Sick of water, need suggestions

I find myself drinking less water everyday because I am just so sick of drinking water!! I can make myself just drink it but I find myself craving something to drink that is tasty, which unfortunatly means calories. I have a hard enough time eating just the amount I am supposed to everyday (I could eat way more but seem to have good willpower).

Any suggestions of low calorie flavored drinks? I have tried adding Crystal Light to my water and have been mildly successful with that but still want something different!



  • JustBeckyV
    I do the crystal light -they have so many flavors. Or I have used that MiO
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I've been using decaf tea with a little Splenda in it. I've also used some herbal teas for a different flavor. I have to use decaf because the caffeine keeps me awake, but according to WebMD and the Mayo Clinic, your fluids do not have to be pure water; tea, coffee, and even soda is still considered fluid. I avoid sodas because of the sodium (rather have salt on my food than in my drink!). Crystal Light is good, too. The thing about tea, though, is that certain teas have some health benefits in addition to flavor. Black teas, green teas, white teas, red teas...they all have some beneficial qualities. Try researching the health benefits of'll probably be surprised what you find.

    My favorite tea right now is Celestial Seasonings' Madagascar Vanilla Red (a rooibos tea)...yummy!
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    For something healthy, I'll brew some tea (usually green or black).

    For something not-so-healthy, I'll get a can of Diet Coke out of the vending machine.
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
    I have 1 diet caffeine free drink with my dinner and a crystal light packet in my water at lunch- plain water the rest of the day but it works for me and I don't get burned out.
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    I use MIO liquid water enhancher. Also instead of drinking pure orange juice( which is too sweet for me) I will make a drink with half water and half juice. Good luck

    BTW I actually water down all my juice drinks.
  • dolphin9803
    When I get sick of it I normally put the power aid packets in but those get very expensive so I recently switched to a generic version. Good Luck!!
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    I normally have a Gatorade.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i don't really like water to drink either,the only time i drink it is right after an exersice i have a pint of it after each one(2 a day),if you drink it right after exersice you gulp it down faster!!! lol and all the rest i have to drink at lunch/dinner with no sugar squash!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I have the same problem. I just don't like plain water. I buy the flavored Sparkling waters now. Giant Food, Target, Walmart.... all have their own brand with 0 calories, 0 salt, 0 everything. And there are some great flavors. I also always drink my water in a cup of ice.... just seems to taste better that way.
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    I get bored of just plain water easily myself, so I add lemon or lime to my water, which helps. Or you can add other fruits, as well.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Use Mio to add flavor to your water! It tastes so good and there are NO calories and NO sweetners! I don't know how they do it!!! =) I also like the "Honest Teas" with natural sweetners and some have lower calories, or the Sobe Life Water 0 calorie choices!
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    I'd try adding things to your water. A splash of fruit juice, mint (my absolute favorite!), and cucumber are all good ways to flavor up your water. You could try replacing a glass or 2 with sparkling water. Klarbrun (sp?) makes lime and lemon flavored sparkling waters that I love. Green tea is a good choice as well. It's not straight water, but it has a lot of health benefits. Otherwise, those Crystal Light things aren't terrible. I'm not a big fan, but that's because I'm picky sometimes. :)
  • ChristopherOren
    I do Lipton Green Tea. I brew it by the gallon and drink it all day.
  • mhopp71
    mhopp71 Posts: 46 Member
    Not everyone will agree with this and it may not work for everyone but I drink 2 liters of water but i still drink quite a bit of diet soda as well. I have lost 50 lbs since May and am maintaining just fine. Oh, and when possible, I buy the caffeine free
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I don't like drinking PLAIN water either.....I add either lemon, lime, cucumber or mint it makes it better for me. I will also once in a while drink that Sobe lifewater just to have some other flavor.
  • elmsallmissile
    Absolutely ANYTHING, and you don't NEED to drink the ridiculous amounts quoted.
  • futuremrsh_71412
    Thanks for the suggestions!! I will try some other flavors of crystal light and some teas as well....I want something warm to drink now that the weather is getting cooler!
  • GwynnBochanan
    GwynnBochanan Posts: 15 Member
    Lick others have suggested I drink herbal tea when I am sick of water, I like herbal tea because there are so many different flavors it's easy to switch it up if you want something sweet there are flavors like passion fruit or orange.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    For something warm, try sugar free apple cider packets. Just microwave water & pour the powder in.
  • dmitchell38358
    Alot of Ice half of a lemon sqeezed into it and water. It helps your system and to give you something new but no more that 2-3 times a day. Crystal Light . MiO . and I am big on teas hot or cold just watch the sugars (If your from the South you I allow enough in my calories for one soda a day it helps with the headaches.

    I also find a glass with a straw helps with getting the water down I try a darker one with a lid (mine a mental block of water ..I think).

    Good Luck!