slow going... advice??

I'm in my third week, lost three pounds but am set up for 2 per week. Anyone willing to look at my diary and give any advice? Or should i be satisfied with what i've done so far and not be impatient??


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    3 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome!!! This is a lifestyle change not a race, slow and steady is the way to go!!! Congrats to you!!
  • Felecia95
    Felecia95 Posts: 2 Member
    I think you are doing great. I know you are frustrated. Just remember, slow and steady is the way to keep it off. You should be proud of yourself so far and just keep plugging along.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    working out? I'd say work out more, but your diet is excellent!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    You just started so give it time. I am on a 2 a week and have never done that due to my bad eating habits but I know I can do it by sticking to it. Just stick with it and keep logging honestly. When you can go back and look at what your doing like 30 or 60 days you can see what works and what does not. Also the people on here are your biggest fans so work with your friends too.

  • mamaredhead
    Not having looked at your diary I'd say that waiting, being patient and being proud of what you've started out doing would be a good thing to begin with.

    I never know what to recommend when it comes to dieting because every one of us has very different needs. But eating lots of veggies, adding some fruit and lean meat to your diet and being careful with empty carbs such as white-bread applies to pretty much everyone, so that might be good for you, if you're not already doing it.

    I have to be patient myself -- that's the hardest part: Keeping doing the good things, eating the right things and seeing NO-THING happening ;-)))

    ... until the point, where they happen. Look forward to that one!!!

    Good luck to you!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    just a few suggestions, stop eating hot dogs and take out, eat most of your calories at meals not at snacks. if your calorie allotment is 1700 then eat that, not 800 like you had at one day. and exercise. i didnt look at that, but if you're not then start. even if it's just a walk every day. add some strength training. and just keep at it. it comes off slowly but that's how it should be. well done.
  • rhonda999
    rhonda999 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm walking 3mph a little over 2 miles about 4 - 5 times a week. I've just started back because i fractured my ankle in June. Prior to that I was doing a lot of hiking and some Zumba... so the exercise is slowing building back up. I love to get outside to exercise.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    First of all.... congrats on joining MFP. The first few weeks are always the hardest, so.... keep with it. Once you start to change your eating habits, it all becomes second nature!!!!

    I took a glance at the last week of your diary.... a few suggestions.....

    - Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water (some days none was marked)
    - You are eating a lot of processed and take-out food... not only is that usually higher in fat content, but.... it's LOADED with sodium. Most days you were over your sodium count. You might have been under in your calories, but if fat and sodium are higher, that can contribute to a slower weight loss.
    - Sodium count in canned veggies (tomato & okra, for example) is also very high. Try to stick with more fresh fruits and veggies. Frozen is also better than canned

    I know it's tough sometimes if you lead a hectic lifestyle, but.... if you plan ahead, it makes it easier.

    Feel free to friend me, and you can take a look at my diary. It's not always perfect, but.... I try to do my best to stay under calories and under my other nutrients as much as possible.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm in my third week, lost three pounds but am set up for 2 per week. Anyone willing to look at my diary and give any advice? Or should i be satisfied with what i've done so far and not be impatient??

    yep, be satisfied with what u have done and be patient!

    3 pounds in 3 weeks is great!
  • rhonda999
    rhonda999 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and advice :) !!
  • CindiC65
    You are doing awesome and as most have already commented this is a slow and steady process. 1 pound a week is awesome and you should be commended for that!
    I have only 2 suggestions:
    Always eat your full calorie count for the day. If you get 1200 calories, you need to eat those 1200 calories. I am bad about this and find that if I skimp, I gain.
    And last but not takeout. For me at least I find that eating takeout makes me want more takeout and it ends up being the vicious circle.