Any tips

Hello all I am new to the boards, but have attempted to use MFP for a few months. To be honest, i never stuck with it properly...and also discovered i'm ignorant to how many lbs are in a stone so MFP thinks i have actually lost weight.
But i haven't. And I'm starting to wonder why as its beginning to get me down.
I have done all the biggies, I have got rid of my deep fat fryer, don't really binge snack and am down to one fizzy drink a day (my achilles heel). But yet i was about a stone and a half lighter when i used to live on these things.

I am 24, now a size 12, but used to be a 10 i am 5 foot so the weight gain doesn't look amazing, but my main frustration is not fitting into my clothes and having to buy new ones. I am currently weighing around 10 stone 8. Far too much for my frame, (though about 8lbs is my boobs!) so yes. It came to the point of addressing my weight. I have NEVER dieted before so thought a food diary was the best bet.

my calories are set to 1500. and i meet this slightly under or slightly over daily (you can't get it too specific really, its a guideline!) so here's my average meal plan lately:
breakfast: belvita biscuits and a 150ml portion of tropicana red grape juice
lunch: chicken sandwich, no butter, but a bit of bbq sauce, and a bag of crisps*
dinner: varies but is usually quiet low calorie with a low cal chic mousse for pudding
snacks: either a nature valley bar or bag of those mini snack a jacks.

*crisps are always less than 100 calories per pack and less than 4% fat....if anything these are healthier than some other 'health' foods I've seen advertised

i drink flavoured water to curb the fizzy lustings, but have my one 160cal sugary goodness in the evening.

This keeps me going all day, easily, i could do a lower calorie thing, but that risks potential 'starvation' to my body. I struggle to eat any more. I have joined the gym, and try to attend 3 times a week (though health issues sometimes don't allow me to)

I am aware my diet can look slightly sugary, but its a significant improvement from before. So i would have hoped for at least a lb loss, but NOTHING. Then i joined the gym and thought that would help- NOTHING.

i struggle a bit due to psychosomatic things with vegetables and fruit, but i'm getting a lot better and have a much more healthy and varied diet, i just want to kickstart the weightless. Does anyone have any tips? Did any of you struggle to get your correct adjustments before success?

thanks for your help


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i hear you! read my link in my signature, i think it answers all your questions!
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    You may try whole eating. Processed preservatives will sabatage you every time. Add more protien, more fiber, veggies and nuts. Cut your sugar intake to no more than 10mg at a setting, regardless of guidelines. If you cut the chips, and the biscuits, and add healthy alternatives, you will yield results.

    Tweak it to your personality, but you can do this...

    Best of luck.
  • jak111
    jak111 Posts: 36
    Hi Sugarized,
    Here is a website that converts pounds to stones. You just put in your weight and it converts to stones. Please tell me what stones are? I am not familiar with that.

    I have tried so many times and failed. So far, I am loosing a pound a week. I credit alot of it to MFP and also not limiting my food - i.e. saying that I can't have this and that. That will just make you fall off the plan faster.

    You can have anything you want to eat, you just need to plan for it, limit the amount. I know I hated it when people told me it is all about porportion!!

    I am not a veggie or fruit either, but there are some very good recipes on MFP that incorporate veggies and fruits into everyday eating that I can deal with.

    I hate exercising - I am not a person that wants to get up in the morning and exercise in any way, shape or form and once I get home at night, I just want to relax. So, I made a deal with myelf. I walk 15 minutes on each of my breaks M-F. That helps get my exercise in. I try to park further from the door I go in for work, I am the first to volunteer to mow/snow blow my neighbors yards, power wash their desk, rake their yards. Every time you get yourself moving, no matter how small it is, it will add up.

    Another thing is to try to get your allotment of calories in each day. If you go under that amount quite a bit, your body goes into starvation mode and it will shut down and start storing fat.

    Cravings? I usually plug what I am craving into MPF (you can always delete it) to see if it works for my daily nutrition (fat, cals, etc) and if it does, fine I will have it, if not, I will delete it and either find something else or do something to make me forget about it.

    I would be glad to share my menus with you if you like. Just let me know.

    Hang in there and take one day at a time it will help to look at it that way versus the huge goal.
  • bojngls
    bojngls Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to MFP and been on You on a Diet for a litle over a week now. Just started the treadmill this morning. Any hints, tips or opinions would be VERY welcomed.
