No, YOU lost 51 lbs for me

I wrote this little blog that'll take you only a second to read. Pwease? I mean, I can't possibly write something if no one is going to read it. Besides, you already wasted your time reading alllll of thiiiis, so might as well click on the link and read it. Oh, and go ahead and give it a little thumbs up since your cursor is already going to be over that little green button anyway :) -->


  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You sound like you're too hard on yourself. I am similar, I forget to give myself credit for my own achievements, and downplay them a lot. Not sure what'll fix it though :)
  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    I don't believe you feel like you don't deserve credit.