Hello everyone. I have been using myfitnesspal for about a week now and I have found it very useful. I am getting married in 2013 and I would like to be a uk size 12 for my wedding day. To do this I have to loose approx 120lbs. Are there any tips anyone can give me so that I can kinda keep focused.

P.s. I am sooo impatient wen it comes to loosing weight and I feel that I will be a fatty forever lol


  • chocolatefairey
    Go Zumba, I went for the first time yesterday and so many women were saying they have lost so much weight in a month doing it! It's not competitive it's a great way of shaking your bottom and feeling the benefits afterwards, and it's a great laugh!

    Good luck :)
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    Positive thinking and give it time...it's a slow but sure process that will get you to your goal to feeling amazing on your big day! Also find a celeb or person who's figure you like and put it up somewhere you look at each day...i'm yet to find someone yet but it apparently works within your subconscience!

    Good Luck!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    My advise is to take pictures and do measurements. This will help when the scale isn't moving as quickly as you would like it to. Its not all about the number on the scale. Scales can be evil! Focus on how good you feel.

    When you slip up, just start again. One slip up doesn't take away all your hard work.
  • nettleboo
    nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
    congrats on wedding im sure with mfp you will be a knock out bride, my advice is take it slowly so you can maintain the weightlose at the other end, i get impatient too and just wanna step out of the fat suit but when you start acheiving the weightlose you feel so good and motivated to lose more. if you have a wii get ea sports active two i use it everyday and im seeing some great results best of luck xx
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member

    Ok, So you have 2 years to do this, and its totally do-able but it will not happen over night, and impatience will be counter productive!!

    Set yourself lots of mini goals that you will be able to achive and this will keep you focussed on the short term and not getting fed up looking at a far away goal.

    Have you set a date?

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    Someone sed to me not to weigh myself for the first month...shud I listen to them or not..

    And atm I am not able to go to the gym or do any vigorous exercise due to severe low back pain. I am nt sure whether it is to do with my weight or my bust (I am a 34K atm lol)
  • bklyng718
    bklyng718 Posts: 7 Member
    Zumba is fun!! But if you have no access to classes I found Tae Bo is the next best thing...I like workouts that makes you burn most calories in a shorter period of time. YouTube has the great Tae Bo workouts selections, you can add light weights to maximize you resistance when you get to the point when it becomes easier. HTH:))
  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    Just stay motivated and continue to track your cal’s and eat right. The weight will come off…. I know for my wedding I clipped out a bunch of wedding dresses that I wanted to wear for my big day and kept them around for motivation. Once I finally picked my dress and had pictures taken in it I used that as motivation as well.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    My adivce is to never give up, even if you hit road blocks. The weight didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight. You'll make mistakes and bad choices along the way, don't let it derail you or cause you to give up. Just pick yourself back up and start over. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hey congrats on your wedding :bigsmile:
    Use that as your motivation
    Mine was my holiday - I put pictures around the house I had a calendar count down & I set myself personal challenges every month with start & finishing measurements - eg, one month I did the 30 day shred then the following month I set myself the challenge that I had to be able to run 5k by the end etc etc each time I took my measurements and kept a running total of my inch loss
    I get bored easily and it really helped me keep focused.

    Good luck

  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    Someone sed to me not to weigh myself for the first month...shud I listen to them or not..

    And atm I am not able to go to the gym or do any vigorous exercise due to severe low back pain. I am nt sure whether it is to do with my weight or my bust (I am a 34K atm lol)

    If you are anything like me, you wont be able to wait a month, maybe weekly will keep you interested and motivated?

    If you have lower back pain, zumba prob isnt a good idea, although i know you could take lower options, when i had back problems i took up aqua areobics and swimming, so might be worth a try?
  • mummychaz
    mummychaz Posts: 35 Member
    Congratulations!!! My advice is to find out what works for you and stick to it, for me it's a low carb/fat diet and Zumba twice a week. I love MFP (and I only started using it a week ago) because you monitor everything you put in your mouth and it doesn't matter what your diet and exercise approach is we all have the same goal, so keep coming on here for thinspiration, advice, a moan, a kick up the bottom, whatever you need :)

    Good luck! Feel free to add me x
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    Omg! I just had the app on my phone for ages n felt so alone. Now within minutes I have got a wealth of knowledge from lots of different peeps!
  • nursinggirl64
    honey, slow n steady wins the race if u lose too fast ule gain it all back with vengeance so u need 2 start a healthier lifestyle to maintain it.. start walkn every day and eating better foods for u...good luck and congrats on getn married
  • nickiemcg
    You get so much support on here and on the days when your feeling really down in the mon=uth about it all, everyone here makes it just that bit easier :-) and by the way Zumba is fantastic!!! Its such a laugh as well. My niece was a size 22 and weighed just under 19 stone i think, and in 2 years she has gone down to a size 8 she weighs 10 stone and is now a zumba instructor herself!!!! It's unbelievable what it can do if you keep it up :-) Good luck with your weight loss journey and just remember take 1 day at a time!! xxx
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    You get so much support on here and on the days when your feeling really down in the mon=uth about it all, everyone here makes it just that bit easier :-) and by the way Zumba is fantastic!!! Its such a laugh as well. My niece was a size 22 and weighed just under 19 stone i think, and in 2 years she has gone down to a size 8 she weighs 10 stone and is now a zumba instructor herself!!!! It's unbelievable what it can do if you keep it up :-) Good luck with your weight loss journey and just remember take 1 day at a time!! xxx

    hey. does ur niece use mfp?
  • moonnstarz60
    Congrats! I'm also getting married in 2013 and needing to lose a significant amount of weight! If you need a buddy please feel free to add me!
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I feel your desire to lose before your wedding! I am getting married in September 2012 and I want to be my goal weight and looking good in a wedding dress. Add me too if you want support!