New 6day diet - lose 10lbs!!



  • cmal10
    cmal10 Posts: 6 Member
    And are we all on this forum because we are so healthy and don't have to loose weight because we ate right? i don't think so!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    You know everyone prides themselves on here as being "supportive" except when someone mentions a diet they dont think is right. ... Irritates me. SERIOUSLY??

    If this is how someone is going to motivate themselves to become healthy that is their choice. And I commend them for it.

    You go girl!! Let me know how it goes.


    feel free to add me for some POSITIVE vibes =]]]

    Oh, you're right, how silly of me. I forgot we're supposed to blindly praise people for doing unhealthy things that can do serious damage. Seriously, an extremely low protein, absurdly high sugar diet, and you think it's a good thing?

    Sorry, I don't encourage people to damage their bodies, I try to talk people out of things like that.
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Hey I admire the fact that you want to try this yourself, everything about this lifestyle is trial and error =) However if I were you I would budget for extra toilet paper and keep a close eye on your sodium intake, soup tend to be very salty

    You can make your own soup, and so then it wont be so salty. :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Im sorry but i appreciate everyones opinion and i am no way saying any of you are wrong but this is my lifestyle & i dont pass judgement on how you live or eat so being rude & telling me 'what to do' isnt going to change my mind, if anything it makes me want to do this diet more!!

    I will let you all know how it goes, like i said your welcome to join me or slate me but at the end of the day, passing judgement on peoples eating habits is not nice.

    You posted it on the forum for all to comment on. Get over it. Thanks! *casts a judging eye*
  • Prazzie
    Prazzie Posts: 11 Member
    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea...

    That's because it's a bad idea. It's a fad diet, it's not based on science, facts or reality. Will you lose weight eating this way? Probably. Will you gain it all back as soon as you stop? Definitely. Will you have screwed up your body by taking this insane approach and make it even harder to lose weight in future? Very likely.

    Look, it's your body, your diet, your choices. Do it and if you wish, report back here, because I'd be very interested to know you feel during this experiment on yourself. And what your results are.

    But once you're done, you'll have tried all the diets plus one more and eventually you'll have to face up to the fact that there is no quick fix. You'll have to find a diet that makes you feel good, every day, all the time. You need to find a diet that makes you look forward to your next meal, instead of dreading that next banana. You need to find a diet that makes you full and satisfied, without getting dull because you can only eat soup/blueberries/carrots and cookie dough.

    And once you reach that point, you might read a bit and you'll find there is no big secret. Really. In fact, you already know the perfect diet. Eat whole, fresh foods in moderation. That's it. Avoid processed foods. Don't be afraid of natural fats. Be afraid of man-made fats. Try to eat what nature provided. When in doubt, ask yourself whether it's man-made in a factory, or did it grow in dirt or in a pasture. If it grew somewhere, it's probably okay. If it was created somewhere, dyed green and shipped in a cardboard box, think twice.

    Sometimes you'll stray off the path of fresh, natural and healthy. Sometimes a girl just wants a double cheese burger, fries and a Coke. Or an ice-cream on the beach. That's okay. You'll be okay. Just get back on track. Not the next day. Not the next week or the next Monday or the next month or after New Year. At the next meal.

    I know, it sounds insane, right?! But you enjoy your day of only bananas and milk, then get back to me on how crazy I sound.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I'm thinking not a good idea. My trainers at Golds Gym said that if you don't watch sodium intake, that you're looking to fall and not lose weight. Do you realize how much sodium is in soup? I know this is your choice, but I would seriously take all the replies to heart. Just my two cents......
    canned soup, yes, maybe she'll make her own
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Im sorry but i appreciate everyones opinion and i am no way saying any of you are wrong but this is my lifestyle & i dont pass judgement on how you live or eat so being rude & telling me 'what to do' isnt going to change my mind, if anything it makes me want to do this diet more!!

    I will let you all know how it goes, like i said your welcome to join me or slate me but at the end of the day, passing judgement on peoples eating habits is not nice.

    Hon, what were you expecting on this forum?

    MFP is really dedicated to people exercising and eating right. Not really trying fad diets... I think the point most people are getting at (even if in a rude tone...) is that they think that this diet could be potentially harmful to yourself. We're all here to say that this diet seems like a crash diet... Most crash diets, if not kept up FOREVER... Will make you gain your lost weight back, and then some.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    so being rude & telling me 'what to do' isnt going to change my mind, if anything it makes me want to do this diet more!!
    Isn't that being supportive?
  • I know that this is going to sound crazy, and totally out of left field....but.....have you considered NOT DIETING and just eating REAL food and tracking the calories? I thought I heard someone say one time that it was a pretty effective method and is much more manageable. Or did I dream that...hmmm.....

    i am doing that and have been for a few weeks as you can see why i am on here... and have been doing well at it... im sure you have all tried fad diets before.. some that have worked and some that may not have.. i appreciate your opinions but i will give this a go

    Just wondering - if you have been doing well for a few weeks then why try this new method? Slow and steady wins the race and there are no quick wins when it comes to a healthy way to lose extra weight. The concern is for your health and to make sure you know that you're not losing fat in 6 days and it might make you gain MORE in the long run. The community here wants to make sure you're going into it with the right goal in mind. Good luck.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    this is not something I would ever do - but what kind of soup are you eating? Most people would probably go for canned soup - which while it's great that it can be low in calories, it is also ridiculously high in sodium - which is NOT a good thing.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea...

    That's because it's a bad idea. It's a fad diet, it's not based on science, facts or reality. Will you lose weight eating this way? Probably. Will you gain it all back as soon as you stop? Definitely. Will you have screwed up your body by taking this insane approach and make it even harder to lose weight in future? Very likely.

    Look, it's your body, your diet, your choices. Do it and if you wish, report back here, because I'd be very interested to know you feel during this experiment on yourself. And what your results are.

    Best advice here :)

    But once you're done, you'll have tried all the diets plus one more and eventually you'll have to face up to the fact that there is no quick fix. You'll have to find a diet that makes you feel good, every day, all the time. You need to find a diet that makes you look forward to your next meal, instead of dreading that next banana. You need to find a diet that makes you full and satisfied, without getting dull because you can only eat soup/blueberries/carrots and cookie dough.

    And once you reach that point, you might read a bit and you'll find there is no big secret. Really. In fact, you already know the perfect diet. Eat whole, fresh foods in moderation. That's it. Avoid processed foods. Don't be afraid of natural fats. Be afraid of man-made fats. Try to eat what nature provided. When in doubt, ask yourself whether it's man-made in a factory, or did it grow in dirt or in a pasture. If it grew somewhere, it's probably okay. If it was created somewhere, dyed green and shipped in a cardboard box, think twice.

    Sometimes you'll stray off the path of fresh, natural and healthy. Sometimes a girl just wants a double cheese burger, fries and a Coke. Or an ice-cream on the beach. That's okay. You'll be okay. Just get back on track. Not the next day. Not the next week or the next Monday or the next month or after New Year. At the next meal.

    I know, it sounds insane, right?! But you enjoy your day of only bananas and milk, then get back to me on how crazy I sound.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    And are we all on this forum because we are so healthy and don't have to loose weight because we ate right? i don't think so!!

    There are many people on this site who have educated themselves about fitness and nutrition and want to share that knowledge with people who are clearly struggling with unhealthy choices.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea...

    That's because it's a bad idea. It's a fad diet, it's not based on science, facts or reality. Will you lose weight eating this way? Probably. Will you gain it all back as soon as you stop? Definitely. Will you have screwed up your body by taking this insane approach and make it even harder to lose weight in future? Very likely.

    Look, it's your body, your diet, your choices. Do it and if you wish, report back here, because I'd be very interested to know you feel during this experiment on yourself. And what your results are.

    But once you're done, you'll have tried all the diets plus one more and eventually you'll have to face up to the fact that there is no quick fix. You'll have to find a diet that makes you feel good, every day, all the time. You need to find a diet that makes you look forward to your next meal, instead of dreading that next banana. You need to find a diet that makes you full and satisfied, without getting dull because you can only eat soup/blueberries/carrots and cookie dough.

    And once you reach that point, you might read a bit and you'll find there is no big secret. Really. In fact, you already know the perfect diet. Eat whole, fresh foods in moderation. That's it. Avoid processed foods. Don't be afraid of natural fats. Be afraid of man-made fats. Try to eat what nature provided. When in doubt, ask yourself whether it's man-made in a factory, or did it grow in dirt or in a pasture. If it grew somewhere, it's probably okay. If it was created somewhere, dyed green and shipped in a cardboard box, think twice.

    Sometimes you'll stray off the path of fresh, natural and healthy. Sometimes a girl just wants a double cheese burger, fries and a Coke. Or an ice-cream on the beach. That's okay. You'll be okay. Just get back on track. Not the next day. Not the next week or the next Monday or the next month or after New Year. At the next meal.

    I know, it sounds insane, right?! But you enjoy your day of only bananas and milk, then get back to me on how crazy I sound.
    For someone who has only posted six times, you said a lot of good stuff. Up that post count! The forum needs more of you.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    lol. i agree with about everyone else, but what i'm curious about is this "soup" thing. that could be a 300 calorie bowl of healthy soup or a 1000 calorie bowl of some horrible-for-you-soup.
    seems like a really weird diet plan. good luck though!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Listen all, the Simmonator can guarantee that the only way to lose weight is to shimmy in your short shorts

    True story.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So, 6 days, you will live through it. I tried a diet when I was a lot younger with a similar type approach. I was miserable the entire time. I didn't feel well. I lost a few pounds, but honestl, when it was done, I didn't care. I felt so aweful and it took time to get back to feeling normal. Even if you do lose 10 pounds, it will probably feel more like after you have the flu and lose 10 pounds. Ultimately, your choice, but even in your original post, you know it isn't a good idea. I am just trying to think how I would feel at the end of a day where I only drank milk and ate bananas. I can feel shadow cramps from that just thinking about it.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Listen all, the Simmonator can guarantee that the only way to lose weight is to shimmy in your short shorts
    Finally. A voice of reason.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    For someone who has only posted six times, you said a lot of good stuff. Up that post count! The forum needs more of you.
    A compliment from him is high praise, indeed...
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.

    I am normal, i have a sain mind, i am just trying a new diet that may or may not work, it maybe another fad.. if it is then ive only lost 6days...then back to how i am eating now!

    Im not going to starve myself i can eat as MUCH as i like of this stuff the whole day aslong as i meet my targets...

    You know everyone prides themselves on here as being "supportive" except when someone mentions a diet they dont think is right. ... Irritates me. SERIOUSLY??

    If this is how someone is going to motivate themselves to become healthy that is their choice. And I commend them for it.

    You go girl!! Let me know how it goes.


    feel free to add me for some POSITIVE vibes =]]]

    So...we should be "supportive" of blatantly unhealthy fad diets? Considering how hard most of us work to lose weight and maintain it in an actual healthy manner, I don't think you're going to find a lot of people signing on to that mindset. Especially since a lot of us have tried weird diets like that and can say with certainty that they DO NOT WORK and in fact do more harm than good.

    Some people need a little bit of push to actually commit to a lifestyle, personally I am like that. If I see the scale move for ANY reason I am more likely to keep going forward with my life plan. Also there is a difference between being supportive with constructive criticism and just being rude and telling someone they are wrong and stupid for possibly entertaining an idea. You said it yourself "we" have all tried weird diets, so obviously many others have made mistakes as well.

    All I am trying to say is, if this works or not for her I believe that it will have a positive outcome for her. If it works, its motivation. If it doesn't, she will realize that there is other means to accomplishing what she wants done. And that everyone has to do things for themselves, its part of life.

    People just need to learn that and just be more compassionate. =]

    Have a great day everyone.=]
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.

    I am normal, i have a sain mind, i am just trying a new diet that may or may not work, it maybe another fad.. if it is then ive only lost 6days...then back to how i am eating now!

    Im not going to starve myself i can eat as MUCH as i like of this stuff the whole day aslong as i meet my targets...

    You know everyone prides themselves on here as being "supportive" except when someone mentions a diet they dont think is right. ... Irritates me. SERIOUSLY??

    If this is how someone is going to motivate themselves to become healthy that is their choice. And I commend them for it.

    You go girl!! Let me know how it goes.


    feel free to add me for some POSITIVE vibes =]]]

    Odd....I've seen very few people priding themselves on being supportive of what seems to be an unhealthy diet. What threads are YOU reading?