Motivation on Hump Day!!

Okay guys. So I gained back 2 pounds that I lost a week ago (AGAIN! arghhh!) and I am so annoyed! It seems like my body just does not want to get away from being in the 119's.

SO today...Wednesday, I propose we all do something a little fun and helpful to each other. Let's all message and remind each other (we could even email - cause my email gets sent straight to my phone) to

a) drink water,
b) do 25 crunches
c) do 25 sit ups or
d) do 10-15 push ups.

Yes, I'm totally serious. No matter where we are, we have to stop what we're doing (with in reason) and do these things. It will help us get through not only hump day, but these hump pounds!

Who's in??


  • lucyliar
    lucyliar Posts: 31 Member
    i am in for doing 15 ( 2 sets) form today. I am in the office but still will do it any how.................because i can no longer wait to wear that smart dress.....waiting for me in the showroom.
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    I think that is an awesome idea, but I wouldn't be able to do it at work, except drink water lol
  • StarArly
    StarArly Posts: 56 Member
    Okay as soon as I am done typing :)
    Thanks for the motivation. Feel free to friend request.
  • angelinerstetzko
    Oh I mean this throughout the whole day! Random messages of "Hey, 25 sit ups!" or "15 push ups!"

    I'll be at work too, but I don't care! Take a minute to go to the bathroom, or sneak into a room that no one's in and do your challenge really quickly...and honestly, if someone sees you, who cares! We're doing this to be healthy :)
  • PVMcHugh
    It would be weird for me to do this in the office... I share a room with 7 co-workers. I'll definitely be doing these and a bit of strength training when I get home. My bf showed me some moves and it's quite simple to do every day... I've been a bit lazy. :P Thanks for the motivation!
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    I'd love to!! Feel free to add