New 6day diet - lose 10lbs!!



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I just eat these every day, day 1-6. you will be fine. I pan fry em.

  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I know that this is going to sound crazy, and totally out of left field....but.....have you considered NOT DIETING and just eating REAL food and tracking the calories? I thought I heard someone say one time that it was a pretty effective method and is much more manageable. Or did I dream that...hmmm.....

    i am doing that and have been for a few weeks as you can see why i am on here... and have been doing well at it... im sure you have all tried fad diets before.. some that have worked and some that may not have.. i appreciate your opinions but i will give this a go

    Actually, I've never done a fad diet.

    The way I see it - unless it's something you can incorporate LONG TERM and maintain weight, what's the point?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.

    I am normal, i have a sain mind, i am just trying a new diet that may or may not work, it maybe another fad.. if it is then ive only lost 6days...then back to how i am eating now!

    Im not going to starve myself i can eat as MUCH as i like of this stuff the whole day aslong as i meet my targets...

    You know everyone prides themselves on here as being "supportive" except when someone mentions a diet they dont think is right. ... Irritates me. SERIOUSLY??

    If this is how someone is going to motivate themselves to become healthy that is their choice. And I commend them for it.

    You go girl!! Let me know how it goes.


    feel free to add me for some POSITIVE vibes =]]]

    So...we should be "supportive" of blatantly unhealthy fad diets? Considering how hard most of us work to lose weight and maintain it in an actual healthy manner, I don't think you're going to find a lot of people signing on to that mindset. Especially since a lot of us have tried weird diets like that and can say with certainty that they DO NOT WORK and in fact do more harm than good.

    Some people need a little bit of push to actually commit to a lifestyle, personally I am like that. If I see the scale move for ANY reason I am more likely to keep going forward with my life plan. Also there is a difference between being supportive with constructive criticism and just being rude and telling someone they are wrong and stupid for possibly entertaining an idea. You said it yourself "we" have all tried weird diets, so obviously many others have made mistakes as well.

    All I am trying to say is, if this works or not for her I believe that it will have a positive outcome for her. If it works, its motivation. If it doesn't, she will realize that there is other means to accomplishing what she wants done. And that everyone has to do things for themselves, its part of life.

    People just need to learn that and just be more compassionate. =]

    Have a great day everyone.=]

    There's a difference between saying "you're stupid" and saying "Hey, that's unhealthy. Why don't you try real food."...BIG DIFFERENCE!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Day 4 : Eat only Bananas & Milk

    Can't stop laughing about Day 4... STILL.
    You may be surprised to hear that actually, bananas and milk are a pretty good protein / fat / carb mix. I can't eat pulses, so once lived almost exclusively on this for a week at an event that was vegetarian only.

    While this is yet another faddy diet, and I'm strongly against those, it could be a lot worse - at least there's some real food in there.

    If the soup was my homemade soup (eg beef or chicken, onions and root veg) it would be pretty healthy. In any case, if it breaks someone of their existing fast food eating habits, and is followed by sensible eating after the six days, it could be a reasonable start to a healthy eating plan.
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member

    You know everyone prides themselves on here as being "supportive" except when someone mentions a diet they dont think is right. ... Irritates me. SERIOUSLY??


    Thanks, will add you definatly... its nice to know some people arent so small minded :)

    Everybody here hates on everything! Just let it roll off your sholders and let them eat what they want.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I know that this is going to sound crazy, and totally out of left field....but.....have you considered NOT DIETING and just eating REAL food and tracking the calories? I thought I heard someone say one time that it was a pretty effective method and is much more manageable. Or did I dream that...hmmm.....

    i am doing that and have been for a few weeks as you can see why i am on here... and have been doing well at it... im sure you have all tried fad diets before.. some that have worked and some that may not have.. i appreciate your opinions but i will give this a go

    Actually, I've never done a fad diet.

    The way I see it - unless it's something you can incorporate LONG TERM and maintain weight, what's the point?

  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    Fad diets like that don't work. You say you've tried a million diets and none of them have worked. There is a very clear pattern there - these fad diets don't work for you. They don't work for most people. People tend to lose weight in the short term, give up because they don't like the crazy things they're being asked to eat and then put all the weight back on. Taking it to an even bigger extreme isn't going to change any of that. You're going to find exactly the same results as before.

    Not to mention that those foods aren't going to give you the necessary nutrients to keep your body working optimally. You'll start to feel drained so you won't do any exercise. You'll probably be spending half of the day on the toilet, and ultimately it could lead to even relatively serious health issues like fainting. If you do decide you want to go through with it, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor first, because their are potentially serious health implications to depriving yourself of so many nutrients in your diet. People here aren't going to be supportive of a potentially dangerous diet.

    If you want to lose weight, stop dieting. Start making small, sustainable lifestyle changes. Fad diets don't work. You've proved that already. Sustainable lifestyle changes do.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Everybody here hates on everything! Just let it roll off your sholders and let them eat what they want.

    Yes. EVERYBODY here "hates" on EVERYTHING. You've figured us out.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I think if you read through all the messages, you'll see a common thread of concern. Concern that you may be heading down a path of fad diet after fad diet, chasing that magic weight loss and not finding it.

    Let's do some math. I am a 6'5" guy, and my Basic Metabolic Rate is almost 1,900 a day. So, if I do nothing but watch Oprah, I would burn 13,300 a week. That's almost 4 pounds. So, if I do nothing but drink calorie free water for a week, I lose 4 pounds. To lose 10 pounds, I would have to burn another 3,100 a day. My normal lifestyle burns another 600 a day. I go to the gym and work out for about 45 minutes, and burn about 400 calories, so that's 1000 a day. So, if I drink nothing but water, go to work, hit the gym, I should lose 6 pounds a week. To get to 10 pounds, before I eat calories #1, I still need to burn another 2,000 a day. That's another 4 hours in the gym. Every day.

    Eating less calories than you burn works. It takes time. Losing 10 pounds should take you 6 to 10 weeks.

    To make this a life long journey, and not a diet, change what you eat every day, forever. It works, it takes time, and it is a healthy plan. You didn't gain 10 pounds in a week, so why try to lose 10 in a week?

    Despite the rhetoric flying, I think at the heart of most people's posts, this is what they want you to hear.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Oh my goodness. All I have to say is it isn't healthy. But if you are doing it only stick with it for that short time. Then work back to eating a variety of foods to keep healthy and work towards a lifestyle change. Otherwise, you'll just be another person trying the next fad diet that comes along.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hiya guys :)

    Im going to be trying this new diet that my friend went on,next week... Starting Monday.. is a 6day diet.. she lost 10lbs & said it was easy to do because you can eat as much of the things listed as you like & she has kept the weight off by making sure she sticks within her calories!

    You are all welcome to join me & we can record out results together, just add me
    Day 1 : Eat only Soup & Fruit - not bananas
    Day 2 : Eat only Veg & Salad - no cheese or ham, light mayo/dressing
    Day 3 : Eat only Soup, Fruit & Veg
    Day 4 : Eat only Bananas & Milk
    Day 5 : Eat only Chicken breast, Soup & Tomatoes
    Day 6 : Eat only Soup, Veg & Beef

    If you are either allergic, vegetarian, lactosintolarent or dislike any of these foods you can adapt this list to your own personal preference... aslong as it falls in the fruit, veg, soup criteria!

    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea but I have tried nearly every diet ive heard of... Lighterlife, Slimmingworld, Slimfast, Weightwatchers, Atkins, Hopstialdiet, Celebdiet, Liquid-diet... so whats one more diet going to do... il give it a go & if i like the results il let you know :)

    You're cute. Digits?
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea but I have tried nearly every diet ive heard of... Lighterlife, Slimmingworld, Slimfast, Weightwatchers, Atkins, Hopstialdiet, Celebdiet, Liquid-diet... so whats one more diet going to do... il give it a go & if i like the results il let you know :)

    So is this going to be the one where you figure out these types of diets dont work?
    Do you have a set number of diets you plan to try before you 'get it'?
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    I can't believe four pages of posts and no one pointed this out....

    First of all, it's not a 6-day diet. It's a 7-day diet. It's the GM (General Motors) Diet and can be found here:

    The soup is not just any soup.....its a special cabbage soup. And the "rules" are a little stricter than the OP listed especially when it comes to portions and certain items that you cannot have on certain days and even condiments. Not sure if her and her friend just didn't know them or were just giving the quick and dirty version.

    I've personally done it on three separate occasions and all times lost a few pounds. I don't have much to lose to begin with though so it is not expected that I see a huge result. I also know a few friends that have done it and lost weight.
    The diet was really made for people that were obese and needed to drop some significant pounds to be more healthy, though they do still recommend it. I first heard of the diet from a nurse at a hospital that recommends the diet to obese people who need heart surgery but are high-risk becasue of their weight. It helped them slim down so they were at less of a risk during surgery. However, I can't really vouch for the validity of this since I only received the diet/story from the nurse and don't know if anyone actually did it for that purpose etc.

    As for is it healthy or not? Who knows, but if you feel you want to try it, then go for it. If you do lose weight, just remember that in order to keep it off you still need to exercise regularly and eat a balanced and CLEAN diet. The first couple days combined with the soup will most likely flush your system so be prepared for that.
    If you have any more questions feel free to send me a message.
  • guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.

    If we don't like it we can shut up? Haha not likely. If you don't want comments then don't post something that you KNOW people will disagree with.

    Go right ahead and do whatever you want. Are you going to be back here in two weeks complaining that you gained it all back?

    No i will be back on here... skinny :)

    It's really unfortunate that being skinny is more important than being healthy.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    The diet was really made for people that were obese and needed to drop some significant pounds to be more healthy, though they do still recommend it. I first heard of the diet from a nurse at a hospital that recommends the diet to obese people who need heart surgery but are high-risk becasue of their weight. It helped them slim down so they were at less of a risk during surgery.

    I'm pretty sure this is the back story on every one of these diets - the cabbage soup, the "Mayo Clinic," the grapefruit, the hot dog. They ALL claim to be designed by doctors and to be "healthy."
  • dansing83
    dansing83 Posts: 47 Member
    When I used to go on fad diets with extreme calorie restrictions I would get so hungry that I would binge and gain more weight than I had lost. Losing weight isn't just about calories in/calories out. It's about creating a healthy life style that you can stick with the rest of your life. How will this diet support permanent life style changes? And, making life style changes isn't just about what you put in your mouth, it's about what you put in your mind. What are your thoughts around food and who you are? Starving yourself does not create healthy habits or thoughts. It just contributes to the mentality that keeps us fat. You said you have tried a bunch of fad diets before. If they had worked for you, you wouldn't be here now.....

    As to idea that weight loss is just about eating fewer calories, all calories are not created equal. I find when I eat a lot of sugar and refined carbs that it's much harder for me to stay within my calorie range because of the energy highs and lows. When I eat more fiber, veggies, fruits and lean proteins, it's much easier to stay on track. And, as I get older (48, almost 49) the effects of binging on sugar last longer and longer; ie, I'm exhausted the next day. Just some things to consider...... :)
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    The diet was really made for people that were obese and needed to drop some significant pounds to be more healthy, though they do still recommend it. I first heard of the diet from a nurse at a hospital that recommends the diet to obese people who need heart surgery but are high-risk becasue of their weight. It helped them slim down so they were at less of a risk during surgery.

    I'm pretty sure this is the back story on every one of these diets - the cabbage soup, the "Mayo Clinic," the grapefruit, the hot dog. They ALL claim to be designed by doctors and to be "healthy."

    Actually this wasn't developed by a doctor. It was developed in 1985 for use by GM employees and their dependants using a grant from the UDSA and the FDA then tested by the JHU Research Center etc etc.... it's all inthe first paragraph of the link I posted.
    And I did not say it was "healthy". I have no idea if it is or not. I did get it from someone that is a nurse but I have no idea if anyone else she may have recommended it to tried it or if it really is recommended to patients. It's just what she told me. Which is also what I said in my post.

    I do realize all the fads are out there and all the claims they make. I'm not adding to the claims. Just stating my knowledge based on my experience and the link to the actual diet and its guidelines.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    ****************************************************PLEASE NOTE*********************************************************

    Dear Posters,

    The staff of MyFitnessPal is actively reviewing our stance on topics that recommend or promote dieting methods that run counter to our site's own weight-loss recommendations.

    In the meantime, please make sure to refrain from attacking or insulting other users. Earnest and respectful debate on any message in the forums is acceptable. Attacking the messenger is NOT.

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    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I seem to have lost 104.4 pounds so far and I didn't need to eat just bananas and milk all day to do it... so... thanks but no thanks.
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm not gonna jump on the band wagon hun but be carefull you don't want to end up heavier x