I'm new at this and I've been doing this for a week and I've gained 4 lbs already. I cant seem to be even with the Calories, Carb and Protein. Im have either lots of Carbs left over and gone over on Protein....or have lots of Protein but have gone over on Carbs. What am I doing wrong?? I always have lots of Calories and Fat left over but can eat any more cause Im out of Carbs or Protein. Someone pls help me! Im getting fraustrated!


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I would suggest at first just focusing at getting your calorie intake correct, because it does all come down to consuming less calories than burnt.Once that is mastered, then worry about other things. Add me if you want!

    Also, have you started exercising recently? Because sometimes that will cause a temporary weight increase.
  • JennMStone
    JennMStone Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! Yes, Ive started the elliptical and walking. Thank you for your advice. I'll start focusing on the calories for now and see what that does for me. I sent you a request!! Thanks again....SO MUCH!
  • Shell4rls
    Shell4rls Posts: 1 Member
    WATER WATER WATER. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Stay away from sodas. Once you get your cal intake undercontrol, look at the foods that contain high carbs and start elimating them from your diet. Its ok to go over your protein some.
  • JennMStone
    JennMStone Posts: 17 Member
    Okay....Calories first, TONZ of water :( (LOL) and then focus on Carbs! Gotta it! THANKS! APPRECIATE IT!!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    You will get more familiar with good meal composition the more you practice, and it will get easier. Think balance. If you eat lots of carbs, especially high-sugar ones, you will get hungry again fast. Try to pair some protein or healthy fats with complex carbs to stay full and level blood sugar. Sugar crashes will derail the best laid plans, trust me! Eat well and often.

    For example (and this is just stuff that worked for me), a whole grain cereal with lowfat or skim milk is great, but you'll burn thru it quickly. Have an egg and whole grain toast as well.

    If you want to have a small piece of fruit for snack, but dinner is far away, have a small handful of nuts like almonds or pistachios along with it, or maybe an ounce of cheese. My fave is half a granny smith apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter.

    Beans are a super food: complex carbs, protein, and plenty of fiber. Great Northern beans with lean ham is a staple meal for me.

    Learn to love your veggies, and watch out for calorie and fat loaded dressings. I love an antipasta type salad combo with grilled peppers/onions/mushrooms/squash/zucchini, all over romaine lettuce with chopped black olives, grilled chicken, and turkey pepperoni. Add just a little mozzarella cheese and some roasted red pepper viniagrette and it's a balanced low-cal, high-nutrient very filling lunch!

    Challenge yourself to come up with alternatives to your favorite snacks and desserts. I love pumpkin pie, so I mix pumpkin and spices into vanilla yogurt...cures the craving perfectly.

    Buy a food scale...and a heart rate monitor with a calories-burned function. They will become your two new best friends.

    Good luck, and welcome to MFP!
  • JennMStone
    JennMStone Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks Jarrettd! Good advice, love it! I'll try all of those! Hopefully MFP will help me with my goals! I'm loving the support and advice from everyone!