Me and my weight

you guys im so pissed at myself ive been eating my emotions n idk what to do :( god help me ni checked my bmi im .8 away from being obese :( im 5.4 and weigh 170 and it just makes me sad and my diet has been horrible and i have not yet gotten a gym membership and now im sad :(


  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    I know that feeling ... it was about the same for me.

    I was borderline obese (forgot which side of the border).

    I am an emotional eater - the weight made me so miserable that I ate ... always telling myself that I will start loosing weight "tomorrow". This caused me to continue putting on weight which made me more miserable so I ate more so I put on more weight which made me more miserable so I ate more ....... (etc)

    One day I decided to stop thinking and just DO ... found mfp shortly after that, and things are going great.

    I know this is probably not good advice, but its what worked for me .... can you try to stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your head? Decide to eat xxx calories max a day. Exercise as much as you can and don't allow yourself to argue about it?

    Good luck!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    The BMI scale is completely worthless.
  • paulaGetshealthy
    Maybe this will help a little? I'm 5'3 and started off obese (at 197.6 lbs!). I have lost 51 lbs and am currently at 146.2 lbs or so. I am about 7 lbs away from being "healthy." Not once did I step foot in a gym. I did this all with jogging and exercise videos. Girl, be confident in your ability to do this! Decide how badly you want this and stick with it! I too was an emotional eater, and I've come such a long way.

    Anyway, good luck!
  • veronikafit
    those are impressive results! i wish you luck!! :)
  • branflake5
    don't put urself down just stand up and do something about it. u CAN do it. its hard and takes work and its alot harder to take it off than it was to put it on believe me i know but u CAN do it!!! and u don't need a gym membership u can start off with fast paced walking and get some exercise dvd's. best of luck i know u can do it:)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I know that feeling ... it was about the same for me.

    I was borderline obese (forgot which side of the border).

    I am an emotional eater - the weight made me so miserable that I ate ... always telling myself that I will start loosing weight "tomorrow". This caused me to continue putting on weight which made me more miserable so I ate more so I put on more weight which made me more miserable so I ate more ....... (etc)

    One day I decided to stop thinking and just DO ... found mfp shortly after that, and things are going great.

    I know this is probably not good advice, but its what worked for me .... can you try to stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your head? Decide to eat 1200 calories max a day. Exercise as much as you can and don't allow yourself to argue about it?

    Good luck!

    You need to eat at least 1,200 calories a day. Especially if you are working out. All you will do by eating 1,200 max is put your body into starvation mode. You need to figure out what your RMR is and go from there. Google RMR calculators.
  • patricia92d
    thank you all guys what you guys are telling me is really reminding me why i lost weight with Mfp in the first place love you all :')
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    You need to eat at least 1,200 calories a day. Especially if you are working out. All you will do by eating 1,200 max is put your body into starvation mode...........
    I changed the number 1200 in my post to xxx. as the exact figure was not the point I was trying to make at all. (and there are enough 1200 arguments on the boards if anyone is interested)

    I meant it to be a committment to the concept so that the commitment is fact-based rather than emotionally based.
  • patricia92d
    i understan and i just need to say no to fast food again n if yes fast food just salads again ive given up soda n i do want a member ship because i do like to wrk out its not that i dnt like too its just cnt really find the time with school and two jobs
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    i understan and i just need to say no to fast food again n if yes fast food just salads again ive given up soda n i do want a member ship because i do like to wrk out its not that i dnt like too its just cnt really find the time with school and two jobs

    Yeah that is why I like at home workouts. IMO they are cheaper in the long run and no need to drive to the gym and back :) Which saves time!