I lost 83lbs, Gained 22 and Lost 6 hope pic posted

I went doctor and had a breath test done to see how I burn calories and I was told my metabolism is 3 times slower than majority of people my height and weight...:sad:

I do not understand blood pressure however it was 131/93 ( so if NE one understands please explain) which he said is kinda high, and I am borderline diabetic.:sad:

I was also told I should not consum no more than 1300 cals max and arobic exercise30- 60 weight everyday, lift 2-3 times a week. :ohwell:

The good news is I lost 6lbs since September 20th. :wink:

So I woke up this morning kind of feeling overwhelmed because before I had weightloss surgery I never had highblood pressure nor was I in the danger zone of being a dietabic. :devil:

I guess my problem is although I am on my way to my second time hitting my goal of 170 -150... I feel fine in the skin i am in, as long as I dont hit 200lbs again. I think I look great in my clothes and I am still 3xs more active then I have ever been. :bigsmile:

I am starting over and I am really looking for a support group I have great friends now but everyone can use more. I also need some people who have actually had weight struggles and some who are no holds bard and made it happen but you understand it can be a struggle for some.

I am also very interactive with my friends and would love more to interact with. :smooched:

Now i am not perfect in my eating habits but I am trying to learn to eat better since my cal content is so low.

I know if you are my serious MFP friend you inbox me when you seriouly want to tell me what I am doing wrong... I do accept critisim however I work off a small budget so work with me and helping me make better decisions on what I choose to eat!

I forgot to mention he place me back on phentermine 37.5 MG!!!!

I am very HARD HEAD so please exercise patients... but be hard I will love you in the end!!!! :heart:

I have attached pictures but if you can not see them you can go to You Tube Meka3535




  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    DANNNG. that would SUCK!!! omg!!! I hope your metabolism gets faster!!!! :D
  • litelight

    Look for friend invite. I'm not very good at criticizing, but I'm an ace in encouragement.
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    DANNNG. that would SUCK!!! omg!!! I hope your metabolism gets faster!!!! :D

    You look fabulous sexy girll... lol!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    girl, you have metabolic issues! I've been there!

    I was gaining weight, and being told by my doc. to up my carbs and exercise, reduce calories, and that would keep me from becoming full diabetic. lol, it made it worse! And being a personal trainer who was gaining weight, yet still running circles around everyone, did not help my ego. I knew something was wrong with me.

    I've gone full paleo, eliminated carbs (les than 100g per day), and voila, no hypoglycemia, no diabetes. I'm tellin ya, paleo or a low carb diet is the only way you are gonna get back your life, health and sanity. There is no reason whatsoever to have so few calories unless your body is in starvation mode, holding onto fat, and trying to get you to slow down by pumping the wrong kind of hormones into you.

    research paleo, and message adastra47 here on the MFP site. She works for (I think) one of the leading metabolic and weightloss doctors in the world. She has tons of info. and scientific data to get you started should you wish to research how to win your health back.

    best wishes!
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    I'll tell you the truth...Look for my friend invite
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    girl, you have metabolic issues! I've been there!

    I was gaining weight, and being told by my doc. to up my carbs and exercise, reduce calories, and that would keep me from becoming full diabetic. lol, it made it worse! And being a personal trainer who was gaining weight, yet still running circles around everyone, did not help my ego. I knew something was wrong with me.

    I've gone full paleo, eliminated carbs (les than 100g per day), and voila, no hypoglycemia, no diabetes. I'm tellin ya, paleo or a low carb diet is the only way you are gonna get back your life, health and sanity. There is no reason whatsoever to have so few calories unless your body is in starvation mode, holding onto fat, and trying to get you to slow down by pumping the wrong kind of hormones into you.

    research paleo, and message adastra47 here on the MFP site. She works for (I think) one of the leading metabolic and weightloss doctors in the world. She has tons of info. and scientific data to get you started should you wish to research how to win your health back.

    best wishes!

    Fabulous info thank you graciously!
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    I'll tell you the truth...Look for my friend invite

    I really do need that!