Skinny B*tch

...has anyone read that book? Thoughts??
I just finished it, and really liked it. Learned a lot of things that I probably didn't want to hear but that will benefit me in the long run, health and diet wise.


  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    OMG I am sorry but I hated that book. All it was about, was about not eating anything. No carbs, no alcohol, no meats, no processed food. It had a very negative view on all foods. I used to be a pure vegetarian once. I didn't get skinny by doing it. I went to a zoo and saw elephants were eating the same food as me- carrots and fruits and they were huge. I gave up trying to lose weight by being a vegetarian. I think proteins are very important for weight loss.
  • I think its a good read, and a good way to get your *kitten* in gear for certain things. I love its views about diet products, and I support the message of healthier foods lower on the food chain, but I think its a little too extreme.
  • katbrem15
    katbrem15 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay sorry inspiration345, I totally disagree. SB is all about how the food industry cares less about your actual health and more about the dollars is makes. The diet it suggests is putting items in your body that are chemical and hormone free. Last summer I cut out dairy, meat and eggs (still ate fish). Along with that, I read the ingredient level of everything I ate, no high fructose corn syrup no fake scary chemicals I couldn't pronounce. I didn't track one calorie or even really exercise (and usually I gain weight from just thinking about food). Just changing my eating habits like that, I lost 20 lbs in 4 months. I've kept it off for a year and now I'm not nearly as strict, but the food lessons I learned have helped my body tremendously. Also, you're aloud to drink, they just want you to try to stick to red wine without sulfates(preservatives). Watch the movie "Forks Over Knives" which has a very similar message for more info.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I read the 2nd (I think) book by them "Skinny B*tch in the Kitch". I got it for the recipes but I must admit I also felt very negative vibes from the way it was written. I guess what it comes down to is if you're willing to give up just about everything, or willing to pay for vegan substitutes then they are great for moving forward with that plan. I just felt it was a bit too "you are bad if you eat this" and I can't work a diet that is like that. I just bought an Oreo brownie. It called out to me. I allowed myself a couple of bites and then put it away in a ziplock bag in the fridge. The Skinny B*tch way would frown on the processed goodness :ohwell: LOL

    To each his own, if you can do it, more power to you.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    I have a love and hate relationship with that book. It has many good points and then again I could never eat that way.