I have been under calories but still not losing weight help

I have been using this for 2 months then i stopped and now i have started again i am doing 2 hours plus exercise and always eating under my calorie goal apart from on a sunday when i don't exercise i go over by 200 calories or so but I don't seem to be losing weight? Can anyone help or had the same problem?


  • If you unlock your diary, it'll be easier to help.

    How many calories are you eating? Do you eat any of your exercise calories back?
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Are u drinking your water? Take a look at your sodium...are u eating at least 1200?
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I would say you are eating to few calories... you want to be as close to equal on your calories... so if you get 1200 calories, you should be eating 1200 calories... and if you burn calories from exercise you need to eat those back
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    If you want any meaningful advice, you need to make your diary public.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Probably because you're using a wrong number for caloric intake. Seems to be a common theme around here.

    Do you feel like you're hungry most of the day?
  • simone_84
    simone_84 Posts: 22 Member
    You might need to up your calories. If you aren't taking in enough the body goes into starvation mode and holds on to all it can. I had the same issue when I had my goal set at losing 2 lbs/wk which allowed me 1200 cal/day. Once I adjusted it to only lose 1.5/wk I started losing again. Its only about an extra 150 calories or so a day but it made a difference for me. Might do the trick for you too.
  • zcoop
    zcoop Posts: 12 Member
    I customize on my fitness pal because some other websites off different info as far as calories suggested. I look up my bmr on health discover website and find out how much my body naturally burns. I then subtract 500 calories from that and dont eat anymore. i excersise and dont eat the calories ive burned. i drink allot of water. and as i loose weight i keep checking my bmr to see if my calories need to o down. Numbers dont lie. so somewhere your eating to many calories. you may have to go get your tyroid checked.
  • My best judgement is that your body is just at a standstill.. plataue... To get out of this you need to "shock your body" Which means eat more calories then you are. Up your intake to the amount is says you should eat, and even more if you are working out, do this for a few days then cut your calories back down and you should see a difference! :wink: Good luck!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    How far under your calorie goal are you eating? You need to be really close to it.

    How many pounds (or kgs) is your weight loss goal per week set at? If you have it set at the maximum, you're probably trying to lose too much at first since you aren't that big. I would set my goal to the lowest setting there is.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    If you are under calories, and not losing, you could have 2 possible scenarios: overestimating your calorie burns / underestimating your food consumption, OR if you are in fact consistently under your recommended daily calories + exercise calories by more than 100 calories a day, you have likely slowed your metabolism by failing to eat enough to fuel your workouts and your bodily functions, i.e., starvation mode.

    In order to effectively fuel your metabolism so that you can lose weight, you HAVE to eat your calories.

    For excellent explanations of starvation mode and why you should eat your exercise calories, go to the SECOND PAGE of this link:



  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    I plateaued really quickly, too. I reduced my goals to one pound per week rather than two, and then I started doing zig-zag dieting. It got me out of the plateau, but you really do NEED to ratchet up your calories on those days slated for it.
  • It is important to get atleast 30 minutes of exercise daily. Once you are able to do that, then you will be able to add alittle more to that.

    When I first started MFP I lost 1 lb. the first week, then the next week-I gained 1 lb of water weight. (I was stumpted, but the next week I lost 1 lb, it was that I needed to add more exercise). I was not sure about eating my exercise calories. Then I made sure I was over that starvation mode warning & all was working out for me. I have been losing an average of 1 lb per wk, give or take.

    5'4" :heart:
    234---Started Sept. 5, 2011 :sad:
    Sept. 12, 2011 :happy:
    Sept. 19, 2011 :grumble:
    Sept. 26, 2011 :flowerforyou:
    Oct. 3, 2011 :love:
    Oct. 10, 2011 :indifferent: (I wasn't sure if I'd lost any! I was actually pretty surprised of this reading!)
    125---Goal weight :love: (My orginal starting weight before babies back in the day).

    Jesus is my Rock. Jesus lives big inside of me!
    I want to beable to accomplish whatever it is I need to do while I'm in this life. It will be much easier being fit!! :happy:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I didn't start losing weight until I upped my calorie intake to 1500-1600 calories and that is with exercise.