Bad stretch marks

hi all

Just new here.

Basically my background is I was an athlete,got to a high enough level. But now this last two years ive let myself go and put on about 45 pounds quite quickly.

I have really big stretch marks on my stomach, which, as you could imagine, for a 23 yr old girl, ex athlete,nengaged and a sport science student, it's really really getting to me.

They are terrible on my sides and legs, stomach and one clump on one upper arm.

I feel ive been attacked by them.

In use bio oil, but I'm just at the start of my weight loss journey and it's so disheartening and sickening to see them.

I look like I've been clawed by a bear.

I really hope when I lose the weight that I can get rid of them abbit ( I know they'll turn white). But they are wide and feel like cuts

I hope. Get a good job as I would have surgery on them.

It's my dream to become a female bodybuilder, sports model and now I I've ruined it. I know it won't happen now.. I could get done to low body fat and become toned, but with bad unsightly white streaks on my stomac I'll look yuck.

This last year I've been to doctor with bad depression as a result of work stress and weight worries. But it's the stretch marks that are getting to me the most.

I guess I'm not llooking for any advice really as I know the bio oil stuff but just a vent of my anger at myself yo anyone who will listen.


  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 21 and have had horrible stretch marks on my stomach since I was 12. I went through a growth spurt and grew 8 inches in 6 months. My skin just couldn't handle it. I also have some on my inner thighs from that too but they don't bother me as much.

    Over time they fade and trust me, you won't hate them *as much* later. They'll always be a bother and something you're self conscious about, but I've learned as long as you accept them, it's ok. Guys have never been bothered by them, even this super hot personal trainer guy I dated for a while haha.

    But, I know, they suck, and are a pain in the butt :( There just isn't a lot you can do (I used bio oil for a year, no change).
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    A lot of people I know use tanning to reduce the appearance. I've used Mederma for a number of scars and its helped a lot with stretch marks too. Its a little expensive but worth it.
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    Find some really good body makeup. It is thick and covers well. If you match your skintone there is no reason why you couldn't compete. It is often used to cover scars or beard stubble on transvestites. It works really well.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Ahh i got pregnant when I was 16 and have stretchmarks like crazy i counted over 40 BRIGHT ones yuck..oh well they dont bother me anymore i just want to get skinny..i call mine babys first artwork to make them sound a little better lol
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    I'm 27 with bad dirt bike trails (stretch marks). Happened when I got pregnant. I've been wanting to try CELTRIXA to see if it works.
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I just ordered a tube of Strivectin on Ebay because of all the poitive things I have read here in the forums. I haven't received it yet, but other MFPers have said it works wonders. You can read a lot of reviews online. It is expensive unless you get it on Ebay. Not recommending it from my experience, just what others on this site have said. Have a good evening.

  • LindsayT2012
    LindsayT2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I have really bad stretch marks as well. Mine are from having 2 children.They do look better over time:-)
  • karacropp
    I can absolutely empathize with you! I had my first child when I was 21 years old. I went from having a flat stomach with smooth skin to having huge stretch marks with saggy stretched out skin from my pregnancy. I had a 2 child and I have been pretty successful at losing most of the weight and people always tell me that I don't look like I've had 2 children, but I just think to myself, "you would know if I showed you my stretch marks." I'm 25 years old and will never again wear a bikini unless I have a tummy tuck to get rid of the stretch marks and saggy skin. I am an advocate for cosmetic surgery in cases like these. You just hang in there and work hard you will meet your goals.
  • cwglosin4vaca
    cwglosin4vaca Posts: 63 Member
    I got pregnant at 17 and got them really bad. Now 2 more kids later I feel like a map of the world! I call them battle scars lol but my hubby isnt bothered by them and I 'know' they are there but dont notice them if that makes sense. HTH!
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I feel for all of you.

    I am 20 years old and have got numerous amounts of stretch marks the past year and a half.
    I lost weight very fast early on in 2010 and received many from that and then a gain of 35+ lbs since then has demolished my butt and thighs. I have also gotten them around the sides of my knees and calves. Its the worst feeling in the world knowing how much you try you are never going to get of the one thing you hate the most about yourself...

    I also am now afraid to have children for this reason.. thats how much I hate them.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Stretch marks can be a symptom of PCOS and adrenal sisorders, as can weight gain.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I've had stretch marks since hitting a big growth spurt at puberty--on my breasts, hips, knees, thighs. Then a few years ago when I gained about 30-40 lbs in a rather short amount of time, I got a few new ones on my tummy.

    The old ones have mostly faded away (you can still see them if you look for them, but they are not noticeable). The newer ones have faded a little since I've lost about 30 pounds--not as bright red as when I first got them.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Stretch marks can be a symptom of PCOS and adrenal sisorders, as can weight gain.

    Does my post sound like it could be that?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • ajstout652
    ajstout652 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel for you! I am female and 6'0" and I reached that height in 8th grade. Due to that growth spurt, I have stretch marks on my hips (light) and under my butt on the back part of my legs. Nothing you can really do about it that I know of, but I'm no expert. Over time I have learned to live with them, try not to care, and accept them for what they are. It helps I have a great man in my life who rolls his eyes (playfully) at me and tells me how much he loves me when I feel the need to almost apologize for having them. Plus, the elasticity of your skin is a hereditary mother has horrible ones from being pregnant, so I am just assuming I will too and there's nothign I can do. I'd like to try Bio Oil since I've heard about that recently, but one person posted it didn't help. I try to remember this... "those who care don't matter and those who matter don't care" :)
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I have stretch marks thanks to my 2nd child and they are really bad. The smallest is 4mm's wide and they're really long. From about 2 inches under my bra line to the bottom of my stomach and the entire width across from side to side, so I feel ya. I definitely look like a bear took both paws and just dug in and marked all the way down my stomach.

    Unfortunately (without the aid of cosmetic surgery and lord knows I can't afford that!) there doesn't seem to be a whole lot that can be done with them. I've never tried any creams or oils or anything, so again, this is just MY perspective.

    I've pretty much gotten to where I'm a little more philosophical about them. They're a part of who I am and what I've been through.

    Would I take them away? Absolutely!

    If it meant not having a second child? Absolutely not!

    I know this probably isn't really helpful or doesn't give you any information you want to hear, but just know you're not alone and though I may hate them, I've come to accept them. Mostly.

    Will I be self conscious when I'm in a serious relationship again? I'm sure I will, at least for a bit.

    Will I let someone else's opinion about them make or break me? No, fortunately not.

    They're a part of who you are and where you've been. What's so bad about that?

    ((Again, just MY two cents))
  • MelissaJ6807
    Stretch marks can be a symptom of PCOS and adrenal sisorders, as can weight gain.

    Does my post sound like it could be that?

    I have PCOS...if you have any questions send me a message. I'd be happy to help you :-)
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    cocoa butter
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    At least you women can blame it on childbirth. Try being a man and covered in them :(

    They're here for life.

    I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll NEVER look good naked due to them, no matter how much weight i lose and muscle definition i get.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    I think that women that have stretch marks from bringing a life into this world should wear them as a badge of honor. After all ladies, you earned them!