation or can counter my arguments, I'll usually go with what they said.

    If it is my wife, I just say "yes, dear" and do what she says :) (usually)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I try to only ask for serious personal advice from people I will take it from i.e. mom and dad and close (intelligent) friends. If it's something that really matters to me I only ask someone I can trust. If it's something trivial I will ask anyone.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I also think people ask advice to get a different opinion that might point out problems that they have not anticipated.. you know a scenario of how it will play out that you missed.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Depending on how "good" the advice is and whom it's coming from.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Absolutely I do. And I try to avoid asking for people's advice if I have already made up my mind what to do, especially in work situations. Otherwise it makes people mad.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i usually ask those that i trust for advice. for example i talk to an aunt and uncle for marriage or relationship advice.

    i listen to dave ramsey for financial advice. People that been there done that. If i want someone to tell me what i want to hear, i go to my mom and my bio dad. They feel the need to tell me im awesome even when i know darn good well im not.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I often take people's advice, but I'll only ask the people I trust. I can tell when someone is asking me for advice, but only wanting me to agree with them.

    Does it piss you off when people ask for your advice, then don't take it? Just curious. This mostly pisses me off when it's my younger sisters, so probably just the bossy older sister in me.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Totally depends on the issue and from whom I am asking advice.

    I pretty much always take my mom's advice about everything because we have an understanding: she is my mother, not my friend. If she thinks I'm on the verge of doing something stupid, it is her job to give me the proverbial smack across the face and tell me I'm being an idiot, rather than sit back and watch me ruin my life and say "Well, you're an adult. Do what you want."

    If I need advice about men, I usually ask other men rather than women. The men I know will tell me the truth without trying to spare my feelings. I've even Skyped with my brother-in-law to find out which of several outfits to wear on a date (why would I ask a woman what is attractive to a man when I can just ask a man?) Most women, even the few who have a good understanding of how men think, are more concerned about not pissing me off than giving me sound advice.

    Anything else ... financial matters, fitness and nutrition stuff, etc., I will ask whomever in my life is most knowledgable on those subjects. If their advice sounds logical and seems to coincide with whatever research I've already done, I'll follow it. Otherwise, I keep researching until I can fit all the pieces together myself.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I often take people's advice, but I'll only ask the people I trust. I can tell when someone is asking me for advice, but only wanting me to agree with them.

    Does it piss you off when people ask for your advice, then don't take it? Just curious. This mostly pisses me off when it's my younger sisters, so probably just the bossy older sister in me.

    I don't get pissed if it's not a close acquaintance because usually I don't know if they followed the advice and I also assume they will do what they want anyway. But it is frustrating when a close friend asks for personal advice, doesn't take it and then proceeds to complain about the issue constantly doing nothing about it. At that point I just tell them I don't want to hear them complaining because they aren't doing anything about it anyway.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    If they are qualified to give the advice and its practical for me, then yeah.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I often take people's advice, but I'll only ask the people I trust. I can tell when someone is asking me for advice, but only wanting me to agree with them.

    Does it piss you off when people ask for your advice, then don't take it? Just curious. This mostly pisses me off when it's my younger sisters, so probably just the bossy older sister in me.

    I don't get pissed if it's not a close acquaintance because usually I don't know if they followed the advice and I also assume they will do what they want anyway. But it is frustrating when a close friend asks for personal advice, doesn't take it and then proceeds to complain about the issue constantly doing nothing about it. At that point I just tell them I don't want to hear them complaining because they aren't doing anything about it anyway.

    Exactly. That's what frustrates me. Asking me for advice, not taking it, then continuing to complain to me about the situation. That's what I keep in mind for myself when I ask others for advice.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I often take people's advice, but I'll only ask the people I trust. I can tell when someone is asking me for advice, but only wanting me to agree with them.

    Does it piss you off when people ask for your advice, then don't take it? Just curious. This mostly pisses me off when it's my younger sisters, so probably just the bossy older sister in me.

    I don't get pissed if it's not a close acquaintance because usually I don't know if they followed the advice and I also assume they will do what they want anyway. But it is frustrating when a close friend asks for personal advice, doesn't take it and then proceeds to complain about the issue constantly doing nothing about it. At that point I just tell them I don't want to hear them complaining because they aren't doing anything about it anyway.

    Exactly. That's what frustrates me. Asking me for advice, not taking it, then continuing to complain to me about the situation. That's what I keep in mind for myself when I ask others for advice.

  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    For me, when I ask for advice, I'm looking for a new angle on things. Sometimes I get a new angle that works for me, other times people get too pushy and try to convince me to do what they want me to...even though I know it's not what *I* want.