Second week and still going strong


I have been amazed by myfitnesspal, I downloaded the app for my phone on a whim really. But its fantastic, IIlost 2lb last week, i have been struggling for months to lose anything and now I feel amazing!

I have to say I am struggling to eat all my calories as I do fitness classes in the evening and have the calories I have burnt back, so I am left with up to 500 calories, which is great but do you have to eat them? Also I find it difficult to think of recipe ideas so if anyone has any suggestions or tips I would very much apperciate it :o)


  • shazzy047
    hi, great stuff on getting on your way.....i have just joined today.....not sure on the answers to your questions.......with regards to recipe ideas, lots of inspirations around.....and i am sure everyone has a few ideas here and there :-)...good luck