Losing the Baby Weight

Hi All,

I'm new here. Had a baby almost three months ago. I gained 40+ lbs while preggo due to high risk pregnancy and not being able to work out AT ALL...dropped the first 25 pretty quickly and now I've been stuck at about 18lbs over my pre-baby weight for a month. Hoping to lose almost all of it by Christmas and definitely all of it by Valentines Days. I've always been able to eat whatever I want and stay slim so this whole weight loss concept is really foreign to me and I'm struggling!! Hoping to find some motivation on this site!



  • spinedocmfp
    spinedocmfp Posts: 109 Member
    Just breast feed. Its good for you and the baby, and burn tons of calories. I know alot of women who get below pre-pregnancy weight that way.
  • Haha, I am only laughing because I had my son in July 2010 and am still trying to lose the weight! It has been quite the struggle for me, but I have started to really track my calories as well as working out and really pushing myself too! Having a baby drastically changes your body and how it works.

    Good Luck!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new here. Had a baby almost three months ago. I gained 40+ lbs while preggo due to high risk pregnancy and not being able to work out AT ALL...dropped the first 25 pretty quickly and now I've been stuck at about 18lbs over my pre-baby weight for a month. Hoping to lose almost all of it by Christmas and definitely all of it by Valentines Days. I've always been able to eat whatever I want and stay slim so this whole weight loss concept is really foreign to me and I'm struggling!! Hoping to find some motivation on this site!


    At this point you really shouldn't be worried about losing weight, especially if you're breast feeding. Your body needs all the nutrition it can get and your primary focus should be caring for yourself and your baby. Just eat healthy foods and exercise when you can but don't worry about cutting calories. It took you approximately 40 weeks to put on the weight, you don't need to worry about it coming off faster than that, especially if you want to keep yourself and your baby as healthy as possible. Be a mama, you'll have plenty of time to get your body back.
  • bamn2010
    bamn2010 Posts: 12 Member
    Breastfeeding actually shouldnt make you lose weight if your doing things right as you should be eating those calories so your milk is full and healthy, i had my girl 13m ago and am only now trying to lose the weight as she feeds less and i dont have to make sure the calories are a lil higher anymore as she is other foods.

    If your bfing id suggest not limiting your calories yet until at least 6 months when you milk is fully established and if you feed beyond that i wouldnt limit them too much but instead add about 300 cal a day to your normal limit instead of the 500 if you know what i mean??

    if your not bfing then by all means go ahead!! Good Luck hun and congrats on your baby :)
  • 1nsands
    1nsands Posts: 27
    And breastfeeding doesn't help all of us lose babyweight. I breastfed for 10 months and practically couldn't lose weight while I was. As soon as I stopped, it became a lot easier. Every pregnancy is different... and every woman is different.

    But... I've lost about 40 pounds since having my daughter. And right now, I'm under my pre-pregnancy weight! Yeah!
  • kazzy667
    kazzy667 Posts: 1 Member
    WOW- you're doing good. I had a baby 10 half months ago and still trying to lose the weight! I put on 22 kilos (48pounds) and I'm still about 6-7 kilos (14 pounds) above my pre baby weight. Are you breastfeeding?? That will help. Im drastically trying to lose the extra weight + some before xmas too, I find MFP really helpful and motivating :)
  • kimgib
    kimgib Posts: 2
    Thank you all for your responses. I'm no longer BFing...we tried it for the first month, baby was tongue tied, couldn't latch on, then after we got it fixed she sucked so hard I was literally dripping blood at one point. So although I know it can help to BF, it's not an option at this point. We tried, she got some benefits from it and now I formula feed her and she's doing wonderfully!

    I was in great shape before I got preggo, worked out on a regular basis and ate whatever I wanted. Then couldn't work out at all during pregnancy b/c it wasn't safe for the baby so although I almost went stir crazy, it was the best thing for her. Now I'm ready to get back in shape both for myself and because it will make me happier and in my opinion the happier I am, the happier my adorable baby will be!

    Looking forward to getting on track and staying there!