I feel like there is no dessert my whole family can eat, sug



  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    If you can have beef you should be ok with Gelatine. Stew up some fruits, puree them and add the amount of gelatine on the packet instructions. Freeze them for tasty nutritious jellos.
  • charlite43
    charlite43 Posts: 4 Member
    You could make frozen ice treats with the different fruits you can eat. blend them up with a bit of water or juice and freeze them in a popsicle tray.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    The Most Common Food Allergies continued...

    "My pet peeve is now we have these blood tests and skin tests but without a patient's or a parent's help, they may provide misinformation," Oppenheimer tells WebMD. "So when a reaction occurs, try to figure out what you or your child ate over the last several hours. And then tell the doctor your story. Doing testing blindly can result in more problems than it solves."

    The problem is that tests for food allergy are very sensitive. This means that if you do have a food allergy, the tests are very likely to catch it. But the tests aren't very specific. This means that the tests often are positive when there's no food allergy.

    "People get 100 tests, and many are false positives and they end up chasing their tails," Oppenheimer says.

    The new guidelines help doctors use food allergy tests in the best possible way. And when used properly, Portnoy says, testing works.

    "Don't just assume you have a food allergy. If you suspect one, get it confirmed," Portnoy says. "You have to make sure you really are allergic. I have seen people with nutritional problems due to avoiding foods they're not really allergic to."

    It's very rare for a person to be allergic to more than one or two foods, Oppenheimer and Portnoy say. So if testing is used to confirm or reject suspect foods, it is more likely to give meaningful results.
    From http://www.webmd.com/allergies/guide/food-allergy-testing

    You might want to be retested or find out exactly what is meant by "a sensitivity" to certain foods. If it means you could have severe problems of course avoid it. If it means it might maybe sometimes give you a bit of heartburn pop a Tums and call it good.
  • SaraSatin
    SaraSatin Posts: 48 Member
    Ok, based on some feedback I got I just want to say thank you to everyone who has replied. I know i sound kind of negative about this but it is hard to see that your perfectly healthy 3 year old has all these issues. I can handle myself and my husband, but she's my baby.

    I also do realize that this is just a sensitivity test, just finding out what is bothering our stomachs not something necessarily causing real damage. In my case, after cheating just a bit at a couple of events I have discovered that my real reactions are to sugars and wheat. Unlike my husband and daughter, who had a bit of gassiness and bloating, I have Ulcerative Colitis and those are the foods that trigger an attack.

    However, we are attempting to be better about not slipping up so we can complete the 6 month elimination period and add things in slowly to see if my husband and daughter have real reactions. I will probably continue to go wheat and sugar/honey free because I simply feel good for the first time in years.

    Oh, and thanks for the ideas with actual instructions! I'm a bit of a kitchen klutz but I try hard. Good to know about the Lara bars, someone told me they had a frosting on them so I wasn't buying them.

    ETA: I also wanted to add that my list of severe and moderate reactions that I wrote is not complete. I was just giving the list of things pertaining to desserts. My 3 year old alone has a list of 39 foods that it says she has a mild sensitivity to. We are simply ignoring those right now because my husband already has foods he can't eat due to medication and we keep a kosher home so some of our no reaction foods I didn't list because they don't work in our household. It's all so confusing so we are focusing on the moderate and severe reactions and limiting the mild ones.

    I simply wanted ideas on desserts so I could give some normalcy back to my husband.