Old pal feeling like a newbie, Need Help

I'm sad that I even have to write this but I'm failing miserably. I have been on this site since Feb 2010. I've had some success and met some amazing people. However, along my journey I got pregnant, got fat, got lazy and am now spiraling out of control. I set my calories at 1200 so I can start seeing some results but I struggle to make that goal even with eating my exercise calories. I need help. I'm sick of being fat, unhappy, struggling for the energy to keep up with the demands of having a 2 year old and 4 month old. Please, help me make better choices. Give me filling low calorie healthy food ideas. I like most things, I'm willing to cook, I enjoy working out when I'm able to make time...I just need to get eating under control. Please please please, help. I've checked out my friends diaries, but many are private. No idea is too small....I'm begging, help this 29 year old gal get on track before it's too late!


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    And yes my diary is private, you don't need to see it, know that it's crap, it's the example of what not to do, I need to know the right things to do.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    You can do this! When I'm super hungry and feeling lazy I make a HUGE chef's salad. I cut up romaine hearts, cucumbers, cauliflower, mushrooms, cheese, a boiled egg and I use 2 tablespoons of dressing. It runs anywhere from 400 to 500 calories but I'm super full after and I stay full for a really long time and I most importantly, I'm happy about my choice. Find a dressing you like, even it if isn't low cal, the difference between eating something awful for you and having a salad with a dressing that is not so great is huge. All of the veggies make up for it. Sometimes I swap the egg out for some ham, got to have that protein!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You can do this! When I'm super hungry and feeling lazy I make a HUGE chef's salad. I cut up romaine hearts, cucumbers, cauliflower, mushrooms, cheese, a boiled egg and I use 2 tablespoons of dressing. It runs anywhere from 400 to 500 calories but I'm super full after and I stay full for a really long time and I most importantly, I'm happy about my choice. Find a dressing you like, even it if isn't low cal, the difference between eating something awful for you and having a salad with a dressing that is not so great is huge. All of the veggies make up for it. Sometimes I swap the egg out for some ham, got to have that protein!

    Yes this, loads of fresh crispy salad, minimal cals maximum amount on the plate.
    For a dressing I use vinegar and fresh chopped mint hardly any cals at all. Chop the mint and pour a small amount of boiling water on it to release the flavour then add a few tablespoons of vinegar and allow to cool. You can add olive oil if you like and whisk, it is still a low cal dressing.

    Don't let yourself feel overwhelmed, just make small changes. You will succeed.
  • alina726
    alina726 Posts: 30 Member
    The 100 calorie popcorn snack bags work wonders for me. You can do this honey. I say that because we've both done it before. Why is it so hard this time? For you, having the boys I know makes it a struggle. For me, I don't have an excuse. I'm just an emotional eater. No need for me to be hungry. Eat when I'm happy, eat when I'm sad, eat when I'm sleepy, etc.... I just enjoy eating. When I feel anxious it calms me and gives me a sense of comfort. All sad, but unfortunately true. Enjoy your time with your parents. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take some time for yourself each day they are with you. Not just a few minutes, but a couple of hours. They won't mind and you desperately NEED THIS! I COMPLETELY understand how you feel right now and my heart goes out to you. I often feel the same way. I've just had a good week and a half. The ONLY reason I opened my diary to someone was because I felt the exact same way you do. I figured what the hell at this point. Please know that I am here for you. I am only a phone call away. PLEASE DON'T hesitate to call....I wish I would have known last night and I would have called you. Love you sweet girl!
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    You can totally do this! There are some great ideas on the recipe thread.

    I like tuna with low fat mayo, as well as chicken salad sandwiches. Two tbsps of tzatziki mixed with shreded chicken (I do it by hand) and some sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, on toast or in a wrap (especially yummy when its in a wrap!). I like mixing strawberries with almonds for a snack and also mini cups of yogurt so you can control the portions. Also pickles and tartar sauce on a frozen fish filet is yummy!

    Also, if you absolutely CAN'T do it at 1200 cals at first, there's nothng wrong with upping it to 1290 or more. You can go back down to 1200 later when you've settled in to the routine. I really hope this helps and remember, you;ve got a great attitude and determination and you CAN DO THIS!!! :))) Rooting for you!