Breakfast help

I need help finding a good breakfast that will stick with me. I always eat around 6-7am and lunch is around 1130. I always have a snack in the morning but I'm having a difficult time finding what to eat that will stick with me for a few hours and then a snack to tide me over until lunch. Am I not eating enough "fats" with my breakfast? I know I am careful about how much fat I take in and that could be a problem. I usually have 1/2 of an apple with about 3/4 c cereal, a small amt of cottage cheese and of course milk. I was eating protien for breakfast but was finding I was getting shaky within 1-2 hours of eating which I found strange. What do you eat for breakfast? What do you recommend? I would love the hep!


  • juldga
    juldga Posts: 119
    I have the same problem. do you have a desk job that you can eat at work? Instead of eating at 6:30 before I leave my house I now eat at 8 when I am at work. It makes lunch time seem not so far off.
    I usually have cereal or oatmeal (steel cut oats stick with me pretty well)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I believe eggs (I use Egg Beaters or egg whites) are the most powerful for me, along with a little carbs from a slice of whole grain toast. And then for snack, maybe a few ounces of cold leftover lean protein and some carrots??? Its all about balancing the protein and carbs that keep us from getting hungry again. If you eat too many carbs, your blood sugar will spike and crash, and that is when you get hungry again.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I usually go with a protein smoothie in the morning. I actually sometimes add oats or cereal if I know i am going to be gone for the whole day. That with a decent protein powder, a little fruit. Always keeps me full till lunch, sometimes till dinner.
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I have a high quality whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana sliced up on it on days I'm working out and on off days I have oatmeal and yoghurt. These breakfasts tide me over real nice until lunch, which is usually a huge salad.

    Not too exciting, but simple and yummy. Great thread, I will be checking back for more ideas myself.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I will typically have Quaker Oats Multigrain Oatmeal (1/2 cup dry), made with water (1 cup), plus 1/2 a grapefruit. Sometimes I'll have a Fuji Apple instead of grapefruit.

    The oatmeal really fills me up, and I find it sticks with me more than the instant oatmeal in the packets. I usually add cinnamon to it to give it a little flavor... and sometimes maybe a packet of Equal. It's microwaveable (1:30), so easy and quick!!! It has 1 gram of fat, 29 grams of carbs and 5 grams of protein.
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    I think it might not hurt to talk with a Dr. about the "shakes" issue. Could be a blood sugar problem or unbalance. I would also suggest some fiber when you eat protein. I feel full a lot longer with protein and some fiber. Cereal just doesn't last for me.
    Good luck and don't give up, you'll find the right combo. :smile:
  • 750psi
    750psi Posts: 8 Member
    Eat an entire apple for your regularly scheduled snack. It’s loaded with complex carbs and fiber which will sustain you thru the morning. Try oatmeal for breakfast!
  • Having cereal (sugar) and milk (sugar) will do that to you. I eat on the same schedule as you, 6:45 breakfast, 11:30 lunch and sometimes I forget to eat lunch on time because I'm not hungry.

    My breakfast staple is always 2 eggs with spinach, a protein shake with unsweetened almond milk, and sometimes I'll throw in a slice of thick cut bacon if I'm especially hungry.
  • I agree with talking to your doctor about the shaking. When I get shakey my blood sugar is low (50-60 range). If you're eating protein you need to balance it out with some healthy carbs as well. I usually eat either eggs or some cottage cheese and a slice of whole grain toast. That works for me and the protein really holds me over for aquite a while. Good luck!!!
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I have oatmeal made with almond milk and a little cinnamon and it seems to do pretty well. If I'm late going to lunch I can tell my breakfast went out, but if I go on time, I'm good until then. Keeping busy helps too
  • I make up several bircher musli's and have them in single serves in the fridge that i can just take out in the morning - delicious and I find them quite filling till lunch time - I have 1/4C five grain oats, 2/3 of an orange, juice and pulp (or sub apple sauce if im feeling crazy), 2/3 of an apple or pear, 40g plain yogurt ... I realise these are odd amounts but that is because I like to have a mix of fruit and two whole fruits seemed like too much so I make 3 at a time, grate everything together then just dish it into little containers :) and then enough milk to make it runny - usually about 1/3C, it depends a bit on your fruit here. But the fluids will absorb and make the oats nice and soft.

    after ive made this base I add a tablespoon of some sort of nut and usually a tablespoon of sultanas or a dried fig chopped up or anything else that sounds like a nice flavour combination and also spices :D

    it is really tasty and entertaining with the different possibilities here - and feels like I am getting way more oats than 1/4C cuz they puff up and are spread through pulp and grated fruit etc... at the moment I also have it with home made rhubarb compote - just cooked rhubarb with mixed berries to sweeten or a bit of applesauce and cinnamon - very low cal but adds a beautiful contrast with the sour/sweet of the compote... oh and no need to sweeten the muesli as thats what the fruit is for!
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 425 Member
    Depending on the day, I can usually eat a bowl of cereal w/ milk and some type of fruit. I eat breakfast between 4am-430am due to my work schedule I workout very early in the morning. After the gym, I drink a protein shake around 6am and then snack between 8-10am if I get hungry. BUT.. I have found the most filling foods for me would be a homemade turkey bacon and egg english muffin. Or I use canadian bacon. Oatmeal is a pretty good filler, I use the Weight Control brands (wegmans, quaker) any store brand if you like it and use milk in it also. Eggs are very good source of protein, if you like them, try two or three scrambled eggs (or egg whites) w/ a couple pieces of toast. Pepperidge Farms makes a LIGHT style bread and it's 45 cals per slice. Peanut butter & CO makes different flavors of Peanut butter, my favorite is the Cinnamon Raisin kind, its good on apples, bananas, english muffins, or just toast. It's about 160 cals per serving, but very good and lower than most peanut will help keep you full. Most of these things I have listed also have a good amount of fat in them, not too much, but enough that you aren't over doing it.

    Good luck to you! I hope you find a good breakfast soon.......
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • shollet
    shollet Posts: 12
    Porridge oats and skimmed milk at 7am - good fuel, slow release of energy.

    Then should you get hungry before "lunch", keep some boiled eggs handy and just eat the whites - fill you up and good proteins.

    This works for me as I like to eat every couple of hours (little and often as they say) as I find the gap from breakfast to lunch makes me extremely hungry and I would end up over-eating at lunchtime then.

    Another "inbetweener" is a protein shake (Rego Recovery personally) which keeps you feeling full.

    The psychology for me is that I dont mind only eating a little bit because I can eat again in a few hours. The long gaps makes you think "it'll be ages till lunch, better stuff my face while I've got chance".

    With regards to teh shaking - you're not dehydrating are you?

    Try it - different things work for different people. Good luck
  • kcnjason
    kcnjason Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for all of the ideas. I have talked with my doctor about my shakes and they find it strange that I get the shakes after a protien breakfast and not when I eat a breakfast filled with carbs. I have decided to stick with the cereal to avoid the shakes but have contemplated adding 1 or 2 egg whites on the side. I run a home daycare so I am in a good location. I'm about 5'5 and weigh about 110 so I'm not over weight, I think I need to make sure I'm eating the right combination to stick with me. I eat about 1/4c raw steel cut oats and about 1/4c banana nut crunch along with my 1/2 apple and small amt of cottage cheese all mixed together. The cereal does contain nuts so I think that I am getting enough fats with my breakfast. I definately think the raw steel cut oats stick with me better than anything else but like to add another cereal for a different flavor.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    For me, I find it's best to have a good balance of carbs, fat & protein. If it's an all carb breakfast, especially if not whole grains(or too sugary), I will be hungry in an hour. My most common breakfast is 2 eggs or 1 egg and All Whites, with a little cheese on a whole grain english muffin or toast. Sometimes I have a little turkey bacon or canadian bacon, and/or avocado.
    Whole grain toast with natural peanut butter fills me up too.
  • *** correction to my recipe for bircher - its 1/3 piece of each fruit - so I use two bits of fruit across 3 serves... sorry - thought something looked wrong there :P