Need Motivation & Tips!

alexisk00 Posts: 3
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys, I'm new to this site. I decided enough is enough! I'm the least motivated person ever. I start new exercises and diets, etc, all the time, and I never stick to them. I need some tips, or tricks, or whatever helps you stay motivated. Since I had my baby, I can seriously eat and eat and eat. I feel like I still have cravings, and it sucks so bad.
I started things like the 30 day shred, and it kicked my *kitten*. Seriously, after like 5 minutes I feel like death. This can't be normal. Where did you start, for those who aren't used to exercising? Help me out! Any tips or advice welcome!
Thanks everyone! :)
Wish me luck. I'll need it.


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I started with walking and aqua aerobics. Not that that was easy. Now I walk a lot faster, because really before I was strolling. I love doing 30 DS and I'm still doing the modified level, suits me. Find things you enjoy. I also go to zumba, ballet, jazz dance, not all weekly just whenever I can. I use a treadmill and stationary exercise bike and gardening. Find what you enjoy.
    Motivation can be hard, so try making a plan. Or dress each day ready to exercise, then when you find the time you are ready to pop in that DVD or go for a walk, even if its just around your block.
  • ckisme
    ckisme Posts: 15
    Hi Alexis. Have you thought about attending a class or hooking up with a buddy/accountability partner. Accountability and support is key to anyone starting a fitness program. I have an online accountability group if you're interested, I can email you the link. Quite frankly it's very normal. Accountability and support means everything. Feel free to reach out!

    Carol Ann
  • I never stick to diets either and that's why I'm hopefully make some lasting changes :-) I just started about two weeks ago - and like you I'm not an exerciser. What I've been doing is taking walks - around the neighborhood, park, going to nearby places. I'm trying to get my body used to moving! Perhaps a gradual start into it..making it routine..will help make it last :-) Just today I jogged a little as walking seemed not enough.

    We can do it!! :-)
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    my best motivator is at the end of the day and i see the you will be ____ in 5 weeks number...i live for it!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    first, as for motivation and the mental part of the challenge, I recommend that you read this blog of mine:

    second, as far as exercise, start slow with something you enjoy....or, really, you don't need to start with any exercise. what you eat/drink controls 80% or more of your weight loss journey. exercise has its own benefits (in addition to aiding weight loss) and I recommend it, but settle in to things and build a rhythm. I spent the first 2 1/2 months just focusing on my nutrition and I lost around 21 pounds without any exercise. i probably would have continued to lose weight without exercise, but I wanted to start the process of toning up so I wouldn't end up soft and gooey at a lower weight. I spent roughly 2 months doing cardio activities like climbing stairs and some jogging. It was only after the first 4 1/2 months of my journey that I added resistance training and HIIT (you can read about my HIIT routines at another blog of mine when you're ready). but, no need to overdo it early. if your body isn't ready for it, you're not going to stick with it. there's pushing it and then there's pushing it too far. don't overdo it.

    good luck to you.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    The first time I tried 30 DS I only lasted 5 minutes... and then was super sore the next day... but I kept doing it and each time lasted a little longer... and before I knew it I could do the whole thing...

    Just keep trying... your will start to feel stronger and then you will want to do more
  • Cara2Me
    Cara2Me Posts: 60
    Yes, just start at whatever you want to do. I signed up for a 5K that was MONTHS away and said, "I will finish it." That is what I needed to do to get me moving. I have since done the same thing to re-energize me to get back into my fitness program. I have also connected with friends to run and joined a wonderful workout group that has made working out a social outing instead of a chore. I hope this helps you... Best of luck!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    u can do this...u are not alone. Welcome to myfitnesspal....lets do this journey together.....:smile:
  • Thank you so much every one!
    Seeing everyone's success makes me really want to get my *kitten* in to gear and lose weight! I mean, there is NO point in being overweight, in my situation. I'm just lazy. And when I'm at home most of the time with my 5 month old, I have nothing to do, so why not exercise. Why not cook a healthy meal. I'm wasting my time sitting around, and I'm going to regret it in the long run.

    hmalin1, I read your blog, and it really made me think about how I should just shut up and do it. I'm not happy about my lifestyle, so I should just change it.

    I'm going to do this, and I'm going to stick with it this time!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Thank you so much every one!
    Seeing everyone's success makes me really want to get my *kitten* in to gear and lose weight! I mean, there is NO point in being overweight, in my situation. I'm just lazy. And when I'm at home most of the time with my 5 month old, I have nothing to do, so why not exercise. Why not cook a healthy meal. I'm wasting my time sitting around, and I'm going to regret it in the long run.

    hmalin1, I read your blog, and it really made me think about how I should just shut up and do it. I'm not happy about my lifestyle, so I should just change it.

    I'm going to do this, and I'm going to stick with it this time!

    good for you. I think you've received what you need in this thread to get a strong mindset. do the things I suggest in my blog and it will help you rev up that mindset whenever you feel it start to waiver.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I am new to myfitnesspal too !! So Welcome!

    30 day shred is genius, because it is only 20 minutes! and anyone can spare just 20 minutes a day. it kicks my butt too, I am completely sweaty after! and sore the next day!
    I need to lose about 30 pounds. I didn't even really notice putting it on, it crept up so sneaky !!! :( Now just losing a few pounds seem like such a crazy challenge! Takes me doing a LOT of work just to lose a few pounds. I have slow metabolism, low thyroid, motivation is my problem and I love food !!!!

    --What is helping me right now is writing down my goals in a journal, of what I really want to achieve besides just losing pounds!
    --Also, When I have no motivation to exercise, I always tell myself to remember how wonderful I feel after I complete my workouts!... I HAVE NEVER FELT BAD AFTER A WORKOUT, I ONLY EVER FEEL AMAZING AND PROUD. It's pretty much impossible to feel worse after a workout. :)
    --Inspiring quotes:
    ~ "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
    ~"You are entirely up to you. Make your body. Make your life. Make yourself." ~ Nike (new ad... I just love this!!)
    --And accountability... that's why I signed up here on this site. Even if I have bad days, embarrass myself by cheating on my diet, I have to be accountable to myself and the people on this site.

    I wish you peace and health. good luck on your journey!
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