Eating after dinner

Well, my biggest problem is "night time" eating. I love to snack at night, or late evening after dinner. Since MFP, I have been very strict on what I consume. So, I still want to eat at night, but I try to eat lowfat or fat free. Anyone know if this is ok, or should I try to stop? So far I have lost 20 lbs (my ticker says 19, but it is 20).


  • sifuentes10
    sifuentes10 Posts: 2 Member
    I read somewhere that if you start to train yourself to only eat at the kitchen table or only in the kitchen, you will snack less at night because you will be forced to stand in the kitchen instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer. Just a thought.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    The only thing about nighttime eating is that if you don't eat before bed, theoretically your body is using stored fat during the night. BUT your body needs a few carbs to be able to use fat. As long as the snacks are small (calorie-wise), low fat, and within your total calories for the day it should be fine. :)
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    The only thing about nighttime eating is that if you don't eat before bed, theoretically your body is using stored fat during the night. BUT your body needs a few carbs to be able to use fat. As long as the snacks are small (calorie-wise), low fat, and within your total calories for the day it should be fine. :)

    I eat 5 pretzels after dinner. God that sounds so lame. LOL
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    After you eat dinner and have a small snack go brush your teeth, you know food never tastes as good with the toothpaste taste in your mouth. It is silly but works for me.... :)
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    It is most important that your body gets the nutrition and calories it needs to repair and build muscle. Meal timing does not matter.

    Of course, if you're already over your limit - don't eat.
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    After you eat dinner and have a small snack go brush your teeth, you know food never tastes as good with the toothpaste taste in your mouth. It is silly but works for me.... :)

    I used to do that when I was wanting to stop my night time snacks. It works. I also used to crochet to keep my hands busy.
  • Great idea about the toothpaste! Nighttime snacking is my biggest problem area too. I do really well with making great choices during the day, and then I relax in front of the tv with a beer or some other unhealthy snack at night... and just like that, I go over my calorie limit for the day.

    Oooh.. and I just saw the crochet idea... awesome! That would totally work too. I haven't crocheted since I was a little girl, but my wheels are spinning now... thanks for the ideas!
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    postotah.... I don't think that is lame at all. I usually have a small snack -- an apple and cheese stick, or a 50 cal 12 carb V-8 fusion (to help with my desire for something sweet). Last night I had plain yogurt with frozen blueberries and a sprinkle of granola .
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    Great idea about the toothpaste! Nighttime snacking is my biggest problem area too. I do really well with making great choices during the day, and then I relax in front of the tv with a beer or some other unhealthy snack at night... and just like that, I go over my calorie limit for the day.

    mmm BEER, dang it you had to say beer I love it, lol :drinker: but beer definetly doesnt taste good with the toothpaste taste in your mouth.. yuck!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    It really doesn't matter when you eat. if you have the calories left for a nighttime snack, then it's fine.
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a snack every night after dinner. A doctor told me once, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, it doesn't matter when you consume it. So I am taking that to heart. As long as I do my calories right for the day, who cares when I eat them? I'm still losing OK :O)
  • Very good tips. Also, I'm most of the time still under goal. But, I am fanatical about exercise since MFP!((( I used to HATE exercise and the mere thought of straining too hard to do anything just sent me the other way. Now, I take the long way, get "it" myself, and park near the end of the lot.))) My point being, with all this exercise I 'm blessed with an abundance of calories. I still worry that this eating is slowing the process. I will go now and brush my teeth.
    I think I have an obsession with food. I think of what comes next and what I'll have A LOT!.
    P.S. Thanks all of you for your help. All of you are looking good too!
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    What time to do you eat dinner? You've lost 20 lbs, so clearly what you're doing isn't hindering you. I would say as long as you don't eat within an hour of gonig to bed and don't over do it you'll be just fine!
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Eating after dinner is my downfall. I do really well all day and after dinner I have a 500-600 calorie deficit. But then I get these incredibly strong urges to snack and the next thing you know I've wiped out my deficit and end up with a surplus of 300-400 calories. Why do I have this urge to just stuff myself when I'm not even hungry? It doesn't happen every night but a lot more often than I like. I just sabotage myself....I don't understand it!!