
My main focus for weight loss is due to the dreaded "beetus". I've lost a couple of pounds, but I really want to really and truly eat right. The pounds I've lost weren't due to dietary changes, but work and lack of food.

I've tried a few diets in the past, but never had the will power to stay with it. It's quite frustrating and hopeless sometimes, because I feel like I'm on the fast track to death.


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hang in there!

    There are a lot of folks on here who have dealt with diabeties and losing weight.

    Try talking to your doctor to get the lowdown on what you can and can't have.

    Good luck to you. Don't give up!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I'm the poster child for what exercise and diet can do to Diabetes. I was rendered a diagnosis, I came, I saw, I kicked its @$$ back to the corner where it belongs.

    Let me tell you... There is no need to take this disease lying down. Proper nutrition and exercise can help immensely.

    Glad to help if I can.
  • Hi a fellow diabetic here so don't worry you're not alone, there many of us here :smile: By the way, what type are you? I'm a type 2 & although I still having some unusual feeling, little wounds that takes me a week to clot & my blood sugar level is still playing from 118-150 but at least its way better now than 200 eversince I lost the weight. Feel free to add me if you want so we can do this together :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: By the way, I don't follow a special diet or exercise. There's no such thing as that because basically what our Diabetologist recommends is actually very similar to a typical balanced diet that is applicable to everybody, diabetic or not.
  • I'm trying to help my diabetis boyfriend with this. He's had it since he was little but he wants to lose weight and get healthier, and I totally support him.
    I, on the other hand, am the health-nut hypoglycemic. :P Haha. Complete opposite.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hi DrZaius84. I don't believe in diets, so I will not tell you to diet. Being healthy is about eating healthy and in my book, healthy eating is not about depriving yourself of things you like to eat. I feel that I can eat anything that I want as long as it fits into my daily calories. I believe in the food pyramid and portion control.

    If I can suggest anything to you. I would suggest you invest in some sectional plates, even if they are plastic. Walmart should have the plastic ones for $1.00. Sectional plates helps with portion control.

    Other things that helps with portion control are measuring cups, measuring spoons, Zip lock bags, plastic containers, labels etc.

    If you like to eat cereal. You can put your cereal in a plastic container and have a measuring cup in the container, so you can use for serving sizes.

    Shop cheap for your helpers. The Dollar Tree is a good store to find a lot of things.

    Diabetics are advised to eat low GI foods. Under 55. Diabetics are also encouraged to eat 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal and 15 grams of carbohydrates per snack. I think for men, the carbs per meal can go up to 60. The snacks is still 15 grams.

    You can do this. Believe in God and Believe in yourself. I'm here for you.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    Google 'low GI foods' and make friends with them. If you haven't seen a doctor, do so and ask to be referred to a Registered Dietician who specialises in diabetic care. I was diagnosed in May, and in three months I'd lost enough weight (26 pounds) for my doctor to take me off one of the meds, reduce the dosage on the other one and cut my blood pressure meds in half. I go back at the end of November and want to be taken off all meds then. You can do it with persistence to exercise and eating right. I'm not on a diet, but with the RD's help I have made very good life style changes.
  • You have some great ideas, going to get those plates this week!
    Hi DrZaius84. I don't believe in diets, so I will not tell you to diet. Being healthy is about eating healthy and in my book, healthy eating is not about depriving yourself of things you like to eat. I feel that I can eat anything that I want as long as it fits into my daily calories. I believe in the food pyramid and portion control.

    If I can suggest anything to you. I would suggest you invest in some sectional plates, even if they are plastic. Walmart should have the plastic ones for $1.00. Sectional plates helps with portion control.

    Other things that helps with portion control are measuring cups, measuring spoons, Zip lock bags, plastic containers, labels etc.

    If you like to eat cereal. You can put your cereal in a plastic container and have a measuring cup in the container, so you can use for serving sizes.

    Shop cheap for your helpers. The Dollar Tree is a good store to find a lot of things.

    Diabetics are advised to eat low GI foods. Under 55. Diabetics are also encouraged to eat 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal and 15 grams of carbohydrates per snack. I think for men, the carbs per meal can go up to 60. The snacks is still 15 grams.

    You can do this. Believe in God and Believe in yourself. I'm here for you.
  • Don't give up Dr zaius, if I can reverse the mess I made of my health, you can too
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You have some great ideas, going to get those plates this week!

    Let me know how they work out for you.
  • There are a few of us diabetics on here. It can be a real nuisance at times.
    Feel free to add me if you wish. :)
  • Starting on MyFitnessPal and planning to get diabetes in check,
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Starting on MyFitnessPal and planning to get diabetes in check,

    You can do it CarinaR47
  • jLAVA82
    jLAVA82 Posts: 17
    HI! I'm a type one diabetic and am on an insulin pump. I'm not sure if you have type 1 or type 2 but, as you proabably know, type 1 is not reversable. There are so many crappy things that go along with diabetes, regardless of what type you have, but you can work though them! That's the thing though, you have to commit to yourself and do a little work. BUT, once you decide to do that they pay off is huge!!

    Even though you can't reverse type 1, there are still things you can do to make things easier...like losing a bit of weight will reduce insulin requirements! Honestly, the best thing to start off with when dealing with your diabetes and trying to loose weight is doing a really good job with your food log..make sure you mark everythign down. By logging in my blood sugar levels and my insulin dosages as well I have been able to reduce my A1C levels DRASTICALLY! By doing this you can get a better idea of how much insulin you should be using and when you have problem blood sugar occurances.

    My biggest frustration are low blood sugars. WHen I'm low I find it very hard to control myself..and I usually just eat until I feel better! I hate when I exercise and my blood sugar goes low too!

    Anyways, best of luck to you...you can do it!!!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    My biggest frustration are low blood sugars. WHen I'm low I find it very hard to control myself..and I usually just eat until I feel better! I hate when I exercise and my blood sugar goes low too!

    Hi jLAVA82. I have some questions for you.

    1. What do you see as being low blood sugar reading?
    2. How often do you check your blood sugar?
    3. How often are you eating? Are you eating low GI food and 45 carbs per meal and 15 carbs per snack?
    4. Do you check your blood 3. sugar blood sugar before exercising? Knowing the blood sugar number prior to exercising can help a diabetic determine if they need to exercise at that moment and also choose what kind of exercise they are going to do, if their number is good.
  • You really need to take into account your blood sugar/insulin levels by monitoring the types of food you eat. Did you know that two slices of white bread will spike your blood sugar more than a chocolate bar? You should ideally be avoiding all high GI foods and the bulk of your diet should be low GI foods.