
  • QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    Like most people, it varies depending on the day. Some mornings I wake up in great mood and it drives me forward the rest of the day. I tell myself how great I'm doing and how easy everything is when I put my mind to it. But then there are the days where I hate my job, hate my body, and hate everything around me. On those days, it's all about talking myself into working out. By the time I finish, no matter how rough my day has been up until that point, I feel like I've accomplished something and find myself back on track with a positive mindset.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    Congrat to MRIVERA & SHYDAISI on their great losses for the week....Awesome...AND also congrats to everyone else too!! We are all STRONG !!!! We can do it....Us blue team members gotta tighten up this week like Rhonda said!!!! lol
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    Well, like alot of you have depends on the day. I am usually a very positive, upbeat person. My self talk is like that too. I find that sometimes when things get hectic and I put off "taking care of myself" I tend to really get down, and then the self talk turns negative. I dont like to be in that place!!! MOST of the time it doesnt take me long to talk myself back into the positive....

    I find I do a LOT of self talk when I am out alone walking/running.....!!! Very often I talk out loud to myself saying "I am strong, I can do this....I am blessed to be able to get out the door and run.....I have to take care of this body God gave me!!!!"......

    GREAT question :)
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My self talk is positive most of the time now but this did not come over night. It is funny, I have always been forgiving of others but had a great difficulty in forgiving myself. I have always been known as an optimistic person among family, friends and business associates. I have had to LEARN to give myself the same love, support and respect I gave others so willingly. I backtrack some when I look in the mirror. In my mind and heart I still feel like a fit 30 year old. What I see in the mirror is a reminder of what a misserable failure I have been in this area of my life. Things started to change for me one day when the Pastor of my church held my face in her hands and said that God loved me. This was something I had always known but in that moment I realized that if God loved me that I had an obligation to love myself. I started that day to treat myself better and to have self talk that was more positive. I am not perfect by a long shot still but I have learned to treat myself with kindness, even when looking in the mirror:love:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Congrat to MRIVERA & SHYDAISI on their great losses for the week....Awesome...AND also congrats to everyone else too!! We are all STRONG !!!! We can do it....Us blue team members gotta tighten up this week like Rhonda said!!!! lol

    I am probably a significant part of the group to blame, I haven't lost even half a pound in 2 weeks. Hopefully this week is different.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    Yep - I vary with my mood and the weather.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Congrat to MRIVERA & SHYDAISI on their great losses for the week....Awesome...AND also congrats to everyone else too!! We are all STRONG !!!! We can do it....Us blue team members gotta tighten up this week like Rhonda said!!!! lol

    Thank you. WE GOT THIS! This Challenge has been so much fun for me and so encouraging and you guys are so awesome! I love running side by side with everyone! I'm looking forward to this week! Let's go Teams!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Wow! I can't believe I won (second...haha)!

    Great job on the losses everyone! Keep up the good work!

    Congrats! You deserve it. .. shydaisi
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    WOW! I can't believe I won! (Thinking about the biking, hiking and running I did this week) And all the spinach I ate too.... Hard work pays off... :)

    Look at all the weight we are all losing as a team... This is AWESOME! I'm so proud of all of us! I know my partner is struggling so I'm holding the fort for us both... :) ~hugs Nicca90~

    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My self talk is You CAN DO THIS! YOU GOT THIS GIRL! LET'S DO THIS! Hard work pays off! One pound at a time - ON PURPOSE! This isn't an accident. It isn't a surprise when I get on the scale. I know where I should be at, whether I'm going up or down. I GOT THIS! (Like that guy on this show my son likes to watch).

    I believe in myself and I believe in the people I am meeting on MFP. If we really want this, we can just take it! I'm finally getting control over me.

    Great Job!! mrivera713
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My mood varies. I try not to let my everyday surrounding influence my eating, and mt workouts but they do. I try to be supportive, and understanding with myself. I am working on not being negative.

    Again, congrats to all the winners this week.
  • QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    Every morning, I picture myself at the finish line of this weight loss journey. I'm wearing tailored black pants (size 10!), black patent leather high heels and a sleeveless top. My arms are toned so I don't need to bring a wrap with me to cover them up! I'm standing tall and proud and confident. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I feel sexy and I have a huge smile on my face. And I think to myself, you did it! You deserve it! And then I go to dinner date with my husband and I feel beautiful and grateful.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    A dress, I don't wear dresses and i haven't wore a skirt since high school, so when i close my eyes i see a fit and healthly me in a little dress and sexy heels and my hair styled beautiful ( thats one of mini goals-halfway), I want to, no I WILL feel confident and sexy and HAPPY!!!! And off to date night (needing one of these).

    Like your idea toned arms no flabby, i see that too and thighs not so HUGE!!!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    ANother great question. I am getting much closer to my goal weight, so this is starting to feel like a reality. But, when I imagine myself at my goal weight, I have a flat stomach. I am wearing a bikini and totally comfortable in it (not trying to suck in my gut, or sit just right). I am leaving for a cruise in 59 days, and this is my goal. I want to feel comfortable in my swimsuit. I will be very happy if I can meet this goal. :laugh:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD MON Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    When I am working out my self talk is always positive. Very encouraging and strong. I'm always telling myself to push harder and go longer, you can do it. When I'm eating unfortunately my voice is not as strong but is critical and defeated. A lot of this is due to my lack of control on my emotions.

    QOTD TUES 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I feel stronger, more self assured. I am full of faith and freer. When I look in the mirror I see muscle definition in my arms and legs. Most likely I am wearing a tank top to show off my beautiful Michelle Obama arms and skirt (long maxi or short mini, it doesn't matter) to show off my Ciara like legs.
  • QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    Well when I'm at my goal weight I picture myself first of all with a BIG HONKIN smile on my face! And I'll be wearing a pair of skinny jeans (as my BFF has informed me I need to get out of the "Mom Jeans") with a nice top and some great fashion boots. I am going to feel on top of the world and very proud of myself. But before any of that happens I have to start eating right! (just had to throw that in there - not sure what kind of self talk that last sentance was!?!?!?!)
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD TUES 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    ~smiles shyly~ Me at my goal weight.... ~sigh~ It's a long road ahead of me, but when I get there.... it's going to be awesome! The sweat, the burn in my lungs, the MANY 5k's I have accomplished, the 10k's I may have done.... will all be worth this moment.....

    One day I will stand in front of a mirror in my long red sleeveless dress, showing off my curvacious body, my plumpilicious booty, and my nicely toned arms. The front of my dress will hide my ladies, (still can't picture if they are still big or if they are small, but I won't show them off either way because I want people to look in my eyes when they speak to me). No longer do I want to get attention by wearing low cut shirts. The back of the dress will be open all the way down to right above my waist. No more rolls to hide! My hair will be in an updo and I don't know what kind of shoes I will wear yet....

    But I will glow from the inside out. Not because of how beautiful I look on the outside, but because of all the goals I have accomplished. Because of all the friends I have made. Because my kids are proud that their mom DID it! Because God is my priority. And I give Him all the thanks. His strength saw me through and will continue to see me through. When you look in my eyes right now as I am, you see something. You can't put your finger on it, but there is something about my eyes.... That's still gonna be there when I lose my weight. :)

    The dress and body will be a plus... And I'll finally BELIEVE it with ALL of my heart! Beauty is within the eye of the beholder and it's on the inside looking out! I do believe! I do believe! I do believe!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    Toned arms for sure - hopefully with no leftover skin/flab hanging off them and i will seriously consider plastic surgery if there is. A little bit of abs muscle showing but not crazy ripped - just low enough bodyfat that you can see em (18-20%?). sleek back with muscles you can see when I flex.

    I just found out in my move that I still have my homecoming dress from high school - not sure if that will EVER fit since I think I was a bit shorter but if it does I'm going to at least put it on and walk around the house for a few minutes. its a straight dark grey tube to the floor with a slit and beaded straps. I thought I was fat. I think I weighed 135 so I totally wasn't.

    I'll feel good I guess, but I feel good about my body now honestly. There are things I want to change but I don't look at my body in the mirror now and think 'oh my god don't look!" I look now and think "not too bad, it'll be nice wiht that extra fat is gone!"
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I look in the mirror and see a confident woman. I have all my curves and didn't turn into one of those women who lose weight and they lose everything. I want to have a smile on and be able to take on any challenge in the world. The funny thing is, I used to always want to wear shorter clothes when I was bigger but the more weight I lose, The more sophisticated I want to look. I am finding my style. So I will either have on a classy dress that's tight that shows off my curves or a bikini that covers and shows just enough. I will feel like I am a conquerer and can get everything I want.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I will continue to see me, who I truly am, but I will also see that all the work and effort was worth it. I will be toned and have a toned core with zero flab. I will be in my jeans with a fitted women's cut t-shirt that isn't long or over sized to hide my flab. I will be modest - I am VERY modest by nature and don't get wanting to let your body hang out when it's supposed to be a Temple from The Lord - but the sleeves will be shorter and I won't be self conscious. I could even tuck IN my shirt! I will feel fitter, energetic, more confident that I've overcome this weakness and less bloated/pressure from the extra weight. PLUS my knees should hurt less since they'll have less weight and pressure to carry around.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Love the line from Amber about wanting to dress classier. I totally agree! Great comments.