JILLIAN MICHAELS products * Detox-Fat Burner-CalorieControl?

Hello everyone!

Is there anyone who has had experience or knows about the Jillian Michaels products? I have the 'JumpStart 2 Week Cleanse and Burn' (which I have been taking for eight days now), 'Maximum Strength Fat Burner' and 'Calorie Control'.

I really believe in Jillian Michaels, which is why I bought the products. I wouldn't buy any other type of products like these without her name on them.
I have seen her asked about these products and she has said "they really help aide in weight loss and help you to achieve those desired results faster". Of course she added, "when they are combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan".

I am just really curious about others who have used any of these products or know someone who has.
Thanks a bunch everyone! Have a great day!


  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    At the end of every product, there is marketing. There's nothing that can speed weight loss, unless you cut calories and workout harder....that's it. I personally just dislike when you have fitness celebrities becoming marketing weapons for their own weight loss magic potions. It's reasonable if they recommend a diet, like eating certain foods, etc. but to manufacture a product and make promises on that product is just plain fraud, and there's only one thing at the, making a profit from people who truly believe them because of the image they portray.
  • KMSForLife
    I have used the 2 week cleanse and burn. I'm shaking my head in disgust right now (disgust with myself) because I knew better. It doesn't do anything but perhaps make you have to use the bathroom. I wish there were a magic answer but I haven't found it yet and am happy to report that I am no longer looking for it.

    Good luck on your journey - I sincerely wish you well!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I have no idea on the actual products- but the day she started doing pills and cleanses was the day I put her into the same group of nonsense sell-outs. They are just trying to make money off of people who want a quick fix. Better off to just do it the hard way and save the money for new clothes!
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I doubt she uses any of the products she endorses (other than work out stuff). It's about the same caliper as a gold medal sprinter on the box of Wheaties: some company paid her a bunch of money to use her Brand (which is her name) to sell their product.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    At the end of every product, there is marketing. There's nothing that can speed weight loss, unless you cut calories and workout harder....that's it. I personally just dislike when you have fitness celebrities becoming marketing weapons for their own weight loss magic potions. It's reasonable if they recommend a diet, like eating certain foods, etc. but to manufacture a product and make promises on that product is just plain fraud, and there's only one thing at the, making a profit from people who truly believe them because of the image they portray.

    I assumed someone would have this to say. However, I saw someone attack Jillian with saying the same thing. But she said they do work and that she would never put her name on a product that doesn't work or that is supposed to be a "quick fix".
    She did say you can't just eat whatever you want and not exercise and expect to take these products and lose weight.

    And I have to correct you about there being no products on the market that speed weight loss. I have read reviews from tons of people who have taken L-Carnitine (for example) and lost weight quicker. Although, that may be different because it is an actual supplement.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I have used the 2 week cleanse and burn. I'm shaking my head in disgust right now (disgust with myself) because I knew better. It doesn't do anything but perhaps make you have to use the bathroom. I wish there were a magic answer but I haven't found it yet and am happy to report that I am no longer looking for it.

    Good luck on your journey - I sincerely wish you well!

    I have to admit it, I have had to go to the bathroom a lot since taking the Cleanse and Burn. But isn't that required to detox? IDK.
  • KMSForLife
    I have used the 2 week cleanse and burn. I'm shaking my head in disgust right now (disgust with myself) because I knew better. It doesn't do anything but perhaps make you have to use the bathroom. I wish there were a magic answer but I haven't found it yet and am happy to report that I am no longer looking for it.

    Good luck on your journey - I sincerely wish you well!

    I have to admit it, I have had to go to the bathroom a lot since taking the Cleanse and Burn. But isn't that required to detox? IDK.

    Yes, I'm sure that is part of detox. I didn't lose any weight with it. It didn't prove harmful to me so I don't necessarily have anything negative to say about it. I just know that for me, diet and exercise is the only thing that works. Good luck!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I tried the Jillian Michaels detox and fat burner products last winter and they did absolutly nothing for me at all. Was mad at myself for even buying them, only did because it was Jillian Michaels.
  • JohannaEHoran
    Iv never used any of the products youve mentioned but im currently (day 3) using the 30 day shred workout dvd which ws reccomeneded to me by sooo many people. Obvisously iv only been at it for 3 days so only change i can tell you if im hurting like hell lol but all who told me about it have seen results and i can see why! Maybe worth a go???