Does anyone keep a journal? (not food)

kiwipez Posts: 144
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
I have always wanted to keep a journal, you know to explore my inner-self and all that. I just can never get started. I must have 15 or so blank journals, I buy one every now and then to motivate me - they just end up in a drawer or on a shelf somewhere.

Any suggestions to get started?



  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I used to do that. now I write in a pray rain journal. It gives journaling twist because I wirite like I already have everything I have. It gives me a boost of positivity before my day starts.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I used to, with the intention of making it an evening ritual, to clear my head and organize my thinking. It turned out to be an epic rant collection, as I only had the energy to write in it when I was angry or sad, to vent and complain. Then when I looked back through it, I only saw the negative. I threw them out and decided never to do it again.

    I do keep a notebook of inspiring and/or amusing quotes and such now. Much better!
  • Jenh714
    Jenh714 Posts: 14
    I have been writing in a journal since I was 13. It really helps process ur thoughts. Give yourself a weekly topic to start ie. job, relationship, family, positive thoughts & just pick 1 or 2 things to write everyday. Hope this helps.
  • Southernsister
    Southernsister Posts: 198 Member
    It is a great vvay to go back and read your feelings. It also shovvs if you desire to eat vvhen you are dovvn. I have gone back and read my past year and vvas like vvovv I felt that vvay. Keep it beside your bed and take the time to use it as a release of feelings and emotions.
  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    I do. I use it to get out the anger and frustration I have that no one else wants to listen to. I write down the date, time, and day and then I just start. You can write to yourself. You can write in general. Just put down what you're feeling. Whatever you need to get out.
    I even draw sometimes. I make lists if I need to. It's your journal. You can do what you want there.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Mary,

    Just start by answering some simple questions for the day...
    best moment,
    worst moment,
    things you'd change today
    how can I improve myself today...

    Then you can just build on those... I do end up writing about things I did during the day and how I felt... which then launches into so many other things... I keep my journal on my computer - password protected! - but I do go back and read them every once in awhile.

    Good luck!
    ACCTGQUEEN Posts: 30 Member
    I was the same way-- several blank journals to my name and nothing in them. Then, a friend of mine told me that every day or night she writes down five things she is thankful for... no matter how small or if she repeats them daily. For example, almost every day I have my kids listed. Sometimes its stupid stuff-- i.e. the rain for the garden or being able to figure out a way to save money. Try it... its only 5 short phrases... it helps me stay grounded and helps me realize I have alot to be thankful for in this crazy world.
  • I keep a journal of sorts, but in digital format

    A blog that no one reads where i expose my feelings, emotions, fears and hopes.

    I find it cathartic, although it is anonymous it is still working for me, it could be private of course but i prefer anonymity to the lack of interaction.

    Its not a blogger blog or anything, just my own that way its controlled.

    Good luck
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I've been blogging since 2001. It started like Jarrettd's did, just a collection of rants and raves, and over the years it's become introspective and therapeutic.

    I still write in it about once a week, when I feel like talking about something. I always feel better after I write, and I can tell when I need to write because I start getting cranky. It's a place to talk out all the confusion and frustration and possible solutions, and in the end I come to a peaceful conclusion. I walk away inspired to keep going.

    Some people are bloggers/journalists and some people just aren't. It's not for everyone.

    If you want to see a sample of what I'm talking about, my recent posts are here:

    Try writing about your day and how you feel and say whatever flows naturally. If it works and helps you, keep going. If it's a pain in the butt, try something else.

  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    the pray rain journal sounds interesting

    thanks for all the ideas!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    Additional Question to my original topic

    Digital or Paper?

    If digital what program do you recommend??

    Thanks again,
  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    Mine is paper. Since I like to write in random places, and don't always have digital access. PLUS at work, they block more and more sites. But really, it's whatever is most convenient to your life.
    Mine stays in my purse, along with a pen.
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