i need help saying NO to certain foods

abbylove08 Posts: 215
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
...such as peanut butter and fluff (fluffernutter. YUM), and candy that i have saved for my students at school (but somehow becomes a little snack for me when they are out of the room...)

i finished my PB last week and havent bought any again because i know that right now i can't resist the urge to take a spoonfull! but my roommate brought home a large jar of PB and a large jar of Fluff, and i cant stay away!

even if i put it in the cupboard, it might help a little bit, but i KNOW it's there.

what do you do to say no to foods that you just cant avoid for one reason or another (someone else in your house buys it/uses it)??


  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    ...such as peanut butter and fluff (fluffernutter. YUM), and candy that i have saved for my students at school (but somehow becomes a little snack for me when they are out of the room...)

    i finished my PB last week and havent bought any again because i know that right now i can't resist the urge to take a spoonfull! but my roommate brought home a large jar of PB and a large jar of Fluff, and i cant stay away!

    even if i put it in the cupboard, it might help a little bit, but i KNOW it's there.

    what do you do to say no to foods that you just cant avoid for one reason or another (someone else in your house buys it/uses it)??
  • nwfamilygal
    nwfamilygal Posts: 635
    Just think it has worms in it then you won't eat it unless you like worms :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Brush your teeth!! Chew Extra sugar free gum!! :wink:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Think if those few moments of instant gratification of tasting PB contribute to your long-term goals or not. Are a few seconds of tasting peanut butter worth slowing down your progress? Probably not.
  • Janemh
    Janemh Posts: 3
    :frown: i just went to the doc lost one pound i need to know what gave u the wil power to stay away its so hard and my crave is potato chips i need something
  • :grumble: unfortunately i am in the same boat..... i also have trouble with that simple two letter word!
  • I always make excuses like.... "Oh, I will just make up for it later" of course that never happens!

    Drink a lot of water to help you feel full
    Yes, gum does help too
    buy special low cal snacks just for you, to satisfy your sweet tooth
    grapes do not have a lot of calories and they are better for you than chocolate
    If you must have it, allow yourself to eat a small portion... if you cut it out all together.... later on, if your like me, you will end up over doing it later
    carry a picture of yourself in bra and panties or a form fitting outfit..... it helps me remember why I am trying to eat healthier
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Do your students really need candy? I stopped buying a lot of that stuff for my own kids and they rarely even notice. If it's not around, it's not calling to you. (Well, most of the time.)
  • Faithopeloves
    Faithopeloves Posts: 26 Member
    Someone once said to me: "nothing tastes as good as thin feels"....sooooo true. Maybe tell yourself that!
  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    thank you everyone!
    i have been making a list of healthy snacks to buy at the grocery store so i can have them around when im craving something...

    as far as my students go-- i'm student teaching so my mentor teacher gives them 1 jelly bean or 1 sweet tart SOMETIMES when they are all on task. but because i'm teaching a lot more during the day, i've been giving out the candy (but really not too often)
    when i have my OWN classroom, ive already decided that they wont see sweets as a reward (i want to avoid the emotional connection to food as much as possible!)

    again, thanks everyone for your suggestions and motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • Snags
    Snags Posts: 43
    There is no tricks or anything its just WILLPOWER go buy a dress you cant wear now but know you will get in when you lose where you want to be or something like that, or tell yourself if i eat this spoonful of PB gotta run or walk or excercise an extra 20 minutes. There are pretty good 100 calorie snacks out there the nutty bars get me by dont get me wrong i miss slamming a ton of M&Ms but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I love peanut butter! Find the smallest spoon EVER, take a spoonful, and trust me, you can make that portion last fifteen minutes if you treat that tiny amount like a lollipop. if you can't say no, then say a smart yes.
  • katkat
    katkat Posts: 15 Member
    this message board is great. i also have stopped giving my children candy for snacks at school. i brought in apples and a slicer that divides them into 8 pieces. they eat whatever you give them - also croutons, crackers, stuff my husband buys too much of and kids love everything.
    also try praise!!!!
    good luck, dieting is the hardest thing I HAVE ever done!!!!!!!!!!! Have 25 pounds to go before my son's wedding the end of may and every day is easy then I get home and want a beer to unwind. what a waste of calories.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I have to just not buy my trigger foods. Or else I can't stop myself...it's horrible really. I don't buy chips. I don't buy certain ice creams. Those are the worst for me. Or pastry type things - Wegmans has these amazing scones. They're mini scones, and one at a time isn't so bad...but when you scarf down 3 or 4...yeah.
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