The Wall, I Have HIT it today. I'm HUNGRY

I have to be at work in like 7 hours. And I can't sleep. I'm hungry! Today is the first day since I started here that I just feel like this is unbearable. I am within my calorie goal today I don't want to F it up. But, I am hungry. My stomach is growling. I don't keep snacks in my house and I only have stuff to cook. I think I may be losing my mind. I want to just tune it out. But, damn, my tummy is grumbling!


  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    THEN EAT. Your body is telling you something!!! Thats like saying, the news says it raining but I don't feel rain drops when I go outside.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Do you have cereal? Or make a one egg scrambled egg sandwich with one slice of bread. Or make cinnamon toast! Yum!!
  • If you're really that hungry, it might be best to eat at least a little something. Although staying under or within calorie goal is important, if you deny yourself food when you're extremely hungry, it could cause your body to store more fat once you actually do eat.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    What rate are you trying to lose at?

    I couldn't do 1200 cal a day for more that 2-3 days in a row.
    I had to give myself a range.

    ROCK BOTTOM : 1200 calories
    TARGET: Lose 1 lb a week (Switched to Lose 1/2 lb a week, when my lose 1lb/week got to 1200)
    HIGH END: Maintain Goal Weight.

    As long as I was within that range I would be losing weight, but not losing my mind.
    It's all about a life you can live. If your deprive yourself too much, you'll break and give up.
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    Listen to your body chick! If you are hungry then you need to eat..... asou dont want to be starving. Try something that is going to full you up but not bad for you ie not high in fat or calories maybe have some lean meat or fish... dont worry if you go over .. just do some extra exercise tomorrow.
    Also drink some water as that helps or what works for me is having a diet coke... I know it is not good for you but it has no calories and the bubbles tend to full me up. :D
  • renee474
    renee474 Posts: 58 Member
    Hang in there. Just think, think, think. There must be something you can grab to curb your cravings without going overboard. How about a glass of milk? Or hot tea? A piece of toast? A quick scrambled egg?
  • taranmisty
    taranmisty Posts: 48 Member
    Try a can of soup or a bag of popcorn.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    My hunger snack is a piece of bread with a tablespoon of jam AND a glass of water. Pretty satisfying.

    I agree with everyone else... eat something... just don't go nutso. THEN go for a walk. If it is night walk around the mall (avoiding the food court, lol) or take a friend with you.

    and remember...
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    If you are hungry, you must be doing something right and sticking to the mfp plan! You need a reward! Eat up.
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I got almost nothing in the house. But I have half an avocado. I'm still JUST under on my diary. I think I may be starting to lose my mind.

    I am borderline Hangry (hungry+angry).
  • smassengill63
    smassengill63 Posts: 7 Member
    It's may be more important to look at where your calories are coming from than just how many you are consuming. It's very important to be sure that you are consuming enough from protein sources (about 60 grams) thats about 240 calories. Protein is satiating and won't trigger insulin spikes that lead to cravings and feelings of hunger. There is no need to be hungry if you are eating tons of salad and veggies with ample protein. Watch out for grains and any other sources of carbohydrate. These will keep insulin levels elevated. Don't starve yourself, fill yourself with the right stuff and you will be successful. Good Luck
  • rrnay
    rrnay Posts: 10 Member
    Air popped popcorn with parmesan is my go to late in the day snack 160 calories for 6 cups and 2 tbsp parm.
    That avocado should do the trick
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    It's may be more important to look at where your calories are coming from than just how many you are consuming. It's very important to be sure that you are consuming enough from protein sources (about 60 grams) thats about 240 calories. Protein is satiating and won't trigger insulin spikes that lead to cravings and feelings of hunger. There is no need to be hungry if you are eating tons of salad and veggies with ample protein. Watch out for grains and any other sources of carbohydrate. These will keep insulin levels elevated. Don't starve yourself, fill yourself with the right stuff and you will be successful. Good Luck

    I am over on my protein today. I haven't had any grains at all in a few days. I did not get a break at work today for about 12 hours. I think that may be throwing me off. I brought a protein bar, but I don't think its the same as real food!
  • smassengill63
    smassengill63 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah 12 hours no food can push the limits. Definately eat that avocado if you haven't already. good fats in that. I would argue against the popcorn and toast ideas, again due to insulin spikes. Nothing screams feed me like an insulin crash.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    First of all - eat please. Go buy some of those 100 calorie snack packs. I love the shortbread cookie ones personally. You should have good healthy snack food at your house. Also, every Sunday I dont really care what I eat. I know I wont be eating 3000 calories ( I can barely eat 1200) but its a day for me to eat whatever and not worry about it. You might want to consider a meal once a weeek that you can eat whatever. It helps the rest of the week, and I have bought those snacks, plus some fruit, some yogurt, some protein bars,etc. Things I can grab if I have some extra calories and Im actually hungry. Today, for the first time!!, I ate over 1600 calories. And I was hungry still. I just drank lots of water and now Im going to go to bed feeling full and not like Im starving. So grab some food, and a big glass of water and feel better :-)