Do you feel that your relationship with your S.O. is hinderi

ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
I know that many people have no support or get sabotaged by their SO's. This is just to let you know that it will be the biggest obstacle you'll HAVE to overcome to reach your goal. Count on members here to give you the boost you need to over come it.
Don't let them stop you from being the you that you want to be!!!!


  • I don't know if my SO is intentionally trying to sabotage my weight loss but he always says 'why do you spend so much time on that site, it's s***' and when I try to do C25K he tries to persuade me to stay in or if he comes with me he tells me I'm too slow.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I completely agree with you my so was a nightmare when I started out in February. He's finally joined me in trying to be healthy (I've never even suggested he did) but still thinks this site doesn't work even though I've lost so much lol.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Mine gets annoyed when I am doing Insanity and says things like "I wish you would get done with that before I come home" because its taking up the living room.

    I finally snapped at him that he should support the fact that I am trying to love my body and by working out I feel better about myself, it shut up him up. He always tells me how great I look and how I don't need to worry, yet he gets annoyed when I want to work out instead of watch tv? It really gets old sometimes.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I don't feel hindered at all. of course, when I started dating my fiance I gained lots of weight (so did he) bc we got so comfortable and were always eating but never moving. after 4 years, after he proposed I said enough was enough and have lost almost 50lbs. He has NEVER tried to get me to eat bad food or workout.. it was always my choice to eat poorly or skip a workout session. He'll even go to the gym with me. I feel like he'll never eat as healthy as I do but that's his choice. He has never had an issue with me exercising around the apartment, deciding not to go out to eat, or choosing a banana instead of a donut. He has never made me feel bad about my size bc I know he loved me at 200+ and continues to love me at 159.

    I could never imagine being with someone who did not support me 100%! Losing weight is not just for vanity, it's for my health, my future kids, and for my fiance, my parents, my brother, my friends.. it is to show people you can be healthy, thin, and still eat junk in moderation. I'm all about a healthy lifestyle and though my fiance will probbaly always choose pizza and cheese fries over anything healthy, he knows this is my life now and I honestly do not think he would never try to change me or make me eat junk!
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    I've been trying for years to lose weight, we break up and start divorce process and I move to another state and in a few months I'm down 30's notna coincidence
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't feel he is. Honestly at present time, it's long distance so when we're together it's basically vacation. I don't eat as well.
    However, that's my choice.
    He does not force feed me wings(though that might be hot). lol

    He is working very hard at the gym. So the food thing is not really so bad since we share a lot of workout tips, and diet tips.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    For years he was a hinderence. Now he is starting to lose weight too, so while he sometimes wants me to stray with him, it isn't like before when he would make fun of me and say mean things when I tried to diet and exercise.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My husband has always been 100% supportive ,hes being my biggest cheerleader,and constanly tells me how proud he is of me and my hard work. I love him to death and feel very lucky to have him
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    My wife got pregnant about 4 months after we started to lose weight. I had lost 40lbs and she had lost 30lbs. We were working on losing weight with some friends of ours. My wife has of course stopped losing weight, while the 3 of us still are. It has been very hard on her. She is upset that by the time the baby comes we will be done losing weight and she will have to do it by herself. All of this has made it hard for me to be as hardcore and all out about my weightloss and exercise routine around her. Which is rough because she was a huge part of my motivation. My lose has really slowed since she got pregnant. In fact I've not lost anything in a month, although that was mostly due to a vacation where I gained some weight back and am just now getting back to where I was.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I wouldn't say he hinders me but it's not easy with him. He LOVES to eat. I mean LOVES it. And he can eat whatever he wants and not have to worry. And trust me, he eats a lot. But he does let me decided where to eat so I can have some healthy options.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i can't believe what you ladies put up with! i would be doing some slapping! my boyfriend supports me 1000% even though he doesn't need to lose any weight he eats healthy with me, works out with me, and slows down with me when i get tired. yesterday was my first day running again after i had surgery on my nose and i was really upset because i wasn't doing well and he stayed back with me and sang to me to keep me going
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I am very grateful that my DH is so amazing. Not only is he supportive when it comes to food choices, exercise, and compliments but when he cooks, he writes down how much everything weighed/measured that he used. (we follow the recipes but many times it will say 1 of something rather than a weight...) The guy has been amazing!! I am very lucky.
  • At one point I did feel like my S.O. was not supporting me. The "last time" I tried to lose weight, every time I wanted to go to the gym I felt rushed like I had to get back home. Or if I was eating something questionable, I would hear a remark.

    BUT that was last year. I have recently reevaluated my goals and what I define as succeeding (i.e. not the number on the scale, but making healthy choices and being active). With this committment to having a healthy lifestyle in mind, I've had a more serious talk about my goals and plans with my S.O. When I told him how I had felt before (i.e. I never felt like I COULD go to the gym because he wanted me to get home, etc etc) he said that he was sorry and that he only acted that way because he saw me put so much effort (and COST) into exercising and then the next minute I was stuffing chocolate, candy and ice cream in my face. He felt like I wasn't really committing to my goal (i.e. why bother going to the gym if you're going to just come home and eat all those calories back AND MORE!).

    Now we have talked about what I need to feel supported (i.e. changes to our meal plans, my exercise schedule, how I am incorporating the foods I love). So far he's made ONE attempt at trying to steer me away from going to my spinning class because he was sick. I looked at him and said "I only go to 2 spinning classes a week. I really don't want to miss it if I don't have to. What if I take our daughter to the daycare in the gym, make you a nice NeoCitron for your cold, and I'll see you in an hour?" He was cool with that and there have been NO ISSUES since.

    I think the key is communication. Make sure your S.O. is on board with your plans and understands what you need and BELIEVES IN YOU.

    Good luck!
  • I used to think my husband was hindering my progress. because he is more inclined to suggest eating out, or bring home junk, and he used to complain about my workouts taking away from our time together.

    It took really looking at myself to realize that I was using him and our relationship to justify making poor choices.

    If he suggests we eat out, I don't have to say yes. And if I say yes, I don't have to order smething way over my calories "so it's worth it". If he brings home junk- I don't have to eat it, or over eat "because it's just so tempting" Those are *my* choices, and not his fault.

    As for the workouts, I realized his complaints are not because he doesn't want me to workout, but because we both have crazy schedules,and sometimes we don't really see each other for days at a time. It's not a bad thing that he wants the time we have to be spent together. Now we work out together when we can, or I work out when I am alone. On the weekends, I use the time he spends playing Xbox to do my workout.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    M fiance has no weight issues, eats whatever he wants and just doesn't get it. He doesn't purposely sabotage me, but he is clueless about working out, foods, any of it. He doesn't believe there are differences between hamburger and turkey or understand reading labels. He went out of his way one night to make me this wonderful chicken dinner (which he stuffed full of calories) so I was crazy over that day. He is very supportive as far as handling kids so I have time to workout and things like that, but his cluelessness is frustrating!!!
  • My husband is my biggest cheerleader! He's actually the reason I started going to the gym. We work separate shifts so only are able to go together on the weekends, but he will go in the morning so then if I don't go after work at night I feel guilty! And he trys to eat very healthy, so then if he is eating healthy and I'm not, once again, I feel bad lol. So he's probably the best support system I have :smile: