Reasonable deadline?

I have a personal deadline to get to my goal weight by my next birthday. My goal weight is 160, and I have a feeling I'll be wanting to re-evaluate that as I get closer to it. Most-likely lowering it to 145, if possible. It's 160 right now because that's when I feel I looked my best in high-school (a nice size 8).

My birthday is June 22...roughly 37 weeks from now. If I were to lose a pound a week, I would be 169 at that time. I've been losing about 1.5-2 though (I know it'll be tougher the closer I get...silly plateaus).

So...I'm just wondering if this is reasonable and in my grasp?


  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Possibly but remember that everybody is different and you cannot be easily discouraged and dissapointed if it doesn't happen or if you don't lose as steadily as you are now. Good luck and I hope you make your goal!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Once you get closer to your goal, your weight loss will usually slow down. It is possible, but I might set my goal a little higher (maybe in the 170's?). Then if you have some plateaus along the way, you won't be too bummed, and if you lose more than that you can just be happy! :smile:
  • Splinkysgirl2
    My birthday is June 29 - so we are basically birthday buddies. :happy: And I know how it is to want to have a specific weight goal met by that time. But, sometimes it just doesn't work out that way and we miss the deadline that our bodies do not agree with. However, based on your calculations and if everything goes hopefully as planned, you will be in the ballpark even if you are not at the exact target for your birthday. A 9 pound difference is nothing to be disappointed about. Regarding possibly getting down to 145 -- even though you have been averaging between 1.5 - 2 pounds, as you know and have mentioned, there will be those plateau moments. So why not just make the deadline the same number of weeks as the number of pounds you want to lose? That way, there is no higher expectation and no unnecessary frustration or stress -- if you lose more and faster than the deadline it will be just "cherries on top." That's what I am doing. My commitment is for one pound per week. I have fluctuated between 3 pounds and .08 pounds per week so far. And I'm satisfied with that. Every bit counts towards the end goal before putting in the work to maintain. Good luck. Patience is the key.