Exercise Video Recommendations?

UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
Since April, I've been getting almost all my cardio from hiking in the mountains near my house. It's been great, but the days are getting shorter and darker. Within the next month or so, I won't have enough light to do my hikes after work anymore. I don't have access to a gym and I don't have a long enough lunch break at work to do an outdoor workout, so I'm looking for a good video to use for cardio during the dark months of winter.

I have a rather narrow set of personal preferences for workout style:

1) I don't want weights/strength work included. I already have a circuit-style weight workout I do a couple days a week, so I want this new workout to be 100% pure cardio (and maybe some stretching.)

2) I don't like Zumba or anything with complex 'dance-like' choreography. I prefer athletic style workouts - plyometrics, step, etc.

3) I'm in pretty good shape cardio-wise already, so I want something TOUGH. I'd like a workout at least 45 minutes, preferably 60.

4) No Jillian Michael's please!

Can anyone help?


  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Have you ever tried Billy Blanks Tae Bo?
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Billy Blanks TAE BO.
  • circuitsix
    p90x has some great polymetrics, better make sure you are ready for it though, quite the workout.
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Well I would say Turbo Fire but it could be considered "dancy" with the choreography, so I would say Billy Blanks tae bo for sure, or Insanity! Insanity is straight up drills and hard work if you can handle it!
  • Camey44
    Camey44 Posts: 38 Member
    I hear Insanity is pretty intense. You may be ready for the Insanity challenge. :smile:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh... I already have Tae Bo. Sorry! I should have mentioned that. It really wasn't my cup of tea.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Check cathe.com - Cathe Friedrich has a lot of cardio only options that are pretty intense. Definitely not 'choreography free' - but not dance choreography like Zumba. You can watch parts of the workouts on her website or on YouTube. Kelly Coffey-Meyer has some good cardio DVDs, too. I love Step & Kickboxing - so her Step-Boxing workout is one of my favorites (combines step & kickboxing). Again - there's definitely choreography, but not like Zumba! You can view parts of her workouts on YouTube or at Collage Video's website. Hope that helps!

    EDIT: Oh - and for the record, I also own and enjoy TurboFire. It's choreographed, but it's not dancing. ;-)
  • janetmp10
    What about Kick boxing?

    Turbo Fire is next on my "to do" list. I've heard its one of the most high intensity cardio workouts out there! http://tinyurl.com/4g8rfgq

    Insanity may be more for you though! http://tinyurl.com/2eksh84

    I also like The Firm DVDs that incorporate the Step!
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    4) No Jillian Michael's please!

    ^^^^ I hear ya!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    Amy Dixon - Breathless Body

    Michelle Dozois - Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn

    Insanity - Pure Cardio - try it free on YouTube http://youtu.be/gKFqI3Y5FL8
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I would say Turbo Fire, but then it might be too "dancey" for you, but it is an awesome workout! You may want to check out www.collagevideo.com... There are tons of workout dvds, gives you the breakdown and also reviews.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    turbofire is for the coreography callenged, it's not dancy like zumba.
    Insanity is awesome, it's intense, but no dance moves what so ever.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Amy Dixon - Breathless Body

    I watched a clip of this on Collage Video! It's pretty much exactly what I was looking for! I love the three levels of intensity.
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    I watched a clip of this on Collage Video! It's pretty much exactly what I was looking for! I love the three levels of intensity.

    also check out www.totalfitnessdvds.com
  • Elle_Elle

    I don't know if this would be something you would like or if you have heard of it, but have you tried bodyrock.tv? The workouts are killer and intense and usually require no equipment. The are short. They can range from 4 minutes up to 20 minutes. They are based on the tabata protocol of interval training, so it really gets your heart going. I hate videos, but I love the bodyrock workouts. Of course, it is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is there if you'd like to check it out.

  • sharanranran
    sharanranran Posts: 64 Member
  • mjmcdon
    mjmcdon Posts: 33
    I LOVE Leslie Sansone! There are different DVD's you can look into as well. Some are more mild, and some are intense and have various levels of burning calories and "walking that fat away." And thats exactly what they are called...Walk At Home dvd's. I highly recommend them. Just go to lesliesansonevideos.com